In this episode, we'll dive into the harrowing tale of Lars, who took an innocent swim towards The Little Mermaid, and found himself fighting for his life in the harbor.
Da: Lars stod på kajen og kiggede mod Den Lille Havfrue.
En: Lars stood on the dock and looked towards The Little Mermaid.
Da: Han ville tage et billede, men det var for langt væk.
En: He wanted to take a picture, but it was too far away.
Da: Han besluttede sig for at tage en svømmetur og komme tættere på statuen.
En: He decided to go for a swim and get closer to the statue.
Da: Lars hoppede i vandet og begyndte at svømme.
En: Lars jumped into the water and started swimming.
Da: Men pludselig fik han et krampeanfald og kunne ikke svømme mere.
En: But suddenly he had a seizure and could no longer swim.
Da: Han forsøgte at råbe om hjælp, men ingen hørte ham.
En: He tried to shout for help, but no one heard him.
Da: Lars tænkte, at det var slut.
En: Lars thought it was over.
Da: Men så kom der en båd forbi og så ham.
En: But then a boat came by and saw him.
Da: Besætningen fik Lars op på båden og sejlede ham til kajen.
En: The crew got Lars onto the boat and sailed him to the dock.
Da: Lars var våd og bange, men takkede besætningen for at redde hans liv.
En: Lars was wet and scared, but thanked the crew for saving his life.
Da: Nu vil han aldrig igen tage chancer og svømme alene i havnen.
En: Now he will never again take chances and swim alone in the harbor.