In this episode, we'll traverse the ancient stone pathways of Borobudur Temple with Adi and Siti, uncovering the rich history and spiritual tranquility that this UNESCO World Heritage site offers.
Id: Pagi itu, sinar matahari menyinari Candi Borobudur.
En: That morning, the sunlight illuminated Borobudur Temple.
Id: Adi dan Siti berdiri di pintu masuk candi, siap untuk petualangan baru.
En: Adi and Siti stood at the entrance of the temple, ready for a new adventure.
Id: Mereka berdua sangat senang bisa menjelajahi tempat bersejarah ini.
En: Both were very excited to explore this historical place.
Id: "Candi ini besar sekali, Siti!
En: "This temple is huge, Siti!"
Id: " kata Adi dengan mata berbinar-binar.
En: said Adi with sparkling eyes.
Id: "Iya, Adi.
En: "Yes, Adi.
Id: Candi Borobudur ini adalah salah satu warisan budaya dunia.
En: Borobudur Temple is one of the world heritage sites.
Id: Kita akan belajar banyak hal di sini," jawab Siti dengan senyum.
En: We will learn many things here," replied Siti with a smile.
Id: Mereka mulai berjalan naik menuju puncak candi.
En: They started to walk up towards the top of the temple.
Id: Tangganya berundak-undak dan terbuat dari batu.
En: The stairs were terraced and made of stone.
Id: Mereka berhenti sejenak di setiap tingkat untuk melihat relief yang terpahat di dinding.
En: They paused briefly at each level to look at the reliefs carved into the walls.
Id: "Siti, lihat ukiran ini!
En: "Siti, look at this carving!"
Id: " seru Adi.
En: exclaimed Adi.
Id: "Apakah kamu tahu apa artinya?
En: "Do you know what it means?"
Id: "Siti mendekat dan melihat relief tersebut.
En: Siti approached and examined the relief.
Id: "Ini menceritakan kisah kehidupan Buddha.
En: "This tells the story of Buddha's life.
Id: Lihat, ini adalah Buddha saat masih muda," jelas Siti.
En: Look, this is Buddha when he was young," explained Siti.
Id: Adi mengangguk.
En: Adi nodded.
Id: "Aku merasa seperti kembali ke masa lalu saat melihat semua ini.
En: "I feel like going back in time when I see all this."
Id: "Mereka terus menjelajah naik, melewati setiap tingkat.
En: They continued exploring upwards, passing through each level.
Id: Setiap tingkat memiliki cerita berbeda tentang ajaran Buddha.
En: Every level had a different story about Buddha's teachings.
Id: Adi dan Siti membaca setiap penjelasan dengan teliti.
En: Adi and Siti read each explanation carefully.
Id: Di puncak candi, mereka berdiri di samping stupa besar.
En: At the top of the temple, they stood beside the large stupa.
Id: Pemandangan dari atas sangat indah.
En: The view from the top was breathtaking.
Id: Seluruh dataran hijau terbentang luas di depan mata mereka.
En: The entire green plain stretched out before their eyes.
Id: "Siti, tempat ini sangat menakjubkan.
En: "Siti, this place is stunning.
Id: Aku merasa damai di sini," kata Adi sambil menghirup udara segar.
En: I feel peaceful here," said Adi while taking a deep breath of fresh air.
Id: "Benar, Adi.
En: "You're right, Adi.
Id: Candi ini bukan hanya indah, tapi juga penuh dengan sejarah dan makna.
En: This temple is not only beautiful but also full of history and meaning.
Id: Kita harus menjaga dan merawatnya," kata Siti dengan mata berbinar.
En: We must preserve and take care of it," said Siti with sparkling eyes.
Id: Mereka pun duduk di sebelah stupa, meresapi keheningan dan ketenangan yang ada.
En: They then sat beside the stupa, soaking in the silence and tranquility.
Id: Waktu pun terasa berjalan begitu lambat, seolah mengajak mereka untuk merenung lebih dalam.
En: Time seemed to move slowly, as if inviting them to contemplate more deeply.
Id: "Tadi aku membaca bahwa candi ini dibangun pada abad ke-8," kata Siti.
En: "I read earlier that this temple was built in the 8th century," said Siti.
Id: "Masa itu, candi ini adalah pusat ziarah dan pembelajaran bagi penganut Buddha.
En: "At that time, this temple was a center for pilgrimage and learning for Buddhists."
Id: "Adi menatap relief di sekeliling mereka.
En: Adi gazed at the reliefs around them.
Id: "Kini aku lebih menghargai sejarah dan kebudayaan kita.
En: "Now I appreciate our history and culture even more.
Id: Terima kasih sudah mengajakku ke sini, Siti.
En: Thank you for bringing me here, Siti."
Id: "Saat matahari mulai terbenam, Adi dan Siti turun dari candi dengan hati yang penuh rasa syukur dan pengetahuan baru.
En: As the sun began to set, Adi and Siti descended from the temple with hearts full of gratitude and new knowledge.
Id: Mereka berdua telah menyaksikan kebesaran sejarah dan belajar tentang kehidupan Buddha.
En: They had witnessed the grandeur of history and learned about Buddha's life.
Id: "Petualangan kita hari ini benar-benar luar biasa, Adi," kata Siti saat mereka melangkah keluar dari kompleks candi.
En: "Our adventure today was truly amazing, Adi," said Siti as they stepped out of the temple complex.
Id: "Iya, Siti.
En: "Yes, Siti.
Id: Aku tidak sabar untuk menceritakan semua ini kepada teman-teman kita," jawab Adi dengan senyum lebar.
En: I can't wait to tell all our friends about this," replied Adi with a wide smile.
Id: Dan dengan demikian, Adi dan Siti pulang dengan membawa kenangan indah dan pengetahuan baru.
En: And so, Adi and Siti returned home carrying beautiful memories and new knowledge.
Id: Mereka berjanji akan kembali suatu hari nanti untuk kembali belajar dan mengingat kebesaran budaya mereka.
En: They promised to come back one day to learn more and remember the greatness of their culture.