Mysteries Unveiled: A Day at Conwy Castle

explore the enchanting tale of a mistaken guide, ancient whispers, and newfound friendships at Conwy Castle.

Cy: Ar bwys afon Conwy ger y môr, mae castell mawreddog yn codi uwch y tir.
En: Near the banks of the River Conwy by the sea, a majestic castle rises above the land.

Cy: Yng nghysgod ei furiau mae stori am dridiau sydd yn dechrau un bore cymylog.
En: In the shadow of its walls, a story about three days that begin one cloudy morning.

Cy: Roedd Eleri yn ymwelydd newydd i Gastell Conwy, ei llygaid yn llythrennol yn llygadu pob cerrig a gwibodau'r gorffennol.
En: Eleri was a new visitor to Conwy Castle, her eyes literally devouring every stone and whispers of the past.

Cy: Roedd hi wedi dod i ddysgu am hanes y lle, ond doedd ganddi ddim arweiniad.
En: She had come to learn about the history of the place, but she had no guide.

Cy: Yng nghanol y neuadd fawr, gwelodd hi DDafydd, dyn gwisg yn ngwisg hynafol fel pe byddai'n gymeriad allan o hanes.
En: In the midst of the great hall, she saw Dafydd, dressed in ancient attire as if he were a character from history.

Cy: Dafydd, ar ei ran, roedd yn dod i'r castell am awel iach ac i ddianc rhag pryderon y byd go iawn.
En: Dafydd, for his part, was coming to the castle for a breath of fresh air and to escape the worries of the real world.

Cy: "Maddeuwch i mi," meddai Eleri, gan esgus ei fod yn dywysydd, "Allwch chi ddweud wrthyf mwy am y castell hwn?
En: "Forgive me," said Eleri, pretending to be a guide, "Can you tell me more about this castle?"

Cy: "Edrychodd Dafydd arni yn syn ac yna wên ddaeth dros ei wyneb.
En: Dafydd looked at her in surprise and then a smile crossed his face.

Cy: Nid oedd yn arbenigwr hanes, ond roedd ei dadcu wedi bod yn hanesydd, ac roedd tipyn o wybodaeth wedi glynu arno.
En: He wasn't a history expert, but his grandfather had been a historian, and he had retained some knowledge.

Cy: "Wel, " meddai Dafydd, gan fachu ar y cyfle i greu argraff, "mae'r castell yn dyddio'n ôl i'r 13eg ganrif ac fe'i adeiladwyd gan Edward I yn ystod ei ymgyrch i goncro Cymru.
En: "Well," said Dafydd, seizing the opportunity to make an impression, "the castle dates back to the 13th century and was built by Edward I during his campaign to conquer Wales."

Cy: "Syfrdanwyd Eleri gan y wybodaeth.
En: Eleri was astonished by the information.

Cy: Gofynnodd iddo am yr arwyr a'r brenhinoedd a fu'n trigo yn y muriau hynny, ac am y brwydrau a ffurfiwyd ganddynt.
En: She asked him about the heroes and the kings who had lived within those walls, and about the battles they fought.

Cy: "Mae yna chwedlau am Owain Glyndŵr," parhau Dafydd gyda mwynhad, "y gwr a arweiniodd y Cymry yn eu rebeliad yn erbyn y Saeson.
En: "There are tales about Owain Glyndŵr," Dafydd continued with delight, "the man who led the Welsh in their rebellion against the English."

Cy: "Fel y digwyddodd, Gwen, gwir dywysydd y castell, aeth heibio ac aeth i weld y ddeialog hon.
En: As it happened, Gwen, the real castle guide, passed by and overheard the dialogue.

Cy: Gwên ar ei hwyneb, roedd hi'n aros am gyfle i ddatgelu'r gwir.
En: With a smile on her face, she waited for a chance to reveal the truth.

Cy: Ond cyn gynted ag y byddai, gwelsant y gwall.
En: But as soon as she could, she spotted the mistake.

Cy: Rhoddodd Gwen winco i Dafydd naill ai am ei ymdrech i fod yn hael a gwybodus, neu am ei ddewrder i gamu i mewn i rôl nad oedd yn perthyn iddo.
En: Gwen gave Dafydd a wink, either for his effort to be generous and knowledgeable, or for his courage to step into a role that did not belong to him.

Cy: Wedi blino ei hun gyda'u cwestiynau a'i atebion, trodd Eleri at Gwen a diolchodd iddi am yr holl wybodaeth.
En: Tired of her own questions and his answers, Eleri turned to Gwen and thanked her for all the information.

Cy: Gwen, yn mwynhau'r cyfle, cyflwynodd ei hun a pharhaodd â'r daith, gan ddangos i Eleri drysorau cudd y castell a'i hanesion cudd.
En: Gwen, enjoying the opportunity, introduced herself and continued the journey, showing Eleri the castle's hidden treasures and its secret histories.

Cy: Erbyn diwedd y diwrnod, roedd Eleri wedi dysgu mwy nag erioed am Gastell Conwy, ac roedd wedi cael ffrind newydd yn Dafydd, y 'tywysydd' digri.
En: By the end of the day, Eleri had learned more than ever about Conwy Castle, and she had made a new friend in Dafydd, the 'playful' guide.

Cy: Ac i Dafydd, a oedd dim ond yn chwilio am hwyliau da, daeth profiad yn fwy na'r hyn yr oedd wedi ei ddychmygu pan wnaeth adael ei gartref y bore hwnnw.
En: And for Dafydd, who was only looking for some good fun, the experience became more than what he had imagined when he left his home that morning.

Cy: Ac fel hyn, ym mhlith muriau hynafol, roedd chwedl arall wedi ei hysgrifennu yn nhirgul Conwy.
En: And thus, within those ancient walls, another tale had been written in the heart of Conwy's land.