Exploring the Magnificent Treasures of the Forbidden City

In this episode, we'll join Wang Wei, Li Na, and Zhang Jian on their unforgettable fall outing as they explore the magnificent history and treasures of Beijing's Forbidden City.

Zh: 秋天的一个早晨,阳光明媚,天空湛蓝。
En: On a bright and sunny autumn morning, the sky was a clear blue.

Zh: 学校组织了一次秋游活动。
En: The school organized a fall outing.

Zh: 王伟、李娜和张建兴奋地集合在学校操场上。
En: Wang Wei, Li Na, and Zhang Jian excitedly gathered on the school's playground.

Zh: 他们将要去北京故宫参观。
En: They were going to visit the Forbidden City in Beijing.

Zh: 到达故宫后,王伟看到了高大的红墙和金色的屋顶,非常壮观。
En: Upon arriving at the Forbidden City, Wang Wei saw the tall red walls and golden roofs, which were incredibly magnificent.

Zh: 他忍不住赞叹:“真漂亮!”
En: He couldn't help but exclaim, "It's so beautiful!"

Zh: 李娜点头说:“是啊,这里的历史文物太有意思了。”
En: Li Na nodded and said, "Yeah, the historical artifacts here are so interesting."

Zh: 他们跟着老师和导游,开始参观故宫。
En: They followed the teacher and the tour guide, starting their tour of the Forbidden City.

Zh: 导游说:“这是乾清宫,古代皇帝在这里办公。”
En: The tour guide said, "This is the Palace of Heavenly Purity, where ancient emperors used to work."

Zh: 王伟拍了一张照片。
En: Wang Wei took a photo.

Zh: 他想把这美丽的景象留住。
En: He wanted to capture this beautiful scene.

Zh: 接着,他们来到了太和殿。
En: Next, they arrived at the Hall of Supreme Harmony.

Zh: 导游介绍:“太和殿是故宫最大的宫殿,是皇帝举行重要仪式的地方。”
En: The tour guide introduced, "The Hall of Supreme Harmony is the largest hall in the Forbidden City, where the emperor held important ceremonies."

Zh: 李娜认真地听着,还在笔记本上记下了一些重点。
En: Li Na listened attentively and jotted down some key points in her notebook.

Zh: 在午餐时间,他们坐在故宫花园的长椅上吃午餐。
En: At lunchtime, they sat on a bench in the garden of the Forbidden City to eat.

Zh: 张建打开饭盒,拿出妈妈准备的三明治。
En: Zhang Jian opened his lunch box and took out the sandwich his mom had prepared.

Zh: 他咬了一口说:“今天的食物特别香!”
En: After taking a bite, he said, "Today's food is especially delicious!"

Zh: 午餐后,他们继续参观。
En: After lunch, they continued their tour.

Zh: 他们看到了许多珍贵的文物。
En: They saw many precious artifacts.

Zh: 李娜看了一把宝剑,眼睛瞪得大大的:“这把剑真的很酷!”
En: Li Na looked at a treasured sword with wide-open eyes, "This sword is really cool!"

Zh: 最后,他们来到了珍宝馆。
En: Finally, they arrived at the Treasure Gallery.

Zh: 里面有很多金银珠宝。
En: There were many gold and silver jewels inside.

Zh: 张建兴奋地说:“这里的东西简直太漂亮了!”
En: Zhang Jian excitedly said, "The items here are simply gorgeous!"

Zh: 一天的参观很快就结束了。
En: The day's visit quickly came to an end.

Zh: 王伟、李娜和张建依依不舍地离开了故宫。
En: Wang Wei, Li Na, and Zhang Jian reluctantly left the Forbidden City.

Zh: 他们觉得这次秋游非常有意义,学到了很多历史知识。
En: They felt that this fall outing was very meaningful and that they had learned a lot about history.

Zh: 回到学校,他们决定向同学们分享这次难忘的经历。
En: Back at school, they decided to share this unforgettable experience with their classmates.

Zh: 老师表扬了他们,鼓励大家继续学习历史。
En: The teacher praised them and encouraged everyone to continue studying history.

Zh: 这次秋游结束了,但故宫的美丽和历史文物留在了他们的心中。
En: This fall outing came to an end, but the beauty and historical artifacts of the Forbidden City remained in their hearts.

Zh: 他们希望以后还能有机会再来。
En: They hoped to have the chance to visit again in the future.