In this episode, we'll journey with Martí and Jordi as they discover that sometimes the best things in life come from taking risks and stepping out of our comfort zone.
Ca: Era una nit de divendres quan Martí i Jordi van entrar a un bar local.
En: It was a Friday night when Martí and Jordi entered a local bar.
Ca: El lloc estava ple de gent que bevia i celebrava el final de la setmana.
En: The place was full of people drinking and celebrating the end of the week.
Ca: Martí i Jordi es van asseure al costat de la barra i van demanar una cervesa.
En: Martí and Jordi sat by the bar and ordered a beer.
Ca: Va ser llavors quan van veure la Laia asseguda a una taula al costat de la finestra.
En: It was then that they saw Laia sitting at a table by the window.
Ca: Era una noia bonica amb cabell llarg i vestit negre.
En: She was a beautiful girl with long hair and a black dress.
Ca: Martí i Jordi es van mirar i van començar a xerrar sobre qui aniria a parlar amb ella.
En: Martí and Jordi looked at each other and started chatting about who was going to talk to her.
Ca: Finalment, els dos van decidir que anirien tots dos per presentar-se.
En: Finally, the two decided that they would both go to introduce themselves.
Ca: Quan van arribar a la taula de Laia, van córrer les cadires i se li van presentar.
En: When they reached Laia's table, they ran around the chairs and introduced themselves to her.
Ca: Laia va somriure i els va dir que estava encantada de conèixer-los, però que ja tenia una cita amb la seva copa de vi.
En: Laia smiled and told them that she was pleased to meet them, but that she already had a date with her glass of wine.
Ca: Martí i Jordi van parlar amb ella una estona més, però van acabar deixant-la sola de nou.
En: Martí and Jordi talked to her for a while longer, but ended up leaving her alone again.
Ca: Mentre bevien les seves cerveses, Martí i Jordi es van adonar que s'estaven sentint una mica sols.
En: While drinking their beers, Martí and Jordi realized that they were feeling a little lonely.
Ca: Van observar al voltant del bar i van veure un grup de nois que jugaven a dards.
En: They looked around the bar and saw a group of guys playing darts.
Ca: Van decidir que intentarien unir-se a ells per passar una bona estona.
En: They decided they would try to join them for a good time.
Ca: El grup de nois els va acollir amb els braços oberts i els va ensenyar a jugar.
En: The group of boys welcomed them with open arms and taught them how to play.
Ca: Martí i Jordi ho van fer bastant bé i tots van passar una bona estona jugant i rient plegats.
En: Martí and Jordi did quite well and they all had a good time playing and laughing together.
Ca: Quan van acabar de jugar, Martí i Jordi van tornar a la barra per demanar més begudes.
En: When they finished playing, Martí and Jordi went back to the bar to order more drinks.
Ca: Va ser llavors quan van veure que Laia estava sola de nou, després que la seva companya se n'anés.
En: That's when they saw that Laia was alone again, after her companion left.
Ca: Martí i Jordi van decidir que ja era prou timidesa i que havien de ser valents.
En: Martí and Jordi decided that it was enough shyness and that they had to be brave.
Ca: Van caminar fins a la taula de Laia i li van demanar si volia juntar-se a ells per jugar a dards.
En: They walked over to Laia's table and asked her if she wanted to join them for a game of darts.
Ca: Laia va acceptar i els tres van anar a jugar junts.
En: Laia agreed and the three went to play together.
Ca: Van passar una estona increïble i van riure molt.
En: They had an amazing time and laughed a lot.
Ca: Martí i Jordi es van adonar que havien estat massa tímids al principi i van veure que a vegades cal ser valents i arriscar-se per conèixer a algú nou i passar una bona estona.
En: Martí and Jordi realized that they had been too shy in the beginning and saw that sometimes you have to be brave and take risks to meet someone new and have a good time.
Ca: Quan van acabar de jugar, Laia va agraïr Martí i Jordi pel divertit vespre que van passar junts i va dir que els veuria durant la propera nit de divendres al mateix lloc.
En: When they finished playing, Laia thanked Martí and Jordi for the fun evening they spent together and said she would see them next Friday night at the same place.
Ca: Martí i Jordi van marxar del bar amb un gran somriure al rostre.
En: Martí and Jordi left the bar with big smiles on their faces.
Ca: Van saber que havien fet dos nous amics i que els noranta minuts que van estar junts van ser inoblidables.
En: They knew they had made two new friends and that the ninety minutes they spent together were unforgettable.