In this episode, we'll follow Haruki and Aiko as they embark on a heartfelt New Year's journey to Fushimi Inari Taisha, finding blessings and forging new hopes beneath the sacred torii gates.
Ja: 真っ暗な夜が明けると、京都の伏見稲荷大社は新年を迎える準備で賑やかになりました。
En: As the pitch-black night gave way to dawn, Fushimi Inari Taisha in Kyoto became lively with preparations to welcome the New Year.
Ja: 晴れた空の下、「初詣」に来る人々でいっぱいです。
En: Under the clear sky, the shrine was bustling with people visiting for "Hatsumode," the first shrine visit of the year.
Ja: ハルキとアイコは、この神聖な場所に訪ねました。
En: Haruki and Aiko visited this sacred place.
Ja: 二人は早朝に家を出て、電車で京都へ向かいました。
En: They left their house early in the morning and headed to Kyoto by train.
Ja: 駅を降りると、冷たい風が二人の頬を掠めました。
En: As they got off at the station, the cold wind brushed their cheeks.
Ja: 山の下には、美しい朱色の鳥居が続いています。
En: At the base of the mountain, a beautiful line of vermilion torii gates stretched out.
Ja: 「これはすごいね」とハルキが言いました。
En: “This is amazing,” said Haruki.
Ja: 「うん、本当に綺麗」とアイコが応えます。
En: “Yes, it’s really beautiful,” responded Aiko.
Ja: 鳥居をくぐりながら、二人は祈りの言葉を考えました。
En: As they passed through the torii gates, they thought of words for their prayers.
Ja: 長い道のりでしたが、道が導く先が彼らを待っているような気がしました。
En: It had been a long journey, but they felt as if the path was guiding them to something waiting for them.
Ja: アイコは心の中で家族の健康を祈り、ハルキは新しい仕事の成功を心に思い浮かべました。
En: Aiko prayed for her family’s health in her heart, while Haruki thought about the success of his new job.
Ja: ついに本殿に着くと、二人は手を合わせました。
En: When they finally arrived at the main shrine, they put their hands together in prayer.
Ja: 鈴を揺らし、神様に願いを込めました。
En: They shook the bells and made their wishes to the gods.
Ja: その後、おみくじを引きました。
En: After that, they drew omikuji fortunes.
Ja: アイコの運勢は「大吉」、ハルキの運勢は「中吉」でした。
En: Aiko’s fortune was "Daikichi" (great blessing), and Haruki’s was "Chukichi" (moderate blessing).
Ja: アイコは笑顔で「今年は良い年になるよ!頑張ろうね」と言いました。
En: Smiling, Aiko said, “This year is going to be a good one! Let's do our best.”
Ja: 二人は再び鳥居をくぐり、帰りの道へ向かいました。
En: Once again passing through the torii gates, they headed back on their way home.
Ja: 今年もこの場所に来れたことに感謝し、心が明るくなりました。
En: They felt grateful to visit this place again this year, and their hearts were filled with brightness.
Ja: 新しい年に向けて、心強い気持ちで満たされたのです。
En: They were filled with a strong sense of resolve as they looked to the new year.