In this episode, we'll follow Marek's thrilling journey from a construction worker to a local hero as he uncovers a hidden treasure within the ancient walls of Bratislava Castle, forever changing the history and fame of the city.
Sk: Marek stál pred Bratislavským hradom.
En: Marek stood in front of Bratislava Castle.
Sk: Bolo letné ráno.
En: It was a summer morning.
Sk: Slnko svietilo.
En: The sun was shining.
Sk: Marek sa cítil šťastný.
En: Marek felt happy.
Sk: Hrad bol v rekonštrukcii.
En: The castle was under reconstruction.
Sk: Marek bol robotník.
En: Marek was a worker.
Sk: Jedného dňa Marek pracoval v pivnici.
En: One day, Marek was working in the basement.
Sk: Staré kamene boly ťažké.
En: The old stones were heavy.
Sk: Zrazu sa zrútila stena.
En: Suddenly, a wall collapsed.
Sk: Marek uvidel tmavú miestnosť.
En: Marek saw a dark room.
Sk: Nikto o nej nevedel.
En: No one knew about it.
Sk: Marek vošiel dovnútra.
En: Marek went inside.
Sk: Našiel staré artefakty.
En: He found old artifacts.
Sk: Boli tam meče, zlaté mince a sochy.
En: There were swords, gold coins, and statues.
Sk: Na zemi našiel starý pergamen.
En: On the ground, he found an old parchment.
Sk: Bol to mapa.
En: It was a map.
Sk: Mapa bola tajomná.
En: The map was mysterious.
Sk: Ukazovala cestu k pokladu.
En: It showed the way to a treasure.
Sk: Marek zavolal svojho šéfa.
En: Marek called his boss.
Sk: Šéf bol prekvapený.
En: The boss was surprised.
Sk: Podarili sa im to prečítať.
En: They managed to read it.
Sk: Na mape bol veľký červený znak.
En: There was a big red mark on the map.
Sk: Marek nasledoval mapu.
En: Marek followed the map.
Sk: Išiel do starého lesa pri Dunaji.
En: He went to an old forest by the Danube.
Sk: Na mapu bola tajná cesta.
En: The map showed a secret path.
Sk: Marek išiel dlho.
En: Marek walked for a long time.
Sk: Našlo jaskyňa.
En: He found a cave.
Sk: Vstúpil tam.
En: He entered it.
Sk: Vnútri jaskyňa bola temná.
En: Inside, the cave was dark.
Sk: Svetlo Marekovho baterku sa odrážalo na kamenných stenách.
En: The light from Marek's flashlight reflected off the stone walls.
Sk: Našlo truhlu.
En: He found a chest.
Sk: Marek ju otvoril.
En: Marek opened it.
Sk: V truhle boli staré listy, zlaté šperky a veľký rubín.
En: Inside the chest were old letters, gold jewelry, and a large ruby.
Sk: Bol to stratený poklad kráľa.
En: It was the lost treasure of the king.
Sk: Marek bol ohromený.
En: Marek was amazed.
Sk: Vrátil sa do hradu so svojím nálezom.
En: He returned to the castle with his discovery.
Sk: Poklad bol teraz v múzeu.
En: The treasure was now in a museum.
Sk: Ľudia prichádzali vidieť poklad.
En: People came to see the treasure.
Sk: Marek bol hrdina.
En: Marek was a hero.
Sk: Bol šťastný, že našiel tajomnú miestnosť.
En: He was happy to have found the secret room.
Sk: Bratislavský hrad mal novú časť histórie.
En: Bratislava Castle had a new part of history.
Sk: Marek pokračoval pracovať na hrade.
En: Marek continued working at the castle.
Sk: Mal nové príbehy pre priateľov.
En: He had new stories for his friends.
Sk: Tajomný poklad priniesol mestu novú slávu.
En: The mysterious treasure brought new fame to the city.
Sk: Marekov život sa zmenil navždy.
En: Marek’s life changed forever.
Sk: Koniec.
En: The end.