In this episode, we'll join Rhys and Carys on a mesmerizing journey through Snowdonia National Park, where they uncover the ancient and magical secrets of a hidden stone circle, leaving with unforgettable memories.
Cy: Roedd hi'n fore heulog yn y Parc Cenedlaethol Eryri.
En: It was a sunny morning in Snowdonia National Park.
Cy: Rhoddodd Rhys a Carys eu sachau ar eu cefnau.
En: Rhys and Carys put their bags on their backs.
Cy: Roedd dŵr a bara menyn gyda nhw.
En: They had water and buttered bread with them.
Cy: “Barod?” gofynnodd Rhys.
En: “Ready?” asked Rhys.
Cy: “Ydw, Rhys,” atebodd Carys.
En: “Yes, Rhys,” answered Carys.
Cy: Dechreuon nhw gerdded llwybr serth.
En: They began walking a steep path.
Cy: Roedd eu traed yn symud yn gyson dros y tywod a'r cerrig.
En: Their feet moved steadily over the sand and stones.
Cy: Roedd y mynyddoedd yn uchel a'r golygfeydd yn anhygoel.
En: The mountains were tall and the views were incredible.
Cy: Roedden nhw'n hapus ac yn gyffrous.
En: They were happy and excited.
Cy: "Edrych, Carys!" gwaeddodd Rhys yn sydyn.
En: “Look, Carys!” Rhys suddenly shouted.
Cy: Beth a welodd Rhys?
En: What did Rhys see?
Cy: Roedd cylch cerrig enfawr o’i flaenau.
En: There was a huge stone circle in front of him.
Cy: Hen gylch cerrig oedd yn hen iawn.
En: An ancient stone circle, very old.
Cy: “Ai dyma’r hyn ydallan ni?” gofynnodd Carys.
En: “Is this what we were looking for?” asked Carys.
Cy: “Na. Efallai rhywbeth hudol?” Credai Rhys.
En: “No. Perhaps something magical?” Rhys wondered.
Cy: Aeth Rhys a Carys yn agosach.
En: Rhys and Carys went closer.
Cy: Teimlodd y lle yn bwysig iawn.
En: The place felt very important.
Cy: Roedd yr haul yn disgleirio ar y cerrig.
En: The sun was shining on the stones.
Cy: Roedd popeth tawel.
En: Everything was quiet.
Cy: Dim ond sŵn yr adar oedd.
En: Only the sound of the birds could be heard.
Cy: “Tybed pwy gododd hyn?” gofynnodd Rhys.
En: “I wonder who built this?” asked Rhys.
Cy: “Oedd y bobl yn hudol?” atebodd Carys.
En: “Were the people magical?” replied Carys.
Cy: Dyma Rhys a Carys yn mynd i mewn i'r cylch.
En: Rhys and Carys went inside the circle.
Cy: Roedd y cerrig yn fawr iawn, yn ogystal â thrwm.
En: The stones were very big, as well as heavy.
Cy: Roedd y lle fel oes arall.
En: The place felt like another era.
Cy: Roedd teimlad arbennig yn yr awyr.
En: There was a special feeling in the air.
Cy: Ar y cerrig, roedd marciau rhyfedd.
En: On the stones, there were strange markings.
Cy: Wnaeth Rhys ddarllen:
En: Rhys read:
Cy: "Er ein bod ni yma, ni fyddwn byth yn unig."
En: “Though we are here, we will never be alone.”
Cy: Wrth ddarllen hynny, roedd Rhys a Carys yn teimlo’n uno â'r byd.
En: Upon reading that, Rhys and Carys felt united with the world.
Cy: Roedd cysur ynddo fo.
En: There was comfort in it.
Cy: Roedd y cylch cerrig yn lle syfrdanol.
En: The stone circle was an astonishing place.
Cy: Tawodd y gwynt ar y mynyddoedd a safodd y ddau mewn distawrwydd.
En: The wind quieted on the mountains and the two stood in silence.
Cy: Roedd y golygfeydd yn gwneud iddo nhw deimlo'n fyw, yn un â'r tir a'r cerrig.
En: The views made them feel alive, one with the land and the stones.
Cy: "Rydw i'n hapus ein bod ni wedi dod yma," meddai Carys.
En: “I’m happy we came here,” said Carys.
Cy: "Fi hefyd," cytunodd Rhys gyda gwen.
En: “Me too,” agreed Rhys with a smile.
Cy: Wrth adael y lle, cydiodd Rhys llaw Carys.
En: As they left the place, Rhys held Carys's hand.
Cy: Roedd eu calonnau yn ysgafn ac yn llawn llawenydd.
En: Their hearts were light and full of joy.
Cy: Cerddon nhw’n ôl drwy’r coed i'r llecyn dechreuon nhw, gan gadw cofion arbennig y cylch cerrig gyda nhw.
En: They walked back through the woods to the spot where they had started, keeping the special memories of the stone circle with them.
Cy: A dyna ddiwedd ar eu hantur yn Eryri.
En: And that was the end of their adventure in Snowdonia.
Cy: Roedd eu darganfyddiad wedi gwneud y daith yn fythgofiadwy.
En: Their discovery had made the journey unforgettable.