In this episode, we'll embark on a thrilling adventure of friendship, food, and a near-death experience that will leave you on the edge of your seat.
Da: Lars havde længe set frem til at spise på sin yndlings smørrebrødsrestaurant.
En: Lars had long looked forward to eating at his favorite smørrebrød restaurant.
Da: Han kunne næsten smage det rugbrød og de lækre toppings, da han endelig satte sig ved bordet med sin veninde Mette og hendes kæreste Henrik.
En: He could almost taste the rye bread and the delicious toppings when he finally sat down at the table with his friend Mette and her boyfriend Henrik.
Da: Da servitricen kom hen til bordet, var Lars så spændt, at han ikke kunne beslutte sig for, hvad han skulle bestille.
En: When the waitress came to the table, Lars was so excited that he couldn't decide what to order.
Da: Så Mette anbefalede sin favorit, og Lars besluttede sig for at prøve det.
En: So Mette recommended her favourite, and Lars decided to try it.
Da: Men da deres mad endelig kom, greb Lars ved en fejltagelse Mettes sandwich og begyndte at spise den.
En: But when their food finally arrived, Lars accidentally grabbed Mette's sandwich and started eating it.
Da: Men da han havde spist et par bidder, begyndte han at føle det underligt.
En: But after eating a few bites, he began to feel strange.
Da: Han vidste, at der var noget galt, da hans tunge og læber begyndte at klø.
En: He knew something was wrong when his tongue and lips began to itch.
Da: Han så på sandwichen og indså, at den indeholdt nødder.
En: He looked at the sandwich and realized it contained nuts.
Da: Lars havde glemt, at han var allergisk over for nødder!
En: Lars had forgotten that he was allergic to nuts!
Da: Panikken steg i Lars, da han begyndte at føle, at hans hals begyndte at stramme sig sammen.
En: Panic rose in Lars as he began to feel his throat begin to tighten.
Da: Men Mette og Henrik var klar og ringede straks efter en ambulance.
En: But Mette and Henrik were ready and immediately called for an ambulance.
Da: Det var lige i sidste øjeblik, men Lars blev reddet, og han følte, at han skyldte Mette og Henrik sit liv.
En: It was just at the last minute, but Lars was saved, and he felt that he owed Mette and Henrik his life.
Da: Efter episke taknemmelighedsudtryk og planer om hvad man skulle prøve på næste besøg, ender novellen lykkeligt med alle vennerne i en gensidig taknemmelighed, glade for at være i hinandens selskab på en dejlig restaurant.
En: After epic expressions of gratitude and plans of what to try on the next visit, the short story ends happily with all the friends in mutual gratitude, happy to be in each other's company at a lovely restaurant.