In this episode, we'll journey through the vibrant streets of Rovinj and enter the Church of Saint Euphemia, where three determined individuals blend tradition and innovation to restore an ancient fresco, forging stronger bonds and learning invaluable lessons along the way.
Hr: Sunce je blistalo nad Rovinjom.
En: The sun was shining brightly over Rovinj.
Hr: Kroz uske, kaldrmisane ulice Stare gradske jezgre širila se mirisna svježina Jadranskog mora.
En: Through the narrow, cobblestone streets of the Old Town, the fresh scent of the Adriatic Sea spread.
Hr: Cvijeće je visilo s prozora starih kuća, a crkva svete Eufemije stajala je ponosno.
En: Flowers hung from the windows of old houses, and the Church of Saint Euphemia stood proudly.
Hr: Unutar crkve, Luka, Iva i Marko radili su na obnovi stare freske.
En: Inside the church, Luka, Iva, and Marko were working on the restoration of an old fresco.
Hr: Luka je bio temeljiti restaurator umjetnina.
En: Luka was a meticulous art restorer.
Hr: Iva je bila strastvena studentica povijesti umjetnosti.
En: Iva was a passionate art history student.
Hr: Marko je bio iskusni lokalni vodič, povezan s poviješću crkve.
En: Marko was an experienced local guide, connected to the history of the church.
Hr: Luka je imao tajnu ambiciju – želio je postati poznat slikar.
En: Luka had a secret ambition—he wanted to become a famous painter.
Hr: Iva je željela praktično iskustvo za svoje studije.
En: Iva wanted practical experience for her studies.
Hr: Marko je, međutim, želio očuvati lokalnu baštinu.
En: Marko, however, wanted to preserve the local heritage.
Hr: Jednog jutra, Luka je predložio novu tehniku za obnovu freske.
En: One morning, Luka proposed a new technique for restoring the fresco.
Hr: Marko je odmahne glavom.
En: Marko shook his head.
Hr: "Ne, to je previše riskantno," reče on.
En: "No, that’s too risky," he said.
Hr: "Moramo se držati tradicije.
En: "We need to stick to tradition."
Hr: "Iva je pokušavala biti posrednik.
En: Iva tried to be a mediator.
Hr: "Možda možemo naći kompromis," rekla je nježno.
En: "Maybe we can find a compromise," she said gently.
Hr: Luka ju je pogledao sumnjičavo, ali ona je nastavila, "Važno je kombinirati stare i nove metode.
En: Luka looked at her skeptically, but she continued, "It’s important to combine old and new methods."
Hr: "Marko je bio uporan.
En: Marko was persistent.
Hr: "Ovo je dio naše povijesti.
En: "This is part of our history.
Hr: Ne možemo eksperimentirati.
En: We can’t experiment."
Hr: "No, Luka je bio odlučan.
En: But Luka was determined.
Hr: "Riskirat ću.
En: "I’ll take the risk.
Hr: Ako uspijemo, svi će pričati o nama.
En: If we succeed, everyone will talk about us."
Hr: "Kako su dani prolazili, napetost je rasla.
En: As days passed, the tension grew.
Hr: Jednog dana, došlo je do krize.
En: One day, a crisis erupted.
Hr: Dio freske počeo je propadati.
En: A part of the fresco started to deteriorate.
Hr: Luka je osjetio težinu odgovornosti.
En: Luka felt the weight of responsibility.
Hr: Marko je bio ljut.
En: Marko was furious.
Hr: Iva je odmah predložila hitan plan obnove.
En: Iva immediately proposed an urgent restoration plan.
Hr: "Trebamo zajedno raditi," rekla je odlučno.
En: "We need to work together," she said firmly.
Hr: "Kombinirajmo metode.
En: "Let’s combine the methods.
Hr: Stara i nova tehnika mogu spasiti fresku.
En: Old and new techniques can save the fresco."
Hr: "Luka je uzdahnuo.
En: Luka sighed.
Hr: Znao je da mora cijeniti tradicionalne metode.
En: He knew he had to appreciate traditional methods.
Hr: Marko je, iako nevoljko, pristao.
En: Marko, though reluctant, agreed.
Hr: Nisu imali izbora.
En: They had no choice.
Hr: Radili su marljivo.
En: They worked diligently.
Hr: Kombinacija starih i novih tehnika pokazala se uspješnom.
En: The combination of old and new techniques proved successful.
Hr: Freska je zasjala u svom starom sjaju, ali s dodirom modernog.
En: The fresco shone in its old glory, but with a touch of the modern.
Hr: Marko je konačno priznao, "Ponekad, inovacija i tradicija moraju ići zajedno.
En: Marko finally admitted, "Sometimes, innovation and tradition need to go together."
Hr: "Luka je naučio važnu lekciju.
En: Luka learned an important lesson.
Hr: "Cijenim tvoje znanje, Marko.
En: "I appreciate your knowledge, Marko.
Hr: Tvoje metode su neprocjenjive.
En: Your methods are invaluable."
Hr: "Iva je bila sretna.
En: Iva was happy.
Hr: Stekla je neprocjenjivo iskustvo i bolje razumijevanje obnove.
En: She gained invaluable experience and a better understanding of restoration.
Hr: Dok su stajali pred freskom, osjećali su se ponosno.
En: As they stood before the fresco, they felt proud.
Hr: Spojem svojih snaga, uspjeli su.
En: By combining their strengths, they succeeded.
Hr: Crkva svete Eufemije sjajila je novim životom, a njihova prijateljstva bila su jača nego ikad.
En: The Church of Saint Euphemia gleamed with new life, and their friendships were stronger than ever.
Hr: Kroz povjetarac Jadranskog mora odzvanjao je njihov uspjeh.
En: Through the Adriatic breeze, their success resonated.
Hr: I u srcu Rovinja, stara crkva sjajila je kao svjedok njihove zajedničke pobjede.
En: And in the heart of Rovinj, the old church shone as a witness to their joint victory.