In this episode, we'll join Jana, Martin, and Lukas on their exhilarating and bonding journey to conquer the summit of Rysy in the stunning Tatras mountains.
Sk: Slnečné ráno v Tatrách privítalo Janu, Martina a Lukasa s jasnou oblohou a sviežim vzduchom.
En: A sunny morning in the Tatras welcomed Jana, Martin, and Lukas with a clear sky and fresh air.
Sk: Stáli pred turistickou mapou.
En: They stood in front of a hiking map.
Sk: Ich cieľ bol jasný – vrchol Rysy.
En: Their goal was clear — the summit of Rysy.
Sk: „Ste pripravení?“ opýtal sa Martin, s ruksakom na chrbte a usmevom na tvári.
En: "Are you ready?" asked Martin, with a backpack on his back and a smile on his face.
Sk: „Áno!“ odpovedala Jana nadšene.
En: "Yes!" Jana replied enthusiastically.
Sk: „Poďme do toho,“ dodal Lukas a krokom vpustil priateľov na turistickú trasu.
En: "Let's do it," added Lukas as he stepped onto the hiking trail with his friends.
Sk: Trasa bola krásna.
En: The trail was beautiful.
Sk: Stromy vytvárali zelený tunel.
En: Trees formed a green tunnel.
Sk: Sem-tam sa objavil pestrofarebný kvet.
En: Here and there, colorful flowers appeared.
Sk: Malý potok bublal a prinášal osvieženie.
En: A small stream babbled, bringing refreshment.
Sk: „Toto je úžasné,“ povedala Jana, keď prešli cez drevený mostík.
En: "This is amazing," said Jana as they crossed a wooden bridge.
Sk: Po dvoch hodinách chôdze prišli k prvému odpočinkovému miestu.
En: After two hours of walking, they reached the first resting place.
Sk: Posadili sa na kamene. Jedli sendviče a pili čerstvú vodu.
En: They sat on rocks, ate sandwiches, and drank fresh water.
Sk: „Tu začína ťažšia časť,“ varoval Martin, ukazujúc na strmý výstup.
En: "Here begins the difficult part," Martin warned, pointing to a steep ascent.
Sk: Jana a Lukas prikývli.
En: Jana and Lukas nodded.
Sk: Zhlboka sa nadýchli a pokračovali.
En: They took a deep breath and continued.
Sk: Cesta sa stala ťažšou.
En: The path became more difficult.
Sk: Šliapali hore prudkým kopcom. Občas museli prekonať skalné schody.
En: They trudged up a steep hill, occasionally having to navigate rocky steps.
Sk: Slnko stúpalo vyššie.
En: The sun climbed higher.
Sk: Pot stekal po ich čelách.
En: Sweat trickled down their foreheads.
Sk: Jana zastala a ukázala na krásny výhľad.
En: Jana stopped and pointed to a beautiful view.
Sk: „Pozrite na tie doliny!“ zvolala so širokým úsmevom.
En: "Look at those valleys!" she exclaimed with a wide smile.
Sk: Cesta na Rysy bola náročná, ale odmenou bola nádherná krajina.
En: The journey to Rysy was challenging, but the reward was a breathtaking landscape.
Sk: V jednom momente sa však zatiahla obloha a začal fúkať silný vietor.
En: At one moment, however, the sky darkened and a strong wind began to blow.
Sk: „Rýchlo, musíme sa skryť,“ kričal Lukas.
En: "Quickly, we need to find shelter," shouted Lukas.
Sk: Našťastie, našli úkryt za veľkým kameňom.
En: Fortunately, they found refuge behind a large rock.
Sk: Búrka prešla rýchlo.
En: The storm passed quickly.
Sk: Po nej sa im otvoril výhľad na vrchol hory.
En: After it, they had a clear view of the mountain's summit.
Sk: „Ešte kúsok,“ povzbudil Martin.
En: "Just a bit more," encouraged Martin.
Sk: Posledné kroky boli najťažšie.
En: The last steps were the hardest.
Sk: Vysoký výstup im bral dych.
En: The steep ascent took their breath away.
Sk: Ale nič ich nezastavilo.
En: But nothing stopped them.
Sk: Jana, Martin a Lukas konečne dosiahli vrchol.
En: Jana, Martin, and Lukas finally reached the summit.
Sk: „Sme tu!“ zvolala Jana so šťastným smiechom.
En: "We're here!" Jana shouted with happy laughter.
Sk: Vzduch na vrchole bol čistý a čerstvý.
En: The air at the top was clean and fresh.
Sk: Výhľad bol nádherný.
En: The view was magnificent.
Sk: Všade naokolo videli vrcholky hôr a nekonečné obzory.
En: Everywhere around, they saw mountain peaks and endless horizons.
Sk: „Takéto dobrodružstvá sú nezabudnuteľné,“ povedal Lukas.
En: "Such adventures are unforgettable," said Lukas.
Sk: „Správne,“ súhlasil Martin.
En: "Indeed," agreed Martin.
Sk: „Takéto chvíle nás spájajú.“
En: "Moments like these bond us together."
Sk: Stáli spolu na vrchole Rysov a užívali si pocit úspechu.
En: They stood together on the summit of Rysy, reveling in the feeling of accomplishment.
Sk: Zoči hôr, vedeli, že každý krok stál za to.
En: Looking out at the mountains, they knew every step was worth it.
Sk: Výlet do Tatier bol pre nich nezabudnuteľným zážitkom.
En: The trip to the Tatras was an unforgettable experience for them.
Sk: Vracali sa domov s novým zážitkom a silnejším priateľstvom.
En: They returned home with new memories and a stronger friendship.