In this episode, we'll transport you to a magical wedding at Bratislava Castle, filled with vibrant traditions, heartfelt vows, and the joyous celebration of love and friendship.
Sk: Na vrchu starého mesta sa týči Bratislavský hrad.
En: At the top of the old town stands Bratislava Castle.
Sk: V slnečnom poludnnom svetle hradné veže oslnivo žiarili.
En: In the bright midday sunlight, the castle towers shone dazzlingly.
Sk: Jakub, mladý muž so širokým úsmevom, stál pred vstupom na hradné nádvorie.
En: Jakub, a young man with a wide smile, stood in front of the entrance to the castle courtyard.
Sk: Dnes bol deň svadby jeho najbližších priateľov, Jany a Petra.
En: Today was the wedding day of his closest friends, Jana and Peter.
Sk: Jakub mal na sebe tradičný kroj.
En: Jakub wore traditional attire.
Sk: V jednej ruke držal kvetinovú otkovu a v druhej darček pre novomanželov.
En: In one hand, he held a bouquet of flowers, and in the other, a gift for the newlyweds.
Sk: Na nádvorí to žilo.
En: The courtyard was vibrant.
Sk: Každý bol oblečený v krásnych, farebných slovenských krojoch a veselý smiech sa niesol vzduchom.
En: Everyone was dressed in beautiful, colorful Slovak folk costumes, and cheerful laughter filled the air.
Sk: Jakub sa stretol s Janou pri vchode do hradnej katedrály.
En: Jakub met Jana at the entrance of the castle cathedral.
Sk: "Ahoj, Janka!
En: "Hello, Janka!
Sk: Si nádherná nevesta," povedal úprimne.
En: You are a beautiful bride," he said sincerely.
Sk: Janka sa usmiala a oči jej žiarili.
En: Jana smiled, her eyes shining.
Sk: "Ďakujem, Jakub.
En: "Thank you, Jakub.
Sk: Som taká šťastná, že si tu.
En: I'm so happy you're here."
Sk: "Obrado bol jednoduchý a krásny.
En: The ceremony was simple and beautiful.
Sk: Katedrála bola vyzdobená množstvom kvetín a dlhými stuhami.
En: The cathedral was decorated with numerous flowers and long ribbons.
Sk: Keď si Jana a Peter vymenili prstene a sľuby, všetci v publiku bolí dojato tleskali.
En: When Jana and Peter exchanged rings and vows, the entire audience clapped emotionally.
Sk: Po obrade nasledovala hostina na nádvorí pod veľkým stanom.
En: After the ceremony, a feast followed in the courtyard under a large tent.
Sk: Jakub sedel vedľa starého priateľa, Mareka.
En: Jakub sat next to an old friend, Marek.
Sk: "Tak čo, Jakub, ako sa ti páči svadba?
En: "So, Jakub, how do you like the wedding?"
Sk: " spýtal sa Marek.
En: Marek asked.
Sk: "Je to úžasné, cítim sa ako v rozprávke.
En: "It's amazing; I feel like I'm in a fairy tale.
Sk: Všetko je také krásne a tradičné," odpovedal Jakub s nadšením.
En: Everything is so beautiful and traditional," Jakub replied enthusiastically.
Sk: Jedlo bolo výborné.
En: The food was excellent.
Sk: Podávali sa tradičné slovenské jedlá ako bryndzové halušky, kapustnica a pečené mäso.
En: Traditional Slovak dishes such as bryndzové halušky, cabbage soup, and roast meat were served.
Sk: Po jedle začal tanec.
En: After the meal, the dancing began.
Sk: Ľudia vytvorili kruh a tradičná slovenská hudba naplnila nádvorie.
En: People formed a circle, and traditional Slovak music filled the courtyard.
Sk: Jakub tancoval s priateľmi a cítil sa neuveriteľne šťastný.
En: Jakub danced with friends and felt incredibly happy.
Sk: Keď slnko začalo zachádzať za hory, hostina a oslava pokračovali.
En: As the sun began to set behind the mountains, the feast and celebration continued.
Sk: Jakub sa rozhodol, že je čas dať svoj darček novomanželom.
En: Jakub decided it was time to give his gift to the newlyweds.
Sk: Podišiel k nim a s úsmevom im odovzdal malú, krásne zabalenú škatuľku.
En: He approached them and handed them a small, beautifully wrapped box with a smile.
Sk: Jana a Peter mu srdečne poďakovali.
En: Jana and Peter thanked him warmly.
Sk: Oslava trvala dlhé hodiny, až do neskorého večera.
En: The celebration lasted long into the night.
Sk: Jakub si užil každý okamih.
En: Jakub enjoyed every moment.
Sk: Spomienky na tento deň zostanú vždy v jeho srdci.
En: The memories of this day would always remain in his heart.
Sk: Pod Bratislavským hradom, na svadbe svojich priateľov, prežil jeden z najkrajších dní svojho života.
En: Under Bratislava Castle, at the wedding of his friends, he experienced one of the most beautiful days of his life.
Sk: A tak, keď sa vrátil domov, zaspal s úsmevom na tvári, premýšľajúc o tom, ako krásny je život plný priateľstva, lásky a tradícií.
En: And so, when he returned home, he fell asleep with a smile on his face, thinking about how beautiful life is, full of friendship, love, and traditions.