In this episode, we'll discover how a mispronounced word turned Lars into the star of a hilarious and heartwarming tale that became the cornerstone of a coffee shop's reputation.
Nb: På en solrik dag gikk Lars inn i en travel kaffebar.
En: On a sunny day, Lars walked into a busy coffee shop.
Nb: Han var sulten etter lunsj, og bestemte seg for å unne seg en deilig kakeskive.
En: He was hungry after lunch, and decided to treat himself to a delicious slice of cake.
Nb: Lars visste ikke at denne bestillingen skulle føre til en morsom og pinlig opplevelse.
En: Lars did not know that this order would lead to a funny and embarrassing experience.
Nb: Lars gikk bort til disken og så seg rundt.
En: Lars walked over to the counter and looked around.
Nb: Det var mange kunder og ansatte som var opptatt med å lage kaffe og servere god mat.
En: There were many customers and employees who were busy making coffee and serving good food.
Nb: Han så en ung kvinne bak disken og sa med en ivrig stemme, "kan jeg få en 'ka-khey-skeeve', takk?"
En: He saw a young woman behind the counter and said in an eager voice, "Can I have a 'ka-khey-skeeve' please?"
Nb: Kvinnen bak disken så litt forvirret ut.
En: The woman behind the counter looked a little confused.
Nb: "En hva, beklager?"
En: "A what, sorry?"
Nb: spurte hun.
En: she asked.
Nb: Lars prøvde igjen og uttalte mer tydelig, "en 'ka-khey-skeeve', takk!"
En: Lars tried again and pronounced more clearly, "a 'ka-khey-skeeve', please!"
Nb: Den unge kvinnen smilte forsiktig og spurte, "Mener du en 'kakeskive'?"
En: The young woman smiled gently and asked, "You mean a 'cake slice'?"
Nb: Lars så forvirret ut og nikket.
En: Lars looked confused and nodded.
Nb: "Ja, ja!
En: "Yes, yes!
Nb: En kakeskive!"
En: A slice of cake!"
Nb: Mens han ventet på kakeskiven sin, kunne Lars høre et gjemt fnis fra noen av de andre ansatte.
En: As he waited for his slice of cake, Lars could hear a hidden giggle from some of the other employees.
Nb: Han ble litt flau, men tenkte ikke så mye mer over det.
En: He was a little embarrassed, but didn't think much more of it.
Nb: Han visste ikke hvorfor det var så morsomt.
En: He didn't know why it was so funny.
Nb: Snart kom kakeskiven, og Lars tok en bit.
En: Soon the slice of cake arrived, and Lars took a bite.
Nb: Den var helt himmelsk!
En: It was absolutely heavenly!
Nb: Han nøt hvert eneste lite stykke av den søte kaken.
En: He enjoyed every little piece of the sweet cake.
Nb: Men samtidig kunne han fortsatt høre latteren bak disken.
En: But at the same time he could still hear the laughter behind the counter.
Nb: Var det ham de lo av?
En: Was it him they were laughing at?
Nb: Lars bestemte seg for å spørre kvinnen bak disken.
En: Lars decided to ask the woman behind the counter.
Nb: "Unnskyld meg, men hvorfor ler alle?
En: "Excuse me, but why is everyone laughing?
Nb: Har jeg gjort noe galt?"
En: Have I done something wrong?"
Nb: Kvinnen smilte vennlig og sa, "Nei, du gjorde ingenting galt.
En: The woman smiled kindly and said, "No, you didn't do anything wrong.
Nb: Det var bare måten du uttalte 'kakeskive' på.
En: It was just the way you pronounced 'cake slice'.
Nb: Du sa 'ka-khey-skeeve' i stedet."
En: You said 'ka-khey-skeeve' instead."
Nb: Lars følte seg flau, men han lo også når han innså hvor morsomt det hørtes ut.
En: Lars felt embarrassed, but he also laughed when he realized how funny it sounded.
Nb: Han skjønte at han hadde uttalt ordet feil hele tiden.
En: He realized he had been mispronouncing the word all along.
Nb: Han lo med de ansatte, og snart lo alle sammen.
En: He laughed with the staff, and soon everyone was laughing.
Nb: Etter den morsomme hendelsen, fortsatte Lars å besøke kaffebar og bestille kakeskiver.
En: After the funny incident, Lars continued to visit the coffee shop and order slices of cake.
Nb: Den gangen uttalte han det riktig og lo hver gang han sa "kakeskive."
En: That time he pronounced it correctly and laughed every time he said "cookie slice."
Nb: Det ble hans lille vits.
En: It was his little joke.
Nb: Historien om Lars og hans kakeskive-uttalelse spredte seg blant de faste kundene og de ansatte i kaffebar.
En: The story of Lars and his cookie-cutter statement spread among the regular customers and employees of the coffee shop.
Nb: Snart fikk kafeen rykte på seg for å ha den beste kaken og en morsom tilhørende historie.
En: Soon the cafe gained a reputation for having the best cake and a funny accompanying story.
Nb: Lars lærte en viktig lekse den dagen - å le av seg selv og ikke ta ting for seriøst.
En: Lars learned an important lesson that day - to laugh at himself and not take things too seriously.
Nb: Han hadde fått seg en god latter og en deilig kakeskive, alt takket være en liten uttalelse som gikk feil.
En: He'd had a good laugh and a delicious slice of cake, all thanks to a little statement gone wrong.
Nb: Så nå, når Lars går inn i kaffebar, før han engang bestiller, blir han alltid møtt med et varmt smil og en munter kommentar om kakeskiven sin.
En: So now, when Lars walks into a coffee shop, before he even orders, he is always greeted with a warm smile and a cheerful comment about his slice of cake.
Nb: Det er historien om Lars og hans berømte "ka-khey-skeeve".
En: It is the story of Lars and his famous "ka-khey-skeeve".
Nb: Og det er en historie som alltid får Lars til å le.
En: And it's a story that always makes Lars laugh.