In this episode, we'll embark on a whimsical journey through the misty peaks of Snowdonia with Rhys and Eleri, only to uncover an unlikely thief with a penchant for red jumpers.
Cy: Roedd cwmwl o niwl yn crwydro am ben mynyddoedd Eryri, lle roedd Rhys a Eleri yn cychwyn ar antur newydd.
En: A cloud of mist meandered around the summit of the Snowdonia mountains, where Rhys and Eleri embarked on a new adventure.
Cy: Yn eu rygbi, roedd awydd am anturiaethau, a heddiw, antur oedd yn galw.
En: In their hearts, there was a thirst for adventures, and today, adventure was calling.
Cy: Eleri, gyda gwallt yn disgleirio fel aur gwanwynol, a'i siwmper hoff – coch, lliw'r machlud – yn dynn am ei chwarren, oedd yn barod i archwilio llwybrau difyr Eryri.
En: Eleri, with hair shining like springtime gold, and her favorite jumper – red, the color of sunset – snug around her shoulders, was ready to explore the fascinating paths of Snowdonia.
Cy: Rhys, chwaer Eleri, yn gryf a dewr, ond efo llygaid sy'n chwilio am hwyl, oedd yn edrych ymlaen at y daith.
En: Rhys, Eleri's brother, strong and brave, but with eyes seeking fun, looked forward to the journey.
Cy: Wrth iddynt gerdded, y gwynt yn chwibanu trwy'r coed, roedd Eleri'n sylwi ei bod hi'n teimlo'n oer.
En: As they walked, the wind whistled through the trees, Eleri noticed that she felt cold.
Cy: Ffwrdd â hi i chwilio am ei siwmper – ond roedd hi'n mynd!
En: Away she went to look for her jumper – but it was gone!
Cy: "Rhys!
En: "Rhys!
Cy: Mae fy siwmper wedi mynd!
En: My jumper is gone!"
Cy: " galwodd Eleri, ei lleferydd yn cymysgu â sŵn natur.
En: called Eleri, her voice merging with the sounds of nature.
Cy: "Ho ho, gad i fi edrych, Eleri," meddai Rhys, wedi'i arfogi â'i awch am ddod o hyd i'r golled.
En: "Ho ho, let me look, Eleri," said Rhys, determined to find the lost item.
Cy: Rhaid ei fod yma'n rhywle, meddyliodd e, gan chwilio ym mhob twll a chornel o'i gwmpas.
En: It must be here somewhere, he thought, searching in every nook and cranny.
Cy: Fel tase natur yn chwarae tric arnynt, gwelodd Rhys rywbeth coch yn y pellter.
En: As if nature was playing a trick on them, Rhys spotted something red in the distance.
Cy: "Eleri, dyma fe!
En: "Eleri, here it is!"
Cy: " galwodd, ond wrth nesáu, daeth yn amlwg nad oedd hon yn siwmper Eleri o gwbl.
En: he called, but as he approached, it became clear that this wasn't Eleri's jumper at all.
Cy: Oedd, yn ei le, dafad gyda chot o flêr coch – anifail hyfryd o Eryri wedi penderfynu gwneud ffrind â'r dilledyn coll.
En: Instead, there stood a sheep with a red fleece – a delightful creature of Snowdonia that had decided to make friends with the lost jumper.
Cy: Chwerthin a wnaeth Eleri, chwerthin cynnes a fyddai'n aros yn eu cofau am amser maith.
En: Eleri laughed, a warm laugh that would stay in their memories for a long time.
Cy: "Dim ots," meddai hi wrth Rhys, "mae hi'n well gen i gofio'r tro daeth dafad yn siwmper nag ydyw i gael siwmper newydd.
En: "Never mind," she told Rhys, "I'd rather remember the time a sheep came in a jumper than getting a new jumper."
Cy: "Ar ôl eu chwerthin, penderfynodd y ddau barhau â'u taith, gan adael y dafad a'r 'siwmper' tu ôl i fwynhau'u cwmni.
En: After their laughter, they decided to continue their journey, leaving the sheep and the 'jumper' behind to enjoy their company.
Cy: Ac fel hyn, dododd Rhys a Eleri i ddiwedd eu taith yn Eryri, efo straeon a chwerthin yn eu calonnau.
En: And thus, Rhys and Eleri came to the end of their journey in Snowdonia, with stories and laughter in their hearts.
Cy: Yn fwy na dim, roedd gwers wedi'i dysgu - ambell waith mae'r hyn sy'n edrych fel siwmper yn gallu bod yn antur arall yn disgwyl amdanoch chi ym myd rhyfeddol natur.
En: More than anything, a lesson had been learned – sometimes what looks like a jumper can be another adventure waiting for you in the world of strange nature.