In this episode, we'll embark on an adventure with Andi, Siti, and Budi as they uncover a hidden piece of history and become heroes of Taman Mini Indonesia Indah.
Id: Di suatu sore yang hangat, Andi, Siti, dan Budi berjalan-jalan di Taman Mini Indonesia Indah.
En: On a warm afternoon, Andi, Siti, and Budi were strolling in Taman Mini Indonesia Indah.
Id: Taman ini indah sekali.
En: The park was very beautiful.
Id: Pohon-pohon besar menaungi jalan setapak.
En: Large trees provided shade along the paths.
Id: Burung-burung bernyanyi riang.
En: Birds sang cheerfully.
Id: Mereka bertiga memutuskan untuk naik perahu.
En: The three of them decided to ride a boat.
Id: Mereka ingin melihat danau dari dekat.
En: They wanted to see the lake up close.
Id: Air danau tenang, memantulkan cahaya matahari yang hampir terbenam.
En: The lake water was calm, reflecting the nearly setting sun.
Id: Mereka mulai mendayung ke tengah danau.
En: They began rowing towards the center of the lake.
Id: “Lihat, ada apa di tepi sana?” kata Siti.
En: “Look, what’s over there on the edge?” said Siti.
Id: Ia menunjuk sebuah objek di tepi air.
En: She pointed to an object by the water's edge.
Id: Andi dan Budi melihat ke arah yang ditunjuk Siti.
En: Andi and Budi looked in the direction Siti pointed.
Id: Ada benda seperti kotak tua yang setengah tenggelam di air.
En: There was an object that looked like an old box, half-submerged in the water.
Id: “Ayo kita mendekat,” kata Budi bersemangat.
En: “Let’s get closer,” said Budi excitedly.
Id: Perahu mereka bergerak pelan menuju tepi danau.
En: Their boat moved slowly towards the edge of the lake.
Id: Mereka berhati-hati agar tidak terjebak di lumpur.
En: They were careful not to get stuck in the mud.
Id: Andi turun dari perahu dan memungut kotak itu.
En: Andi got off the boat and picked up the box.
Id: Kotak tersebut terbuat dari kayu tua, dengan ukiran unik di permukaannya.
En: It was made of old wood, with unique carvings on its surface.
Id: “Ini seperti artefak kuno,” kata Andi sambil mengusap ukiran di kotak itu.
En: “This seems like an ancient artifact,” said Andi as he wiped the carvings on the box.
Id: Siti dan Budi mengangguk setuju.
En: Siti and Budi nodded in agreement.
Id: Mereka merasa ada sesuatu yang aneh dengan kotak itu.
En: They felt there was something strange about the box.
Id: “Kita harus mencari tahu dari mana ini berasal,” kata Siti.
En: “We have to find out where this came from,” said Siti.
Id: “Mungkin ini milik museum.”
En: “Maybe it belongs to a museum.”
Id: Mereka bertiga membawa kotak tersebut ke museum kecil di taman.
En: The three of them took the box to the small museum in the park.
Id: Di dalam museum itu, ada seorang penjaga tua, Pak Tono.
En: Inside the museum, there was an old guard, Mr. Tono.
Id: Pak Tono melihat kotak itu dan matanya membesar.
En: Mr. Tono saw the box and his eyes widened.
Id: “Ini artefak kuno dari kerajaan Majapahit,” katanya penuh antusias.
En: “This is an ancient artifact from the Majapahit kingdom,” he said enthusiastically.
Id: “Sudah lama ini hilang.
En: “It has been lost for a long time.
Id: Kalian menemukannya di tepi danau, ya?”
En: Did you find it at the edge of the lake?”
Id: Andi mengangguk.
En: Andi nodded.
Id: “Benar, Pak.
En: “Yes, Sir.
Id: Apa bisa Anda memberi tahu lebih banyak tentang ini?”
En: Can you tell us more about it?”
Id: Pak Tono lalu bercerita panjang lebar.
En: Mr. Tono then told a long story.
Id: Kotak itu dulunya milik seorang pangeran.
En: The box used to belong to a prince.
Id: Kotak itu berisi peta rahasia.
En: The box contained a secret map.
Id: Peta itu bisa menunjukkan harta karun yang tersembunyi.
En: The map could show the location of hidden treasure.
Id: “Ketika perang besar, kotak ini hilang,” kata Pak Tono.
En: “During the great war, this box was lost,” said Mr. Tono.
Id: “Sekarang kalian menemukannya, kalian adalah pahlawan.”
En: “Now that you have found it, you are heroes.”
Id: Andi, Siti, dan Budi merasa sangat bangga.
En: Andi, Siti, and Budi felt very proud.
Id: Mereka berhasil menemukan sesuatu yang berharga.
En: They had managed to find something valuable.
Id: Esok harinya, mereka pergi ke tempat yang ditunjukkan oleh peta dalam kotak.
En: The next day, they went to the place indicated by the map in the box.
Id: Mereka menemukan harta karun kuno yang sangat berharga.
En: They found ancient treasure that was very valuable.
Id: Harta itu dikembalikan ke museum.
En: The treasure was returned to the museum.
Id: Taman Mini Indonesia Indah menjadi lebih terkenal karena penemuan ini.
En: Taman Mini Indonesia Indah became more famous because of this discovery.
Id: Teman-teman kita selalu dikenang sebagai pahlawan di taman itu.
En: Our friends are always remembered as heroes in that park.
Id: Mereka tidak hanya menemukan harta karun, tetapi juga menciptakan kenangan indah yang tidak akan terlupakan.
En: They did not only find treasure but also created beautiful memories that would never be forgotten.
Id: Akhir cerita, Andi, Siti, dan Budi pulang dengan senyum ceria.
En: At the end of the story, Andi, Siti, and Budi went home with cheerful smiles.
Id: Hati mereka penuh dengan rasa petualangan dan persahabatan.
En: Their hearts were full of adventure and friendship.
Id: Taman Mini Indonesia Indah menjadi tempat yang selalu mereka kenang dengan penuh kebahagiaan.
En: Taman Mini Indonesia Indah became a place they always remembered with happiness.