In this episode, we'll join Marta, Gerard, and Anna on a culinary adventure through the charming streets of Barcelona, complete with hilarious misunderstandings and delicious dishes to savor.
Ca: Marta, Gerard i Anna estaven passejant pel carrer a la recerca d'un lloc on dinar a la bonica ciutat de Barcelona.
En: Marta, Gerard and Anna were walking down the street looking for a place to have lunch in the beautiful city of Barcelona.
Ca: Finalment, van trobar un restaurant a la Plaça Reial.
En: Finally, they found a restaurant in Plaça Reial.
Ca: Era molt ple de gent, però van aconseguir trobar una taula lliure.
En: It was very crowded, but they managed to find a free table.
Ca: Quan van mirar el menú, van veure paraules que no entenien.
En: When they looked at the menu, they saw words they didn't understand.
Ca: Gerard va veure una paraula que li va cridar l'atenció: "formage".
En: Gerard saw a word that caught his eye: "cheese."
Ca: Va pensar que era una mena de formatge exòtic.
En: He thought it was some kind of exotic cheese.
Ca: Va demanar al cambrer si podia portar-los un plat de "formage", però el cambrer va semblar confós.
En: He asked the waiter if he could bring them a plate of "cheese", but the waiter looked confused.
Ca: Marta i Anna van començar a riure per la confusió de Gerard.
En: Marta and Anna started laughing at Gerard's confusion.
Ca: El cambrer els va demanar si sabien que el "formage" era només formatge en català.
En: The waiter asked them if they knew that "cheese" was just cheese in Catalan.
Ca: Gerard es va posar colorat, però va riure junt amb elles.
En: Gerard blushed, but laughed along with them.
Ca: El cambrer va fer diverses recomanacions i van acabar demanant pa amb tomàquet, paella i sangria.
En: The waiter made several recommendations and they ended up ordering bread with tomato, paella and sangria.
Ca: La paella era tan deliciosa que es van llepar els dits, i la sangria els va refrescar en el dia calorós de Barcelona.
En: The paella was so delicious that they licked their fingers, and the sangria refreshed them on the hot day in Barcelona.
Ca: Després de dinar, van decidir continuar els seus passejos per Barcelona.
En: After lunch, they decided to continue their walks around Barcelona.
Ca: Van caminar pel Barri Gòtic i van visitar la Catedral de Barcelona.
En: They walked through the Gothic Quarter and visited the Cathedral of Barcelona.
Ca: Va ser una tarda meravellosa i van fer moltes fotos per recordar el seu viatge.
En: It was a wonderful afternoon and they took lots of pictures to remember their trip.
Ca: Finalment, van tornar al seu hotel, cansats però feliços de les aventures d'aquell dia.
En: Finally, they returned to their hotel, tired but happy from the day's adventures.
Ca: Recordaven el moment en què van descobrir la paraula "formage" i es van riure alegrement.
En: They remembered the moment they discovered the word "cheese" and laughed happily.
Ca: Era un bon record que portarien amb ells per sempre.
En: It was a good memory that they would carry with them forever.