In this episode, we'll join Matej, Ana, and Luka in a heartwarming journey through Ljubljana's vibrant market, capturing the essence of friendship and tradition in a delightful culinary adventure.
Sl: Na osveženo sobotno jutro, ko je sonce krenilo nad Tivoli park, so se Matej, Ana in Luka odpravili na ljubljansko osrednjo tržnico.
En: On a refreshed Saturday morning, as the sun rose over Tivoli Park, Matej, Ana, and Luka set out for Ljubljana’s central market.
Sl: Bili so odločni izbrati najboljšo zelenjavo za večerjo.
En: They were determined to pick the best vegetables for dinner.
Sl: Izberite surovine za tradicionalno slovensko jed je bila vedno posebna dogodivščina.
En: Choosing ingredients for a traditional Slovenian dish was always a special adventure.
Sl: Tržnica je bila polna barv in vonjev.
En: The market was full of colors and scents.
Sl: Rdeče paradižnike, zelene bučke, oranžne korenje in modre slive so krasile stojnice.
En: Red tomatoes, green zucchinis, orange carrots and blue plums adorned the stalls.
Sl: Vse je bilo tako sveže, pravi okus poleti v Ljubljani.
En: Everything was so fresh—it truly tasted like summer in Ljubljana.
Sl: "Matej, poglej te paprike!" je vzkliknila Ana.
En: "Matej, look at these peppers!" exclaimed Ana.
Sl: Bila je navdušena nad živahnimi rdečimi paprikami, ki so bile kot nalašč za njihovo jed.
En: She was thrilled about the vibrant red peppers, which were perfect for their dish.
Sl: Luka je medtem opazil košare polne krompirja in rekel: "Potrebujemo krompir za pražen krompir. To je osnova."
En: Meanwhile, Luka noticed baskets full of potatoes and said, "We need potatoes for roasted potatoes. That’s essential."
Sl: Po nekaj minutah pogovarjanja so se strinjali.
En: After a few minutes of discussion, they agreed.
Sl: Matej je nosil veliko vrečo in zbiral najboljšo zelenjavo.
En: Matej carried a large bag and gathered the best vegetables.
Sl: Luka je veselo iskal nakupovalne skrivnosti, Ana pa je skrbno preverjala kakovost vsakih bučk in paradižnika.
En: Luka joyfully searched for shopping secrets, while Ana carefully checked the quality of each zucchini and tomato.
Sl: Tržnica je bila živahna.
En: The market was bustling.
Sl: Medtem ko so hodili mimo stojnic, so jih pozdravljali prijazni kmetje in prodajalci.
En: As they walked past the stalls, friendly farmers and vendors greeted them.
Sl: "Dober dan! Poskusite te slive, sladke so kot med," je rekel starejši prodajalec s toplim nasmehom.
En: "Good day! Try these plums, they are as sweet as honey," said an elderly vendor with a warm smile.
Sl: Luka je vzel kos in ga ugriznil. "Res so sladke!" je rekel veselo in vzel nekaj za nakup.
En: Luka took a piece and bit into it. "They really are sweet!" he said happily, and took some to buy.
Sl: Matej je medtem opazil zeleni grozd mlade solate.
En: Meanwhile, Matej noticed a green bunch of young lettuce.
Sl: "Tole je popolno za našo jed. Sveže in hrustljavo."
En: "This is perfect for our dish. Fresh and crispy."
Sl: Ana se je strinjala in dodala: "Samo še nekaj korenja in smo pripravljeni. Korenje dodaja pravo sladkost."
En: Ana agreed and added, "Just a few more carrots, and we’re ready. Carrots add the right sweetness."
Sl: Ko so zbrali vse, kar so potrebovali, so se usedli na bližnjo klop.
En: Once they had gathered everything they needed, they sat on a nearby bench.
Sl: Vse tri so prevevala radost in ponos.
En: All three were filled with joy and pride.
Sl: Naravne barve in vonji so jih navduševali kot slike v galeriji.
En: The natural colors and scents delighted them like paintings in a gallery.
Sl: Ljubljana je zram svojega kulturnega bogastva nudila najlepše trenutke tudi med preprostimi opravki, kot je nakup hrane.
En: Alongside its cultural richness, Ljubljana also offered the most beautiful moments in simple tasks like buying food.
Sl: Ko so se vrnili domov, so začeli kuhati.
En: When they returned home, they started cooking together.
Sl: Matej je pražil krompir, Ana je pripravila zelenjavo, Luka pa je pazil na lonec z vodi, v katerem je kuhal krompir.
En: Matej was roasting the potatoes, Ana was preparing the vegetables, and Luka was watching the pot of water in which the potatoes were boiling.
Sl: Kuhinja je bila polna smeha in dobre volje.
En: The kitchen was full of laughter and good cheer.
Sl: Ko je večer bil končan, so se usedli za mizo.
En: When the evening was over, they sat at the table.
Sl: Na mizi je stala velika skleda polna praženega krompirja, bučk, korenja in rdečih paprik.
En: A large bowl full of roasted potatoes, zucchinis, carrots, and red peppers stood on the table.
Sl: Vse je izgledalo čudovito.
En: Everything looked wonderful.
Sl: "Odlična večerja!" je vzkliknil Matej, Luka in Ana pa sta se strinjala.
En: "Great dinner!" exclaimed Matej, and Luka and Ana agreed.
Sl: Bili so ponosni na svoj trud in veseli vsak trenutek, ki so ga preživeli skupaj.
En: They were proud of their effort and enjoyed every moment spent together.
Sl: Večerja ni bila le okusen obrok, ampak tudi simbol njihovega prijateljstva in ljubezni do tradicije.
En: The dinner was not just a delicious meal but also a symbol of their friendship and love for tradition.
Sl: Tako se je končal čudovit dan na tržnici v Ljubljani, dan, ki jim bo ostal v lepem spominu.
En: Thus ended a wonderful day at the market in Ljubljana, a day that would remain a cherished memory.