Unveiling Secrets: A St. John’s Eve Miracle in Vilnius

Fluent Fiction – Lithuanian www.FluentFiction.org/Lithuanian Story Transcript: Lt: Saulėlydžio spinduliai žaidė Vilniaus Senamiestyje, apšviesdami senas gatveles. En: The rays of sunset played in the Old Town of Vilnius, illuminating the ancient streets. Lt: Buvo Joninės, stebuklinga naktis, kai visi laukė stebuklų ir paslapčių. En: It was St. John’s Eve, a magical night when everyone awaited…

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Love Among the Storm: Aoife & Cian’s Celestial Tale

Fluent Fiction – Irish www.FluentFiction.org/Irish Story Transcript: Ga: Bhuail an ghaoth arda. En: The wind rose fiercely. Ga: D’ardaigh na tonnta. En: The waves surged. Ga: Bhí Aoife agus Cian ar bharr na gClár Neamhaí. En: Aoife and Cian were atop the Celestial Cliffs. Ga: Bhí gorm na spéire iontach álainn. En: The blue of…

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Exploring Petrovaradin: Miloš’s Historical Journey in Novi Sad

Fluent Fiction – Serbian www.FluentFiction.org/Serbian Story Transcript: Sr: Miloš voleo šetnje. En: Miloš loved walks. Sr: Jednog sunčanog dana odlučio je da poseti Petrovaradinsku tvrđavu u Novom Sadu. En: One sunny day, he decided to visit the Petrovaradin Fortress in Novi Sad. Sr: Uzeo je ranac i krenuo iz kuće. En: He took his backpack…

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Discovering History: A Day at Bratislava Castle

Fluent Fiction – Slovak www.FluentFiction.org/Slovak Story Transcript: Sk: Na jednom slnečnom ráne sa Jana, Marek a Petra stretli pred školou. En: One sunny morning, Jana, Marek, and Petra met in front of the school. Sk: Boli veľmi nadšení. En: They were very excited. Sk: Dnes mali ísť na školský výlet do Bratislavského hradu. En: Today,…

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Unveiling Secrets: Ayşe and Emre’s Cappadocia Adventure

Fluent Fiction – Turkish www.FluentFiction.org/Turkish Story Transcript: Tr: Güneşli bir sabah, Ayşe ve Emre uçan arabalarına bindi. En: On a sunny morning, Ayşe and Emre got into their flying car. Tr: Kapadokya’ya gidiyorlardı. En: They were going to Cappadocia. Tr: Kapadokya, peribacaları ile ünlüydü. En: Cappadocia was famous for its fairy chimneys. Tr: Ama onlar…

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Unplanned Adventures: Selfies and Surprises at Gyeongbokgung

Fluent Fiction – Korean www.FluentFiction.org/Korean Story Transcript: Ko: 경복궁은 햇살이 반짝이는 날이었다. En: Gyeongbokgung was bathed in sparkling sunlight. Ko: 민지와 현우는 아름다운 한복을 입고 경복궁을 구경하고 있었다. En: Minji and Hyunwoo were exploring Gyeongbokgung, dressed in beautiful hanboks. Ko: 민지는 파란색 저고리와 노란색 치마를 입었고, 현우는 초록색 저고리와 흰색 바지를 입고 있었다. En: Minji…

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Unveiling Mysteries: A Day at Beijing’s Forbidden City

Fluent Fiction – Mandarin Chinese www.FluentFiction.org/Mandarin Chinese Story Transcript: Zh: 北京的天空蓝得发亮,阳光温暖地洒在每一个人的脸上。 En: The sky over Beijing was brilliantly blue, and the warm sunshine was shining gently on everyone’s faces. Zh: 小明、丽丽和建国决定一起探访故宫。 En: Xiao Ming, Lili, and Jianguo decided to visit the Forbidden City together. Zh: 他们走进了这座皇宫,眼前的景象让他们惊呆了。 En: As they stepped into the palace, they were…

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Triumph and Tradition: Tale of Friendship and Dance in Tallinn

Fluent Fiction – Estonian www.FluentFiction.org/Estonian Story Transcript: Et: Tallinna vanalinn oli täna täis elu ja melu. En: The Old Town of Tallinn was full of life and hustle today. Et: Tänavatel kõlas muusika ning inimesed naersid ja tantsisid. En: Music echoed in the streets, and people were laughing and dancing. Et: Vanalinna peaväljakul oli suur…

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A Day of Delight: Hans and Greta’s Culinary Adventure in Munich

Fluent Fiction – German www.FluentFiction.org/German Story Transcript: De: Am frühen Morgen glitzerten die Sonnenstrahlen auf dem Kopfsteinpflaster des Münchener Viktualienmarkts. En: Early in the morning, the sunbeams glittered on the cobblestones of Munich’s Viktualienmarkt. De: Der Markt war voller Leben. En: The market was full of life. De: Die Luft war erfüllt von den Düften…

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A Peaceful Tour Disrupted: Niran and Lamai’s Wat Arun Adventure

Fluent Fiction – Thai www.FluentFiction.org/Thai Story Transcript: Th: นิรันดร์และละม่ายืนอยู่หน้าวัดอรุณในกรุงเทพฯ En: Niran and Lamai were standing in front of Wat Arun in Bangkok. Th: ท้องฟ้าแจ่มใส พระอาทิตย์ส่องแสง En: The sky was clear, and the sun was shining bright. Th: สถานที่นี้เป็นที่ที่งดงาม En: The place was beautiful. Th: ละม้ายกล่าวว่า “วัดนี้สวยมาก” En: Lamai said, “This temple is so beautiful.” Th:…

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