In this episode, we'll uncover hidden secrets and mystical symbols under the full moon at Borobudur Temple, where adventure leads to wisdom and bonds grow stronger.
Id: Malam itu, cahayanya terang.
En: That night, the light was bright.
Id: Bulan purnama bersinar di atas Candi Borobudur.
En: The full moon shone above Borobudur Temple.
Id: Rini dan Joko berjalan pelan-pelan.
En: Rini and Joko walked slowly.
Id: Mereka kagum dengan keindahan candi yang megah.
En: They were in awe of the temple's grandeur.
Id: Semakin malam, suasana semakin mistis.
En: As the night deepened, the atmosphere grew more mystical.
Id: Angin sepoi-sepoi meniup wajah mereka.
En: A gentle breeze caressed their faces.
Id: "Lihat, Joko!
En: "Look, Joko!"
Id: " seru Rini tiba-tiba.
En: Rini suddenly exclaimed.
Id: Joko mendekat.
En: Joko approached.
Id: Dia melihat simbol-simbol aneh di dinding candi.
En: He saw strange symbols on the temple walls.
Id: Simbol-simbol itu bercahaya.
En: The symbols were glowing.
Id: Tidak ada siang hari tadi.
En: They hadn't been there during the day.
Id: Mereka penasaran.
En: They were curious.
Id: Apa arti simbol-simbol itu?
En: What did these symbols mean?
Id: Rini mencoba menyentuh dinding.
En: Rini tried to touch the wall.
Id: Tetapi, simbol-simbol itu tak berubah.
En: But the symbols didn't change.
Id: Tiba-tiba, terdengar bisikan halus.
En: Suddenly, a soft whisper was heard.
Id: "Ikuti cahaya, temukan jawaban.
En: "Follow the light, find the answer."
Id: "Mereka mengikuti cahaya.
En: They followed the light.
Id: Tangan mereka gemetar.
En: Their hands were trembling.
Id: Jalan setapak membawa mereka ke sudut terpencil candi.
En: The path led them to a secluded corner of the temple.
Id: Di sana, mereka menemukan relief yang berbeda dari yang lain.
En: There, they found a relief different from the others.
Id: Ada gambar bulan dan bintang.
En: There was an image of the moon and stars.
Id: Di bawahnya, ada tulisan kuno.
En: Below it, there was ancient writing.
Id: Joko mencoba membaca tulisan itu.
En: Joko tried to read the writing.
Id: Seketika, dia memahami.
En: Instantly, he understood.
Id: "Rini, ini pesan rahasia.
En: "Rini, this is a secret message."
Id: " Pesan itu berbunyi: "Pada malam purnama, rahasia terbuka.
En: The message read: "On the night of the full moon, secrets are revealed.
Id: Mereka yang bersatu dalam petualangan, akan menemukan kebijaksanaan.
En: Those who unite in adventure will find wisdom."
Id: "Mereka tersenyum.
En: They smiled.
Id: "Apakah ini petunjuk untuk kita?
En: "Is this a clue for us?"
Id: " tanya Rini.
En: asked Rini.
Id: Joko mengangguk.
En: Joko nodded.
Id: Mereka merasa lebih dekat dan bersemangat.
En: They felt closer and more excited.
Id: "Mari telusuri lebih jauh," kata Joko.
En: "Let's explore further," said Joko.
Id: Malam itu berubah menjadi petualangan yang menakjubkan.
En: That night turned into an amazing adventure.
Id: Candi Borobudur mengungkapkan rahasia yang terpendam.
En: Borobudur Temple revealed hidden secrets.
Id: Mereka menemukan kedamaian dan kebijaksanaan dalam perjalanan itu.
En: They found peace and wisdom in their journey.
Id: Cinta dan persahabatan mereka semakin kuat.
En: Their love and friendship grew stronger.
Id: Matahari mulai terbit.
En: The sun began to rise.
Id: Simbol-simbol itu menghilang.
En: The symbols disappeared.
Id: Namun, hati mereka penuh dengan kebahagiaan dan pengetahuan baru.
En: However, their hearts were full of happiness and new knowledge.
Id: Mereka kembali dengan senyuman.
En: They returned with smiles.
Id: Candi Borobudur menyimpan rahasia malam purnama.
En: Borobudur Temple holds the secrets of the full moon night.
Id: Dan rahasia itu milik mereka sekarang.
En: And those secrets now belonged to them.
Id: **TAMAT**
En: **THE END**