In this episode, we'll journey with Lize and Kobus as they discover the joys and hard work of harvest season at their Grandma's farm, creating memories that will last a lifetime.
Af: Die son sak agter die berg, en 'n nuwe avontuur begin vir Lize en Kobus.
En: The sun sets behind the mountain, and a new adventure begins for Lize and Kobus.
Af: Die lug is helder en blou, en die weg na die Klein Karoo voel soos 'n reis na 'n ander wêreld.
En: The sky is clear and blue, and the road to the Little Karoo feels like a journey to another world.
Af: Hulle is op pad na Ouma Maria se plaas.
En: They are on their way to Grandma Maria’s farm.
Af: Die naweek beloof om vol werk en pret te wees.
En: The weekend promises to be full of work and fun.
Af: Lize en Kobus sit agter in die motor.
En: Lize and Kobus sit in the back of the car.
Af: Hulle praat opgewonde oor die oestyd.
En: They are excitedly talking about the harvest season.
Af: Hulle het gehoor dat Ouma Maria se boorde vol vrugte is.
En: They have heard that Grandma Maria's orchards are full of fruit.
Af: Hulle kan nie wag om te help nie.
En: They can't wait to help.
Af: Toe hulle by die plaas aankom, staan Ouma Maria al by die hek.
En: When they arrive at the farm, Grandma Maria is already standing at the gate.
Af: Haar glimlag is groot, en haar arms wyd.
En: Her smile is big, and her arms are wide.
Af: Sy druk hulle styf vas.
En: She hugs them tightly.
Af: "Welkom!
En: "Welcome!
Af: Julle is net betyds vir die oes," sê sy met 'n stralende gesig.
En: You are just in time for the harvest," she says with a beaming face.
Af: Die volgende oggend begin almal vroeg.
En: The next morning, everyone starts early.
Af: Die warm son skyn helder oor die boorde.
En: The warm sun shines brightly over the orchards.
Af: Lize en Kobus dra mandjies en help om appels van die bome af te haal.
En: Lize and Kobus carry baskets and help pick apples from the trees.
Af: Hulle werk hard, maar hulle lag ook lekker.
En: They work hard, but they also laugh a lot.
Af: Ouma Maria wys hulle hoe om die beste appels te kies.
En: Grandma Maria shows them how to choose the best apples.
Af: Hulle eet middagete onder 'n groot ou eikeboom.
En: They eat lunch under a big old oak tree.
Af: Die brood en kaas smaak heerlik na die harde werk.
En: The bread and cheese taste delicious after their hard work.
Af: Ouma Maria vertel stories van haar kinderdae op die plaas.
En: Grandma Maria tells stories about her childhood on the farm.
Af: Die kinders luister aandagtig.
En: The children listen attentively.
Af: Elke storie bring 'n nuwe stuk geskiedenis van die plaas na vore.
En: Each story brings a new piece of the farm's history to light.
Af: Daardie aand, as die eerste sterre begin skitter, sit Lize en Kobus saam met Ouma Maria op die stoep.
En: That evening, as the first stars begin to twinkle, Lize and Kobus sit with Grandma Maria on the porch.
Af: Die koel briesie maak die warm dag se einde perfek.
En: The cool breeze makes the warm day's end perfect.
Af: Hulle voel tevrede na 'n dag se goeie werk.
En: They feel satisfied after a day of good work.
Af: Die naweek vlieg verby.
En: The weekend flies by.
Af: Almal het hard gewerk, maar hulle het ook saam gelag en geleer.
En: Everyone worked hard, but they also laughed and learned together.
Af: Toe Sondagmiddag aanbreek, is dit tyd om totsiens te sê.
En: When Sunday afternoon arrives, it's time to say goodbye.
Af: Lize en Kobus gee Ouma Maria 'n groot drukkie.
En: Lize and Kobus give Grandma Maria a big hug.
Af: Hulle belowe om gou weer te kom kuier.
En: They promise to visit again soon.
Af: Terug in die motor, kyk Lize deur die venster.
En: Back in the car, Lize looks through the window.
Af: Sy sien hoe die plaas stadig verdwyn in die afstand.
En: She sees the farm slowly disappear into the distance.
Af: Sy voel 'n bietjie hartseer, maar ook gelukkig.
En: She feels a bit sad, but also happy.
Af: Die naweek by Ouma Maria het hulle almal nader aan mekaar gebring.
En: The weekend at Grandma Maria's brought them all closer together.
Af: Die familie ry terug stad toe, maar die herinneringe aan die Klein Karoo en die oestyd by Ouma Maria se plaas sal altyd bly.
En: The family drives back to the city, but the memories of the Little Karoo and the harvest time at Grandma Maria's farm will always remain.