In this episode, we'll join Li Ming and Xiao Na as they stumble upon a hidden, ancient village during a magical skiing trip, uncovering forgotten stories and forging unforgettable memories.
Zh: 黎明和晓娜是好朋友。
En: Li Ming and Xiao Na are good friends.
Zh: 他们都喜欢滑雪。
En: They both enjoy skiing.
Zh: 一个冬天的早晨,他们去了高山滑雪场。
En: One winter morning, they went to the alpine ski resort.
Zh: 雪很厚,很白。
En: The snow was thick and very white.
Zh: 太阳照在雪上,闪闪发光。
En: The sun shone on the snow, making it glisten.
Zh: 黎明和晓娜穿上了滑雪装备。
En: Li Ming and Xiao Na put on their skiing gear.
Zh: 他们开始滑雪。
En: They began to ski.
Zh: 他们滑过了一片幽静的树林。
En: They skied through a quiet forest.
Zh: 突然,黎明停了下来。
En: Suddenly, Li Ming stopped.
Zh: 他看到一个黑黑的洞口,
En: He saw a dark entrance.
Zh: “晓娜,快看,那边有一个秘密隧道!”
En: "Xiao Na, look quickly, there’s a secret tunnel over there!"
Zh: 晓娜也停下来说:“我们进去看看吧。”
En: Xiao Na also stopped and said, "Let's go inside and take a look."
Zh: 他们走进了隧道。
En: They walked into the tunnel.
Zh: 隧道里很黑,但他们用手机照明。
En: It was very dark inside, but they used their phones for light.
Zh: 隧道很长,他们手牵着手,一步一步小心地走着。
En: The tunnel was very long, and they held hands, walking carefully step by step.
Zh: 终于,他们看到了亮光。
En: Finally, they saw light.
Zh: “我们到了!”黎明说。
En: "We're here!" said Li Ming.
Zh: 他们走出隧道,发现自己在一个古老的村庄里。
En: They walked out of the tunnel and found themselves in an ancient village.
Zh: 村庄里有很多老房子,但看起来没有人住过。
En: There were many old houses in the village, but it looked like no one had lived there.
Zh: 房子的墙上长满了青苔。
En: The walls of the houses were covered with moss.
Zh: 村庄的每个角落都弥漫着一种神秘的气氛。
En: An air of mystery filled every corner of the village.
Zh: “这里好像被遗忘了。”晓娜说。
En: "It seems like this place has been forgotten," said Xiao Na.
Zh: 他们在村庄里走来走去。
En: They walked around the village.
Zh: 突然,他们听到了流水声。
En: Suddenly, they heard the sound of flowing water.
Zh: 他们走过去,发现了一条小河。
En: They went over and discovered a small river.
Zh: 小河边有一个古老的水车。
En: By the river, there was an ancient waterwheel.
Zh: “这个水车一定有很多年的历史了。”黎明说。
En: "This waterwheel must be many years old," said Li Ming.
Zh: 他们继续探索村庄。
En: They continued to explore the village.
Zh: 在一间老房子里,他们发现了一本很旧的日记。
En: In an old house, they found a very old journal.
Zh: 黎明轻轻地打开了日记,里面写满了这个村庄的故事。
En: Li Ming gently opened it, and it was filled with stories about the village.
Zh: “原来,这个村庄很久以前很热闹。”日记上这样写道。
En: "It turns out that this village was bustling a long time ago," the journal said.
Zh: 晓娜说:“村民们为什么离开了这里?”
En: Xiao Na asked, "Why did the villagers leave this place?"
Zh: 黎明摇摇头说:“日记本没有说。”
En: Li Ming shook his head and said, "The journal doesn't say."
Zh: 他们决定把这个日记带回去,并告诉别人这个村庄的故事。
En: They decided to take the journal back and tell others the story of the village.
Zh: 黎明和晓娜走回隧道,再一次手牵着手,回到了高山滑雪场。
En: Li Ming and Xiao Na walked back through the tunnel, once again holding hands, and returned to the alpine ski resort.
Zh: 太阳已经快要下山了,
En: The sun was about to set.
Zh: 他们看着远处的山,心里充满了回忆和发现的喜悦。
En: They looked at the distant mountains, their hearts full of memories and the joy of discovery.
Zh: 黎明说:“今天真是一个神奇的一天!”
En: Li Ming said, "Today was truly a magical day!"
Zh: 晓娜点点头说:“是的,我们一起发现了一个被遗忘的村庄。”
En: Xiao Na nodded and said, "Yes, we discovered a forgotten village together."
Zh: 他们虽然离开了那个古老的村庄,但这个冒险已经成为他们心中最珍贵的回忆。
En: Although they left that ancient village, this adventure became their most cherished memory.
Zh: 故事就这样结束了。
En: And so the story ended.
Zh: 他们会永远记得这个冬天,那个秘密隧道,还有那个古老的村庄。
En: They would always remember this winter, the secret tunnel, and the ancient village.