In this episode, we'll witness Lars' courageous journey to conquer his fear of the ice and find his true strength in the snowy mountains of Norway.
Nb: Når solen vinker god morgen til Norge, våkner Lars og Ingrid.
En: When the sun waves good morning to Norway, Lars and Ingrid wake up.
Nb: De bor i et lite trehus i det snødekte fjell.
En: They live in a small wooden house in the snowy mountains.
Nb: Ingrid er ofte sterk og modig.
En: Ingrid is often strong and brave.
Nb: Lars, men han er litt mer redd.
En: Lars, on the other hand, is a bit more afraid.
Nb: Særlig for is.
En: Especially of ice.
Nb: Lars svinger skistavene gjennom isen.
En: Lars swings his ski poles through the ice.
Nb: Han er på langrenn.
En: He is cross-country skiing.
Nb: Plutselig, med et phooomp, faller Lars!
En: Suddenly, with a phooomp, Lars falls!
Nb: Akkurat på isen.
En: Right onto the ice.
Nb: Akkurat det han fryktet.
En: Exactly what he feared.
Nb: Han snur seg og der er Ingrid, smilende og lattermild.
En: He turns around and there is Ingrid, smiling and laughing.
Nb: "Kom igjen Lars!"
En: "Come on, Lars!"
Nb: sier hun.
En: she says.
Nb: "Vær ikke redd for det kalde været."
En: "Don't be afraid of the cold weather."
Nb: Lars sukker litt.
En: Lars sighs a bit.
Nb: Han må klappe isen ut av klærne sine.
En: He has to pat the ice off his clothes.
Nb: "Jeg faller alltid Ingrid," klager han.
En: "I always fall, Ingrid," he complains.
Nb: "Hver gang!"
En: "Every time!"
Nb: "Øv litt mer," ler Ingrid.
En: "Practice a bit more," Ingrid laughs.
Nb: "Bli vant til isen."
En: "Get used to the ice."
Nb: Lars knytter tennene sammen.
En: Lars clenches his teeth.
Nb: Han skjønner han må prøve igjen.
En: He realizes he has to try again.
Nb: Dagen blir til natt.
En: The day turns into night.
Nb: Månen henger høyt.
En: The moon hangs high.
Nb: Lars øver.
En: Lars practices.
Nb: Han faller og han reiser seg.
En: He falls and he gets up.
Nb: Igen og igen og igen.
En: Again and again and again.
Nb: Til slutt, når natt blir til morgen, ser Lars isen.
En: Finally, when night turns into morning, Lars sees the ice.
Nb: Men han er ikke redd.
En: But he is not afraid.
Nb: Han gliser i stedet.
En: Instead, he grins.
Nb: Han vet hva han må gjøre.
En: He knows what he has to do.
Nb: Lars løfter staven.
En: Lars lifts his pole.
Nb: Han går på ski.
En: He skis.
Nb: Hans hjerte hamrer.
En: His heart pounds.
Nb: Men denne gangen faller han ikke.
En: But this time he doesn't fall.
Nb: Han holder balansen.
En: He maintains his balance.
Nb: Han er ikke mer redd for isen.
En: He is no longer afraid of the ice.
Nb: Ingrid klapper for ham.
En: Ingrid applauds for him.
Nb: Hun ser at Lars har vunnet over frykten sin.
En: She sees that Lars has conquered his fear.
Nb: "Nå er du klar for isen," smiler Ingrid.
En: "Now you are ready for the ice," Ingrid smiles.
Nb: "Jeg er stolt av deg."
En: "I am proud of you."
Nb: Lars smiler også.
En: Lars smiles too.
Nb: Ja, han tenker, jeg kan håndtere det kalde været.
En: Yes, he thinks, I can handle the cold weather.
Nb: Jeg skal ikke falle mer.
En: I won't fall anymore.
Nb: Med dette, avslutter en vakker dag i det snødekte fjell i Norge.
En: With that, a beautiful day in the snowy mountains of Norway comes to an end.