In this episode, we'll dive into the heartwarming tale of 'Silent Harbor,' a family-run tavern in Dubrovnik that triumphs against the odds as they prepare for tourist season.
Hr: U srcu starog grada Dubrovnika, među kamenim ulicama i stjenovitim zidinama, nalazila se mala obiteljska konoba.
En: In the heart of the old city of Dubrovnik, among the stone streets and rocky walls, there was a small family tavern.
Hr: Nju su vodili Ivan, Ana i Marko.
En: It was run by Ivan, Ana, and Marko.
Hr: Konoba se zvala "Tiha Luka".
En: The tavern was called "Silent Harbor."
Hr: Kad je sunce izlazilo, Ivan je svaki dan otvarao velike drvene vrata.
En: When the sun rose, Ivan would open the large wooden doors every day.
Hr: Ana je pazila na kuhinju, a Marko se brinuo za goste.
En: Ana managed the kitchen, and Marko took care of the guests.
Hr: Jednog ranog proljetnog jutra, grad je bio miran, ali obitelj je znala što dolazi.
En: One early spring morning, the city was quiet, but the family knew what was coming.
Hr: Sezona turista.
En: Tourist season.
Hr: Ivan je bio zabrinut.
En: Ivan was worried.
Hr: "Moramo se pripremiti," rekao je.
En: "We must get ready," he said.
Hr: Ana je već počela s pripremama u kuhinji.
En: Ana had already started prepping in the kitchen.
Hr: "Nemoj brinuti, sve će biti u redu," rekla je Ivanu dok je sjeckala povrće.
En: "Don't worry, everything will be fine," she said to Ivan while chopping vegetables.
Hr: Iza nje, na štednjaku, mjehurići su skakali iz lonca s juhom.
En: Behind her, on the stove, bubbles were rising from a pot of soup.
Hr: Ana je voljela kuhanje, bila je sigurna u svoje vještine.
En: Ana loved cooking and was confident in her skills.
Hr: Marko je brinuo o izgledu restorana.
En: Marko was concerned with the restaurant's appearance.
Hr: "Očistit ću sve stolove, promijeniti stolnjake i staviti cvijeće," rekao je.
En: "I'll clean all the tables, change the tablecloths, and place some flowers," he said.
Hr: Hodao je između stolova s metlom u ruci.
En: He walked between the tables with a broom in his hand.
Hr: Kuhao je kavu za prve goste.
En: He was brewing coffee for the first guests.
Hr: Ivan je otišao do tržnice.
En: Ivan went to the market.
Hr: Kupio je najljepše povrće i svježu ribu.
En: He bought the finest vegetables and fresh fish.
Hr: "Moramo imati najbolje sastojke," rekao je.
En: "We must have the best ingredients," he said.
Hr: Kupci na tržnici ga poznaju.
En: The sellers at the market knew him.
Hr: Smješkali su se i pozdravljali ga.
En: They smiled and greeted him.
Hr: Kad se vratio u restoran, vidio je da je Marko već završio s čišćenjem.
En: When he returned to the restaurant, he saw that Marko had already finished cleaning.
Hr: Ana je imala sve spremno za ručak.
En: Ana had everything ready for lunch.
Hr: "Dobro radimo," rekao je Ivan s osmijehom.
En: "We're doing well," Ivan said with a smile.
Hr: "Uspjet ćemo.
En: "We will succeed."
Hr: "U podne su gosti počeli dolaziti.
En: At noon, guests began arriving.
Hr: Restoran je bio pun.
En: The restaurant was full.
Hr: Turisti su gledali povijesne zidine, dok su lokalni ljudi sjeli na ručak.
En: Tourists were admiring the historical walls, while locals sat down for lunch.
Hr: Ivan je svakog gosta dočekao srdačno.
En: Ivan greeted every guest warmly.
Hr: Ana je slala tanjure s mirisnim jelima iz kuhinje.
En: Ana sent out plates of fragrant dishes from the kitchen.
Hr: Marko je provjeravao je li sve u redu sa svakim stolom.
En: Marko checked that everything was in order at each table.
Hr: Navečer, kad je posljednji gost otišao, svi su sjeli zajedno.
En: In the evening, when the last guest left, they all sat down together.
Hr: Bili su umorni, ali sretni.
En: They were tired but happy.
Hr: Restoran je bio uspješan.
En: The restaurant had been successful.
Hr: Gosti su bili zadovoljni.
En: The guests were satisfied.
Hr: "Učinili smo to!
En: "We did it!"
Hr: " rekla je Ana s osmijehom.
En: said Ana with a smile.
Hr: Zajedno su nazdravili.
En: They toasted together.
Hr: Ivan je pogledao svoju obitelj.
En: Ivan looked at his family.
Hr: "Ponosan sam na vas," rekao je.
En: "I'm proud of you," he said.
Hr: Restoran "Tiha Luka" bio je spreman za sezonu.
En: The "Silent Harbor" was ready for the season.
Hr: Dubrovački stari grad bio je njihova oaza, a oni su bili spremni dočekati svijet.
En: Dubrovnik's old town was their oasis, and they were ready to welcome the world.
Hr: Sutradan su se probudili s novim elanom, znajući da su prošli najteži dio.
En: The next day, they woke up with new energy, knowing they had passed the hardest part.
Hr: Kupci su ih voljeli, a oni su svakoga dana dijelili svoje srce i trud sa svakim tanjurom.
En: The customers loved them, and they shared their hearts and effort with every plate each day.
Hr: Sezona je tek počela, a obitelj je bila spremna za sve što dolazi.
En: The season had just begun, and the family was ready for whatever came.
Hr: Kada je sunce zašlo iza zidina, Dubrovnik je opet bio miran, ali "Tiha Luka" je svijetlila kao dokaz zajedničkog uspjeha.
En: As the sun set behind the walls, Dubrovnik was quiet once again, but the "Silent Harbor" shone as proof of their collective success.