Discovering the Sweet Delight of Snails

In this episode, we'll take you on a delicious journey through the streets of Barcelona as Jordi discovers that sometimes the strangest things can lead to the sweetest pleasures.

Ca: Jordi estava caminant per La Rambla de Barcelona quan es va adonar que tenia gana.
En: Jordi was walking down La Rambla in Barcelona when he realized he was hungry.

Ca: Va veure un restaurant amb una façana bonica i va decidir que aniria a menjar allà.
En: He saw a restaurant with a beautiful facade and decided he would eat there.

Ca: Quan va entrar, tota la gent el va mirar estrany.
En: When he entered, all the people looked at him strangely.

Ca: Va demanar paella, però el camarero li va dir que no tenien paella, només caragols.
En: He asked for paella, but the waiter told him they didn't have paella, only snails.

Ca: Jordi no sabia molt bé què eren els caragols, així que va pensar que eren algun tipus d'ingredient a la paella, i va demanar-ne alguns.
En: Jordi didn't really know what snails were, so he thought they were some kind of ingredient in the pan, and ordered some.

Ca: Quan li van portar els caragols, Jordi es va llevar l'olor i la textura desagradable.
En: When they brought him the snails, Jordi got rid of the unpleasant smell and texture.

Ca: Va intentar disposar-los discretament sense que ningú ho notés mentre intentava mantenir una cara seriosa.
En: He tried to arrange them discreetly without anyone noticing while trying to keep a straight face.

Ca: Després de diversos intents fallits, Jordi va veure un grup de gent que ria junts i va pensar que potser escoltar-los rient el faria sentir millor.
En: After several failed attempts, Jordi saw a group of people laughing together and thought that maybe hearing them laugh would make him feel better.

Ca: Va acostar-se a ells i va començar a escoltar la seva conversa.
En: He walked up to them and started listening to their conversation.

Ca: Algú va fer una broma, i tothom va començar a riure a carcajades.
En: Someone made a joke, and everyone started laughing out loud.

Ca: De sobte, Jordi es va adonar que estava rient també.
En: Suddenly, Jordi realized that he was laughing too.

Ca: Va mirar als seus amics riure, va agafar un caragol i el va menjar sense pensar-hi dues vegades.
En: He watched his friends laugh, picked up a snail and ate it without a second thought.

Ca: Va ser sorprenentment bo!
En: It was surprisingly good!

Ca: Va seguir xarrupant caragols durant tota la nit, fent amistat amb gent nova i rient sense fi.
En: He continued slurping snails all night, making friends with new people and laughing endlessly.

Ca: Finalment, va arribar a la conclusió que a vegades les coses més estranyes són les millors i que no hauria descobert la dolça delícia de caragols si no hagués fet aquesta elecció errònia al restaurant català.
En: Finally, he came to the conclusion that sometimes the strangest things are the best and that he would not have discovered the sweet delight of snails if he had not made that wrong choice in the Catalan restaurant.