In this episode, we'll discover the remarkable transformation of Hiroshi, a sumo wrestler, who turned an unexpected defeat into a celebration of tradition, courage, and triumph.
Ja: 東京のど真ん中、豪華で鮮やかな着物がびろーんと広がる小さな店「古美」には、おばあさん、ユミと、孫のヒロシが暮らしていた。ある日、ユミはヒロシに古代の伝統着物を持ち出し見せた。「これは、ご先祖様が大切にしていたものよ。お祭りの日に着てってちょうだい」と。
En: In the middle of Tokyo, there was a small shop called "Komi" where luxurious and colorful kimonos spread out. An old woman named Yumi and her grandson Hiroshi lived there. One day, Yumi took out an ancient traditional kimono and showed it to Hiroshi. "This was treasured by our ancestors. Please wear it on the festival day," she said.
Ja: しかしヒロシ、申し訳なさそうにユミを見つめた。「お祖母さん、知ってるよな?お祭りの日、俺、相撲の試合に出るんだよ…」
En: However, Hiroshi looked at Yumi apologetically and said, "Grandma, you know, on the festival day, I will be participating in a sumo match..."
Ja: しかし、ユミの決意は固かった。「試合はそれからだって」。苦笑いを浮かべたヒロシは仕方なく、その着物を身に纏った。
En: But Yumi was determined. "The match can wait," she said. Hiroshi, with a wry smile, reluctantly put on the kimono.
Ja: お祭りの日、相撲場に現れたヒロシの姿に周囲は驚いた。伝統的な着物に身を包んだ彼の姿は圧巻だった。しかし、その衣装の選択は試合に影響を及ぼしてしまった。着物の裾が相手の足に引っかかり、彼は試合に敗れてしまった。
En: On the festival day, people were amazed to see Hiroshi in the sumo ring. His appearance in the traditional kimono was stunning. However, the choice of his attire affected the match. The hem of the kimono got caught in the opponent's leg, and Hiroshi ended up losing the match.
Ja: 後でユミに事情を話すと、彼女はしっとりと微笑んだ。「まあ、それもいいじゃない。祖先たちもきっと楽しんだわ」と。
En: Later, when Hiroshi explained the situation to Yumi, she smiled gently. "Well, that's fine too. I'm sure our ancestors enjoyed it," she said.
Ja: それ以来、ヒロシとユミの家では、試合の日も着物で出かけることが伝統となった。そして、その話は街中に広まり、ヒロシの着物姿を見に人々が試合に足を運ぶようになり、彼の相撲はますます親しまれるようになったのだった。
En: Since then, it became a tradition for Hiroshi and Yumi's family to go out in kimonos even on match days. The story spread through the city, and people started attending the matches to see Hiroshi in his kimono, making his sumo even more popular.
Ja: ヒロシは、初めての敗北を肯定的な展開に変えることができた。そしてその日以来、ヒロシは自分自身と相撲に対する新しい視点を見つけることができたのだ。そして、ユミが笑顔で見守る中、全ては完璧な形で終わった。
En: Hiroshi was able to turn his first defeat into a positive outcome. From that day on, he found a new perspective on himself and sumo. And with Yumi watching him with a smile, everything ended in perfect harmony.