Illustrated Instructions: Building Dreams with Family

In this episode, we'll witness a heartwarming tale of family teamwork and creativity as they tackle the challenge of assembling IKEA furniture without instructions.

Sv: Verkligheten kastade sig över Gustav när han vaknade upp en lördagsmorgon.
En: Reality hit Gustav when he woke up one Saturday morning.

Sv: I mitt i hans vardagsrum stod fyra IKEA-paket.
En: In the middle of his living room stood four IKEA packages.

Sv: Ingrid, hans mamma, stod där också.
En: Ingrid, his mother, was there too.

Sv: Hon ville ha möblerna upp.
En: She wanted the furniture assembled.

Sv: Nu.
En: Now.

Sv: Gustav stirrade på paketen.
En: Gustav stared at the packages.

Sv: Han var lite rädd för dem.
En: He was a little afraid of them.

Sv: Han bad Elsa, hans lilla syster, om hjälp.
En: He asked Elsa, his little sister, for help.

Sv: Men Elsa var för liten.
En: But Elsa was too small.

Sv: Så Gustav började.
En: So Gustav started.

Sv: Men han var förvirrad.
En: But he was confused.

Sv: Paketen hade inga instruktioner.
En: The packages had no instructions.

Sv: Hur skulle han göra det?
En: How would he do it?

Sv: Timmarna gick.
En: Hours passed.

Sv: Gustav kände sig trött.
En: Gustav felt tired.

Sv: Men han var envis.
En: But he was determined.

Sv: Ingrid kom med te.
En: Ingrid brought tea.

Sv: Det gjorde hon ofta.
En: She often did that.

Sv: Hon var snäll.
En: She was kind.

Sv: Men hon ville ha möblerna klar.
En: But she wanted the furniture ready.

Sv: Elsa kom också.
En: Elsa also came.

Sv: Hon hade ett papper.
En: She had a paper.

Sv: Det var från hennes rum.
En: It was from her room.

Sv: Det var en bild på möblerna.
En: It was a picture of the furniture.

Sv: Hon hade färglagt dem.
En: She had colored them.

Sv: Gustav hade en idé.
En: Gustav had an idea.

Sv: Han pekade på bilden.
En: He pointed to the picture.

Sv: "Kanske kan vi följa den?
En: "Maybe we can follow that?"

Sv: " sa han.
En: he said.

Sv: Elsa log.
En: Elsa smiled.

Sv: De började.
En: They began.

Sv: Nästa timme var jobbig.
En: The next hour was tough.

Sv: Men Elsa hjälpte.
En: But Elsa helped.

Sv: De tittade på bilden och valde ut bitar.
En: They looked at the picture and chose pieces.

Sv: De satte ihop dem.
En: They put them together.

Sv: Det började se ut som möbler.
En: It was starting to look like furniture.

Sv: Ingrid kom in.
En: Ingrid came in.

Sv: Hon hade mer te.
En: She had more tea.

Sv: Men när hon såg möblerna log hon.
En: But when she saw the furniture, she smiled.

Sv: "Bra jobbat" sa hon.
En: "Well done," she said.

Sv: Gustav och Elsa var stolta.
En: Gustav and Elsa were proud.

Sv: De hade gjort det!
En: They had done it!

Sv: Vid slutet av dagen var möblerna klara.
En: By the end of the day, the furniture was ready.

Sv: Gustav, Ingrid och Elsa kollade på dem.
En: Gustav, Ingrid, and Elsa looked at them.

Sv: De var vackra.
En: They were beautiful.

Sv: Gustav kände sig nöjd.
En: Gustav felt satisfied.

Sv: Och så lärde de sig något.
En: And they learned something.

Sv: De behövde inte instruktioner.
En: They didn't need instructions.

Sv: De kunde räkna ut det tillsammans.
En: They could figure it out together.

Sv: Det var en bra dag i Stockholm.
En: It was a good day in Stockholm.

Sv: Gustav somnade lycklig.
En: Gustav fell asleep happy.

Sv: Han drömde om nya IKEA-paket.
En: He dreamed of new IKEA packages.

Sv: Nu var han inte rädd längre.
En: Now he wasn't afraid anymore.