In this episode, we'll accompany Jana on her adventurous visit to Bratislava Castle, where a stunning view leads to an unexpected twist and an inspiring tale of resilience.
Sk: Jedného krásneho rána na jar sa Jana rozhodla navštíviť Bratislavský hrad.
En: One beautiful spring morning, Jana decided to visit Bratislava Castle.
Sk: Jana miluje históriu a krásne výhľady, pretože z hradu vidieť celé mesto a rieku Dunaj.
En: Jana loves history and beautiful views because from the castle, one can see the whole city and the Danube River.
Sk: Bola to jej prvá návšteva tohto hradu.
En: It was her first visit to this castle.
Sk: Jana sa prechádzala po nádvorí hradu.
En: Jana strolled around the castle courtyard.
Sk: Obdivovala staré múry, veže a krásne záhrady.
En: She admired the old walls, towers, and beautiful gardens.
Sk: Bolo tam veľa turistov, ktorí sa tiež tešili slnečnému dňu.
En: There were many tourists who were also enjoying the sunny day.
Sk: Jana mala dobrú náladu a fotila si všetko, čo videla.
En: Jana was in a good mood and took photos of everything she saw.
Sk: Po chvíli sa rozhodla, že pôjde hore na vyhliadkovú vežu.
En: After a while, she decided to go up to the observation tower.
Sk: Cesta na vežu bola dlhá a úzka, ale Jana sa nevzdávala.
En: The path to the tower was long and narrow, but Jana did not give up.
Sk: Krok po kroku zdolávala strmé schody.
En: Step by step, she climbed the steep stairs.
Sk: Vedela, že výhľad zhora bude stáť za to.
En: She knew the view from the top would be worth it.
Sk: Keď sa dostala na vrchol veže, bola očarená krásnym pohľadom.
En: When she reached the top of the tower, she was enchanted by the beautiful view.
Sk: Videla celú Bratislavu, rieku a aj okolité hory.
En: She saw the whole of Bratislava, the river, and the surrounding mountains.
Sk: Strávila tam niekoľko minút a fotila si všetko.
En: She spent several minutes there, capturing everything in photos.
Sk: Potom sa rozhodla, že pôjde naspäť dole.
En: Then she decided to head back down.
Sk: Cesta dole bola ešte náročnejšia.
En: The way down was even more challenging.
Sk: Schodiská boli úzke a strmé.
En: The staircases were narrow and steep.
Sk: Jana išla pomaly a opatrne, ale zrazu zakopla o jeden schod.
En: Jana went slowly and carefully, but suddenly she tripped on one of the steps.
Sk: Spadla dole a pocítila ostrú bolesť v členku.
En: She fell down and felt a sharp pain in her ankle.
Sk: "Dúfam, že je to len modrina," pomyslela si Jana, keď sa pokúšala vstať.
En: "I hope it's just a bruise," Jana thought as she tried to stand up.
Sk: Skúšala chodiť, ale bolesť bola príliš silná.
En: She tried to walk, but the pain was too strong.
Sk: Vedela, že si vyvrtla členok.
En: She knew she had sprained her ankle.
Sk: Jana sa posadila na schody a čakala na pomoc.
En: Jana sat down on the stairs and waited for help.
Sk: Našťastie, jeden turista, ktorý išiel tiež dole, uvidel Janu.
En: Fortunately, a tourist who was also coming down saw Jana.
Sk: "Si v poriadku?
En: "Are you okay?"
Sk: " spýtal sa starostlivo.
En: he asked with concern.
Sk: Jana mu povedala o svojom členku.
En: Jana told him about her ankle.
Sk: Turista zavolal záchrannú službu.
En: The tourist called emergency services.
Sk: O pár minút prišla pomoc.
En: Help arrived within a few minutes.
Sk: Záchranári Janě opatrne pomohli a odviezli ju do nemocnice.
En: The paramedics carefully assisted Jana and took her to the hospital.
Sk: V nemocnici jej doktor povedal, že to je len ľahké vyvrtnutie a že sa to rýchlo zahojí.
En: At the hospital, the doctor told her it was just a mild sprain and it would heal quickly.
Sk: Jana bola vďačná za pomoc a s úsmevom sa rozlúčila s doktorom.
En: Jana was grateful for the help and bid farewell to the doctor with a smile.
Sk: Hoci jej bolesť členka prekazila plány, bola šťastná, že videla krásny výhľad z Bratislavského hradu.
En: Although the pain in her ankle disrupted her plans, she was happy to have seen the beautiful view from Bratislava Castle.
Sk: Na konci dňa sa Jana vrátila domov.
En: At the end of the day, Jana returned home.
Sk: Povedala svojej rodine a priateľom o svojom dobrodružstve.
En: She told her family and friends about her adventure.
Sk: Skončila deň s úsmevom a vedomím, že aj malá nehoda ju nemôže odradiť od objavovania krás Slovenska.
En: She ended the day with a smile and the knowledge that even a small mishap couldn't deter her from exploring the beauties of Slovakia.