In this episode, we'll follow a group of enthusiastic students and their geographer on an unforgettable field trip to Snowdonia National Park, where they uncover the wonders of glaciers and local ecologies.
Cy: Ar fore clir a heulog, gyda'r Nen yn las, teithiodd criw o ddisgyblion ynghyd â'u athro daearyddiaeth i Barc Cenedlaethol Eryri.
En: On a clear and sunny morning, with a blue sky, a group of students, along with their geography teacher, traveled to Snowdonia National Park.
Cy: Roedd y disgyblion yn llawn cyffro.
En: The students were filled with excitement.
Cy: Gareth, Carys ac Eleri oedd ymhlith y criw.
En: Gareth, Carys, and Eleri were among the group.
Cy: Roedd hi'n fore gwych i ddysgu am ecolegau lleol a ffurfiannau rhewlifol.
En: It was a great morning to learn about local ecologies and glacial formations.
Cy: "Ydych chi'n barod, pawb?" gofynnodd Mr. Davies, y geograffydd.
En: "Are you ready, everyone?" asked Mr. Davies, the geographer.
Cy: "Ydw!" meddai pawb mewn llais uchel.
En: "Yes!" everyone replied loudly.
Cy: Dechreuodd y daith wrth yr afon.
En: The journey started by the river.
Cy: "Dyma Afon Glaslyn," esboniodd Mr. Davies.
En: "This is the Glaslyn River," explained Mr. Davies.
Cy: "Mae'n tarddu o Lyn Glaslyn a dyma un o'r afonydd lleiaf yma."
En: "It originates from Glaslyn Lake and is one of the smaller rivers here."
Cy: Cofnododd Gareth nodiadau.
En: Gareth took notes.
Cy: Roedd yn wybodus iawn am bysgod a phlanhigion.
En: He was very knowledgeable about fish and plants.
Cy: "Cadwch lygad am fadfall y dŵr," meddai Mr. Davies wrth iddynt gerdded.
En: "Keep an eye out for the water lizard," said Mr. Davies as they walked.
Cy: "Mae'n byw mewn dŵr glân."
En: "It lives in clean water."
Cy: Yn fuan, cyrhaeddasant y rhewlif.
En: Soon, they reached the glacier.
Cy: Dyma oedd rhyfeddod y dydd.
En: This was the wonder of the day.
Cy: Roedd gan Carys deimlad annisgwyl.
En: Carys felt a sense of awe.
Cy: "Mae'n edrych yn enfawr!" meddai hi wrth Eleri.
En: "It looks enormous!" she said to Eleri.
Cy: "Dyma fy hoff ran," atebodd Eleri yn gyffrous.
En: "This is my favorite part," Eleri replied excitedly.
Cy: Mr. Davies siaradodd am agweddau'r rhewlif.
En: Mr. Davies talked about aspects of the glacier.
Cy: "Gwnewch lun o'r hindreuliad," awgrymodd e.
En: "Take a picture of the weathering," he suggested.
Cy: Gareth tynnodd lun brydferth.
En: Gareth took a beautiful picture.
Cy: "Pryd fydd pawb yn gwybod am hyn?" meddai wrth Carys.
En: "When will everyone know about this?" he asked Carys.
Cy: Carys yn syllu ac yn gwenu.
En: Carys stared and smiled.
Cy: "Heddiw yw'r diwrnod gorau," meddai hi.
En: "Today is the best day," she said.
Cy: "Dwi'n dysgu cymaint."
En: "I'm learning so much."
Cy: Ar ddiwedd y diwrnod, y criw teithiodd yn ôl.
En: At the end of the day, the group traveled back.
Cy: Y disgyblion yn teimlo balchder am eu dysg.
En: The students felt proud of their learning.
Cy: "Diwrnod gwych!" meddai Mr. Davies.
En: "Great day!" said Mr. Davies.
Cy: "Rydych chi wedi gwneud yn wych."
En: "You did excellent."
Cy: "Diolch!" atebodd pawb yn un.
En: "Thank you!" everyone replied in unison.
Cy: Ac felly, gyda llawn llawes o luniau a nodiadau, dychwelodd Gareth, Carys ac Eleri adref.
En: And so, with a sleeve full of pictures and notes, Gareth, Carys, and Eleri returned home.
Cy: Roedd pawb yn hapus a balch.
En: Everyone was happy and proud.
Cy: Roedd y daith i Eryri yn llwyddiant llwyr, a hefyd bydden nhw byth yn anghofio'r profiad hwyl.
En: The trip to Snowdonia was a complete success, and they would never forget the fun experience.
Cy: A dyna ddiwedd ar y stori.
En: And that is the end of the story.