In this episode, we'll embark on a language-filled adventure in the heart of Barcelona, where a simple request for a beer becomes a lively game of communication, forging unexpected friendships and proving that language barriers can bring people closer than ever before.
Ca: Era una tarda assolellada a Barcelona i Marc tenia molta set.
En: It was a sunny afternoon in Barcelona and Marc was very thirsty.
Ca: Va decidir anar a un bar a prop per demanar una cervesa ben fresca.
En: He decided to go to a nearby bar to order a cold beer.
Ca: Quan va entrar al bar, va notar que estava ple de gent.
En: When he entered the bar, he noticed that it was full of people.
Ca: S'havia de donar una mica de pressa per trobar un lloc on seure.
En: You had to hurry to find a place to sit.
Ca: Marc es va acostar a la barra i va saludar el cambrer.
En: Marc walked up to the bar and greeted the bartender.
Ca: Però, quan el va escoltar parlar en castellà, va saber que hi hauria un petit problema.
En: But when she heard him speak in Spanish, she knew there was going to be a little problem.
Ca: El fort accent de Marc feia difícil que el cambrer català comprengués la seva petició.
En: Marc's strong accent made it difficult for the Catalan waiter to understand his request.
Ca: "-Una cervesa, si us plau", va dir Marc amb el seu accent català tan marcat.
En: "-A beer, please," said Marc in his strong Catalan accent.
Ca: El cambrer, confós, va respondre en castellà: "¿Una cerveza?
En: The waiter, confused, replied in Spanish: "A beer?
Ca: Sí, claro, ahora mismo".
En: Yes, claro, ahora mismo."
Ca: Marc no es va donar per vençut.
En: Marc did not give up.
Ca: Va provar de nuevo, però aquesta vegada en castellà: "A beer, please".
En: He tried de nuevo, but this time in Spanish: "A beer, please."
Ca: El cambrer va somriure, tot i que encara no entenia completament.
En: The waiter smiled, though he still didn't fully understand.
Ca: Va respondre: "Sure thing, mate.
En: He replied: "Sure thing, mate.
Ca: One beer, coming right up".
En: One beer, coming right up."
Ca: La gent del bar havia estat observant aquesta escena divertida i ràpidament es van unir al joc lingüístic.
En: The people at the bar had been watching this amusing scene and quickly joined in the language game.
Ca: Van animar a Marc i el cambrer a continuar intentant comunicar-se en les dues llengües, fent riure a tots els presents.
En: They encouraged Marc and the waiter to continue trying to communicate in both languages, making everyone present laugh.
Ca: Marc va intentar dir: "Una cervesa ben freda, si us plau".
En: Marc tried to say, "A cold beer, please."
Ca: El cambrer va respondre: "A very cold beer?
En: The bartender replied, "A very cold beer?
Ca: Got it.
En: Got it.
Ca: You're gonna love it".
En: You're gonna love it."
Ca: Van seguir jugant amb aquesta interacció amistosa durant una estona.
En: They continued to play with this friendly interaction for a while.
Ca: Marc va aprendre algunes paraules en castellà i el cambrer va intentar pronunciar algunes paraules en català.
En: Marc learned some words in Spanish and the waiter tried to pronounce some words in Catalan.
Ca: Tot i això, el més important era que havien aconseguit comprendre's el suficient com perquè Marc obtingués la seva cervesa ben freda.
En: However, the most important thing was that they had managed to understand each other enough for Marc to get his beer cold.
Ca: Quan la cervesa arribava a les seves mans, tot el bar va aplaudir i riure.
En: As the beer reached his hands, the entire bar clapped and laughed.
Ca: Marc i el cambrer es van fer un somriure còmplice.
En: Marc and the waiter gave each other a complicit smile.
Ca: Tot i les diferències lingüístiques, havien trobat una manera divertida de comunicar-se i fer amics.
En: Despite the language differences, they had found a fun way to communicate and make friends.
Ca: Feliçment, Marc va gaudir de la seva cervesa refrescant mentre conversava amb algunes de les persones que havien estat espectadores d'aquesta escena.
En: Fortunately, Marc enjoyed his refreshing beer while chatting with some of the people who had been spectators to this scene.
Ca: Van parlar sobre les seves vides, la ciutat de Barcelona i les seves passarel·les culturals.
En: They talked about their lives, the city of Barcelona and its cultural gateways.
Ca: Quan Marc va acabar la seva cervesa, es va acomiadar del bar i dels seus nous amics.
En: When Marc finished his beer, he said goodbye to the bar and his new friends.
Ca: S'havia divertit molt i havia après que les diferències lingüístiques no havien de ser un obstacle per a la comunicació.
En: He had had a lot of fun and learned that language differences should not be an obstacle to communication.
Ca: Va marxar amb un somriure als llavis i la satisfacció de compartir moments agradables enmig de la diversitat de Barcelona.
En: He left with a smile on his face and the satisfaction of sharing pleasant moments amidst the diversity of Barcelona.
Ca: Aquella tarda, aquest petit bar de Barcelona havia sigut més que un simple lloc per a prendre una cervesa.
En: That afternoon, this small bar in Barcelona had been more than just a place to have a beer.
Ca: S'havia convertit en un lloc on les barreres lingüístiques es convertien en un joc divertit que creava una atmosfera d'amistat i alegria.
En: It had become a place where language barriers became a fun game that created an atmosphere of friendship and joy.