In this episode, we'll follow Lars as he navigates the ups and downs of a dinner party with his boss, only to discover an unexpected opportunity awaits him.
Da: Lars var inviteret til et vigtigt middagsselskab hos sin chef.
En: Lars was invited to an important dinner party at his boss's house.
Da: Han var spændt og nervøs, men havde besluttet sig for at nyde aftenen.
En: He was excited and nervous, but had decided to enjoy the evening.
Da: Efter et par drinks begyndte Lars at slappe af og grinede af chefens jokes.
En: After a few drinks, Lars began to relax and laughed at the boss's jokes.
Da: Men da desserten blev serveret, skete det.
En: But when dessert was served, it happened.
Da: Lars spildte en stor rødvin over den hvide dug.
En: Lars spilled a large red wine over the white tablecloth.
Da: "Ups, jeg øver mig på Danmarks flag," jokede Lars og forsøgte at tørre op.
En: "Oops, I'm practicing the Danish flag," joked Lars, trying to dry up.
Da: Men værten var ikke imponeret og Lars var flov.
En: But the host was not impressed and Lars was embarrassed.
Da: Lige før desserten blev serveret, blev Lars kaldt over til chefens kontor.
En: Just before the dessert was served, Lars was called over to the boss's office.
Da: Lars var bange for at blive fyret, men i stedet takkede chefen ham for hans gode arbejde og bad ham om at lede det næste projekt.
En: Lars was afraid of being fired, but instead the boss thanked him for his good work and asked him to lead the next project.
Da: Lars var lettet og takkede chefen.
En: Lars was relieved and thanked the boss.
Da: Han vidste, at det var en lærestreg for at tænke før man talte, men han var taknemmelig over at have fået en chance for at vise sit værd.
En: He knew it was a lesson to think before you speak, but he was grateful to have been given a chance to prove his worth.
Da: Da han kom tilbage til selskabet, fandt han ud af, at chefen havde lovet at tage med ham til en vigtig fodboldkamp i næste uge.
En: When he got back to the company, he found that the boss had promised to go with him to an important football game next week.
Da: Lars kunne ikke tro sin lykke og smilede fra øre til øre.
En: Lars couldn't believe his luck and smiled from ear to ear.
Da: Han vidste nu, at hans fremtid i firmaet var sikret og at han havde gjort en vigtig lærdom denne aften.
En: He now knew that his future in the company was secured and that he had learned an important lesson that night.