In this episode, we'll follow three friends as they uncover ancient secrets in Snowdonia, leading to a mysterious artifact that could change the world forever.
Cy: Dros draen ac o dan ganghennau, roedd tri ffrind yn crwydro Parc Cenedlaethol Eryri.
En: Through thorn and beneath branches, three friends were wandering through Snowdonia National Park.
Cy: Gareth, Eleri, a Rhys oedd y tri.
En: Gareth, Eleri, and Rhys were the trio.
Cy: Cerdded i lawr llwybr cul oedd eu cefndiroedd, gan chwilio am antur.
En: They walked down a narrow path, searching for adventure.
Cy: Un diwrnod, wrth gerdded ger rhaeadr gudd, fe wnaethant sylwi ar fwlch yn y graig.
En: One day, while walking near a hidden waterfall, they noticed a gap in the rock.
Cy: "Edrychwch yno," meddai Gareth yn gyffrous.
En: "Look over there," Gareth said excitedly.
Cy: "Mae'n edrych fel ogof.
En: "It looks like a cave."
Cy: " Galwodd Eleri: "Dewch, gadewch i ni archwilio!
En: Eleri called out, "Come on, let's explore!"
Cy: " Roedd Rhys yn amheus ond dilynodd ei ffrindiau.
En: Rhys was skeptical but followed his friends.
Cy: Efallai fod yr ogof wedi ei guddio o'r byd ers canrifoedd.
En: Perhaps the cave had been hidden from the world for centuries.
Cy: Y tu mewn, roedd y waliau'n gleision gyda ystum y rhewi a'r golau'n ddifleu.
En: Inside, the walls were gleaming with frozen curves and the light was fading.
Cy: "Pa beth yw hwn?
En: "What is this?"
Cy: " holodd Rhys wrth edrych yng ngwres yr haul wan yn ei flaen.
En: asked Rhys as he examined the faint warmth of the waning sun ahead.
Cy: Yn sydyn, fe welon nhw arteffact anhygoel wedi'i gladdu yn y pridd.
En: Suddenly, they saw an incredible artifact buried in the soil.
Cy: Cerflun oedd o anifeiliaid egsotig a symbolau dirgel.
En: It was a sculpture of exotic animals and mysterious symbols.
Cy: “Rydw i wedi clywed am hyn," meddai Gareth.
En: "I've heard about this," Gareth said.
Cy: "Mae'r arteffact yma'n gymhleth.
En: "This artifact is intricate.
Cy: Mae'r chwedl yn dweud ei fod yn dal cyfrinach bwerus.
En: Legend says it holds a powerful secret."
Cy: " Eleri, a'i chalon yn curo'n gyflym, codi’r arteffact yn ofalus.
En: Eleri, her heart racing, carefully picked up the artifact.
Cy: "Beth ddylen ni ei wneud?
En: "What should we do?"
Cy: " gofynnodd hi.
En: she asked.
Cy: Wrth adael yr ogof, clywsant sgwrs mewn llais hudol yn eu hysbys diod a phis.
En: As they left the cave, they heard a magical voice in their consciousness and whispers.
Cy: "Cyfrinach y byd hwn a'r nesaf yw yn eich dwylo," oedd y neges.
En: "The secret of this world and the next is in your hands," was the message.
Cy: Dathu rhagosod ar eu calonnau, sylweddolodd y tri beth dyngedfennol oedd y darganfyddiad.
En: A sense of fate settled in their hearts as the trio realized how significant their discovery was.
Cy: Gorffennodd y noson gyda'r ffrindiau o amgylch tanllwyth, yn trafod beth i'w wneud nesaf.
En: The night ended with the friends around a campfire, discussing what to do next.
Cy: "Mae'n rhaid i ni barchu'r hen chwedl," awgrymodd Eleri.
En: "We must respect the ancient legend," suggested Eleri.
Cy: "Efallai mae'r gyfrinach hon yn allweddol i'n dyfodol.
En: "Perhaps this secret is key to our future."
Cy: " Cytunodd Gareth a Rhys gyda hi, ac roeddent yn dychwelyd yr arteffact i'w man gorffwys yn yr ogof na for e.
En: Gareth and Rhys agreed with her, and they decided to return the artifact to its resting place in the cave the next day.
Cy: Ar y diwrnod nesaf, cawsant eu canfod gan leiddiaid, gan ymgilio â'r arteffact trwy rannau cuddiedig o'r ardal.
En: The next day, they were found by guardians, guiding them with the artifact through hidden parts of the area.
Cy: "Mae'n dod â'ch trysor, ond yn garthen hefyd," roedd y neges a glywodd Gareth.
En: "It brings you treasure but also burden," was the message Gareth heard.
Cy: Gostwng eu pennau, canfuwyd Gareth, Eleri a Rhys bod eu darganfyddiad nid yn unig wedi rhoi dŵr dyfn i'r cymunedyddau, ond hefyd heddych i'r deunyddiau nad oedd unrhyw un wedi dychmygu ei bodoli.
En: Lowering their heads, Gareth, Eleri, and Rhys discovered that their finding not only provided deep understanding to the communities but also peace to elements no one had imagined existed.
Cy: Roedd eu darganfyddiad wedi arwain y cymunedyddau i fyw mewn heddwch ac yn ddiogel am ganrifoedd i ddod.
En: Their discovery had led the communities to live in peace and safety for centuries to come.
Cy: Yn ôl i Grwswd Parc Cenedlaethol Eryri, roedd Gareth, Eleri a Rhys yn gwybod eu bod wedi helpu i ddod â heddwch i'w ogof gartref a'r byd tu hwnt.
En: Returning to the cradle of Snowdonia National Park, Gareth, Eleri, and Rhys knew they had helped bring peace to their cave home and the world beyond.
Cy: Diwedd.
En: The End.