In this episode, we'll follow the humorous and eye-opening journey of Lars as he learns the importance of being present in the moment and avoiding distractions while walking on cycle paths.
Da: Lars var på vej hjem fra arbejde, da han pludselig kom til at gå ind på cykelstien.
En: Lars was on his way home from work when he suddenly happened to walk onto the cycle path.
Da: Han var så optaget af sin mobil, at han ikke så den grønne linje på asfalten.
En: He was so busy with his mobile phone that he didn't see the green line on the asphalt.
Da: Pludselig blev han ramt af en cyklist.
En: Suddenly he was hit by a cyclist.
Da: Lars undskyldte voldsomt og var bange for at have skadet cyklisten.
En: Lars apologized profusely and was afraid of having injured the cyclist.
Da: Men cyklisten grinede bare og sagde "typisk Lars!".
En: But the cyclist just laughed and said "typical Lars!".
Da: Det var Peters gamle ven, som han ikke havde set i lang tid.
En: It was Peter's old friend whom he hadn't seen in a long time.
Da: De havde det sjovt med at fange op på gamle tider og grine af Lars' kluntede optrin.
En: They had fun catching up on old times and laughing at Lars' clumsy antics.
Da: På vejen hjem, tænkte Lars over hans uheld på cykelstien.
En: On the way home, Lars thought about his accident on the cycle path.
Da: Han besluttede sig for at være mere opmærksom på omverdenen og ikke tage hans mobil op, når han var ude at gå.
En: He decided to be more aware of the outside world and not pick up his mobile when he was out walking.
Da: Lars' dag var sluttet godt af, han havde mødt en gammel ven og lærte en vigtig lektion om opmærksomhed.
En: Lars' day had ended well, he had met an old friend and learned an important lesson about attention.