In this episode, we'll take you on a journey through the streets of Aarhus, where chance encounters and typical Danish moments unfold.
Da: Sofia og Lars gik en tur i Aarhus.
En: Sofia and Lars went for a walk in Aarhus.
Da: Det var en dejlig sommerdag.
En: It was a lovely summer day.
Da: De havde det hyggeligt og grinte.
En: They had a good time and laughed.
Da: Pludselig fik Sofia øje på et vindue med flotte sko i.
En: Suddenly, Sofia spotted a window with nice shoes in it.
Da: Hun gik derhen, men Lars glemte at vente på hende og gik videre.
En: She went there, but Lars forgot to wait for her and went on.
Da: Da Sofia kiggede op, var Lars væk.
En: When Sofia looked up, Lars was gone.
Da: Hun løb ned ad gaden og stødte ind i Maja.
En: She ran down the street and bumped into Maja.
Da: Maja grinede og sagde "Det er typisk dansk".
En: Maja laughed and said "It's typical Danish".
Da: Sofia og Maja snakkede lidt og fandt ud af, at de begge var fra samme lille by tæt på Aarhus.
En: Sofia and Maja talked a bit and found out that they were both from the same small town near Aarhus.
Da: Efter lidt tid fik Sofia øje på Lars igen og de blev genforenet.
En: After some time, Sofia caught sight of Lars again and they were reunited.
Da: De grinede og fortsatte turen.
En: They laughed and continued their journey.
Da: Men Sofia vidste, at hun aldrig ville glemme den dag, hvor hun mødte Maja og blev genforenet med Lars på samme tid.
En: But Sofia knew she would never forget the day she met Maja and was reunited with Lars at the same time.
Da: En typisk dansk dag, tænkte hun med et smil.
En: A typical Danish day, she thought with a smile.