In this episode, we'll uncover the hidden secret that powered Cape Town's revival and follow three young adventurers who changed their city's fate forever.
Af: In die verlede, was Kaapstad 'n gewone stad, met gewone mense wat gewone lewens gelei het.
En: In the past, Cape Town was an ordinary city, with ordinary people living ordinary lives.
Af: Maar alles het verander die dag toe die koepel gebou is.
En: But everything changed the day the dome was built.
Af: Die koepel beskerm die stad teen skadelike strale van die son.
En: The dome protected the city from the harmful rays of the sun.
Af: Dit was onmisbaar in 'n wêreld waar die son al sterker en gevaarliker geword het.
En: It was indispensable in a world where the sun had become increasingly stronger and more dangerous.
Af: Johan was 'n nuuskierige seun wat daarvan gehou het om nuwe dinge te ontdek.
En: Johan was a curious boy who loved discovering new things.
Af: Saam met sy jonger suster, Annelize, en hul vriend, Pieter, het hulle altyd avonture beleef in die groot stad.
En: Along with his younger sister, Annelize, and their friend, Pieter, they always had adventures in the big city.
Af: Op 'n dag besluit die drie vriende om na die rand van die stad te gaan, waar net 'n paar mense durf waag.
En: One day, the three friends decided to go to the edge of the city, where only a few people dared to venture.
Af: "Kom ons gaan kyk of ons iets nuuts ontdek," sê Johan met 'n glimlag.
En: "Let's see if we can discover something new," Johan said with a smile.
Af: Hulle loop vir ure, en op 'n plek waar ou geboue inmekaarstort, sien hulle iets blink onder die rommel.
En: They walked for hours, and in a place where old buildings were collapsing, they saw something shiny under the rubble.
Af: Dis 'n ou boek, vol oulike sketse en vreemde simbole.
En: It was an old book, full of cute sketches and strange symbols.
Af: "Wat dink julle is dit?
En: "What do you think this is?"
Af: " vra Annelize verbaas.
En: asked Annelize, surprised.
Af: "Ek weet nie, maar dit lyk belangrik," antwoord Pieter terwyl hy die boek oopmaak.
En: "I don't know, but it looks important," replied Pieter as he opened the book.
Af: Die boek beskryf 'n antieke bron van hernubare energie wat onder die stad se grond begrawe is.
En: The book described an ancient source of renewable energy buried beneath the city's ground.
Af: Dit sê dat hierdie energiebron genoeg krag kan voorsien om die hele stad vir altyd te laat funksioneer, sonder enige besoedeling.
En: It said that this energy source could provide enough power to keep the entire city running forever, without any pollution.
Af: "Ons moet dit aan die stadsraad wys," stel Johan voor.
En: "We should show this to the city council," Johan suggested.
Af: Hulle hardloop terug deur die strate, totdat hulle uiteindelik by die stadsaal aankom.
En: They ran back through the streets until they finally arrived at the city hall.
Af: Die raad lede luister aandagtig na hulle storie en neem die boek om dit te bestudeer.
En: The council members listened attentively to their story and took the book to study it.
Af: Na weke van navorsing en grawe, ontdek die werkers 'n groot kristal onder die grond.
En: After weeks of research and digging, the workers discovered a large crystal beneath the ground.
Af: Die kristal straal 'n helder lig uit en begin dadelik energie af te gee.
En: The crystal emitted a bright light and immediately began to release energy.
Af: Met hierdie kragbron, het Kaapstad nooit weer 'n energietekort nie.
En: With this power source, Cape Town never had an energy shortage again.
Af: Die koepel beskerm steeds die stad, maar nou was daar 'n nuwe gevoel van hoop en voorspoed.
En: The dome still protected the city, but now there was a new sense of hope and prosperity.
Af: Johan, Annelize, en Pieter het geweet hulle het 'n groot verskil gemaak.
En: Johan, Annelize, and Pieter knew they had made a huge difference.
Af: Die stad was weer lewendig en vol energie.
En: The city was alive again and full of energy.
Af: Die vriende het nou altyd 'n storie om te vertel oor hoe hulle 'n beter toekoms vir almal gevind het.
En: The friends now always had a story to tell about how they found a better future for everyone.
Af: En so het hulle die helde van Kaapstad geword.
En: And so, they became the heroes of Cape Town.
Af: Einde.
En: The end.