In this episode, we'll join three friends on a beach adventure, as they attempt to cook a traditional paella and end up on a surprising journey of improvisation and laughter.
Ca: La brisa marina estava tossudament present, fent ondular lleugerament els cabells de Marta, Jordi i Anna.
En: The sea breeze was stubbornly present, slightly waving the hair of Marta, Jordi and Anna.
Ca: El sol escalfava les seves pells mentre mesuraven els ingredients per una paella tradicional a la platja.
En: The sun warmed their skins as they measured the ingredients for a traditional paella on the beach.
Ca: Els tres amics rius sota les seves ganes d'assaborir el plat que estaven a punt de preparar.
En: The three friends laughed under their desire to savor the dish they were about to prepare.
Ca: Marta va prendre la safata de pollastre i Jordi les closques per a la paella, mentre Anna s'encarregava de tallar la verdura.
En: Marta took the chicken tray and Jordi the shells for the pan, while Anna was in charge of cutting the vegetables.
Ca: El so de les onades que es trencaven a la sorra i el soroll de les fulles de la vegetació que es movien per la brisa creaven una banda sonora relaxant.
En: The sound of the waves breaking on the sand and the rustle of the leaves of the vegetation moving in the breeze created a relaxing soundtrack.
Ca: Després d'una estona, van arribar al moment de posar l'arròs a la paella.
En: After a while, it was time to put the rice in the pan.
Ca: Marta va comprovar les bosses i va adonar-se que no hi havia cap rastre d'arròs.
En: Marta checked the bags and noticed that there was no sign of rice.
Ca: Van buscar en tots els racons dels seus sacs d'equipatge, però no van trobar res.
En: They searched every nook and cranny of their luggage bags, but found nothing.
Ca: "T'ho vas deixar a casa?
En: "Did you leave it at home?"
Ca: " pregunta Jordi sorprès.
En: asks Jordi surprised.
Ca: "Qué més voldria jo," va respondre Marta, "però tinc una idea.
En: "What else would I want," replied Marta, "but I have an idea."
Ca: "Van mirar cap a la botiga més propera i hi van anar a córrer.
En: They looked towards the nearest store and ran there.
Ca: Va haver-hi una gran cua allà, així que van haver d'esperar una estona.
En: There was a big queue there so they had to wait for a while.
Ca: Finalment, va ser el seu torn i van aconseguir el que necessitaven per a la seva paella.
En: Finally, it was their turn and they got what they needed for their pan.
Ca: Després de comprar l'arròs, van tornar a la platja corrent.
En: After buying the rice, they ran back to the beach.
Ca: Van intentar recuperar el temps perdut, però tot i els seus esforços, la paella no va sortir bé.
En: They tried to make up for lost time, but despite their efforts, the pan did not turn out well.
Ca: Va cremar-se i va quedar irreparable.
En: It burned and was beyond repair.
Ca: "Mare meva," va exclamar Anna, "ja és la segona vegada aquest any que un dels nostres plats fracassa.
En: "My mother," exclaimed Anna, "this is the second time this year that one of our dishes has failed."
Ca: "Van decidir fer una barbacoa en lloc de la paella i van gaudir de la seva contribució especial a la combinació de plats.
En: They decided to make a barbecue instead of the pan and enjoyed their special contribution to the combination of dishes.
Ca: Deixant-se perdres pel moment, van riure junts mentre les flames il·luminaven la seva nit feliçment.
En: Losing themselves in the moment, they laughed together as the flames lit up their night happily.
Ca: Era una bona experiència, encara que no sortís exactament com havien planejat.
En: It was a good experience, even if it didn't go exactly as planned.
Ca: De ben segur, estarien més preparats la pròxima vegada, pensaven en els seus caps mentre tornaven cap a casa.
En: Surely they would be more prepared next time, they thought to their heads as they headed home.