In this episode, we'll join Lars and Emma on a rollercoaster of laughter, friendship, and cake mishaps in the magical world of Tivoli.
Da: Lars og Emma var så glade for at være i Tivoli.
En: Lars and Emma were so happy to be in Tivoli.
Da: Solen skinnede, og der var masser af sjove forlystelser.
En: The sun was shining and there were lots of fun rides.
Da: De gik rundt og spiste popcorn og sukkerspinder.
En: They went around eating popcorn and cotton candy.
Da: Lars havde købt en stor, lækker kage.
En: Lars had bought a large, delicious cake.
Da: Han glædede sig til at smage den.
En: He looked forward to tasting it.
Da: Pludselig fandt de en stor rutsjebane.
En: Suddenly they found a big slide.
Da: Lars og Emma skyndte sig at stille sig i køen.
En: Lars and Emma hurried to join the queue.
Da: De kunne næsten ikke vente med at komme afsted.
En: They could hardly wait to get going.
Da: Da det blev deres tur, løb de hen til deres sæder.
En: When it was their turn, they ran to their seats.
Da: Lars sad forrest, og Emma sad lige bagved.
En: Lars sat in the front, and Emma sat right behind.
Da: Rutsjebanen begyndte at køre op ad den store bakke.
En: The slide began to travel up the big hill.
Da: Lars kunne mærke sommerfuglene i maven.
En: Lars could feel the butterflies in his stomach.
Da: Da de kom ned fra bakken, tabte Lars sin kage i luften.
En: When they came down from the hill, Lars dropped his cake in the air.
Da: Det fløj lige hen og landede på hovedet af personen, der sad bagved Lars.
En: It flew straight and landed on the head of the person sitting behind Lars.
Da: Alle begyndte at grine.
En: Everyone started laughing.
Da: Personen med kagen på hovedet så helt sjov ud.
En: The person with the cake on his head looked absolutely hilarious.
Da: Selv Lars og Emma kunne ikke stoppe med at grine.
En: Even Lars and Emma couldn't stop laughing.
Da: Rutsjebanen stoppede, og de kom ud af deres sæder.
En: The slide stopped and they got out of their seats.
Da: Lars undskyldte til personen, men han var ikke sur.
En: Lars apologized to the person, but he was not angry.
Da: Han lo bare og sagde, at det var det sjoveste, der var sket hele dagen.
En: He just laughed and said it was the funniest thing that had happened all day.
Da: Lars, Emma og personen med kagen på hovedet fik en god snak.
En: Lars, Emma and the person with the cake on their head had a good chat.
Da: De gik sammen rundt i Tivoli og grinede meget.
En: They walked around Tivoli together and laughed a lot.
Da: Til sidst besluttede Lars og Emma, at de ville købe endnu en kage.
En: In the end, Lars and Emma decided that they would buy another cake.
Da: De delte den alle tre og blev venner for altid.
En: The three of them shared it and became friends forever.
Da: De forlod Tivoli med smil på læberne og masser af gode minder.
En: They left Tivoli with smiles on their faces and lots of good memories.
Da: Det var en sjov dag, selvom Lars tabte sin kage.
En: It was a fun day, even if Lars dropped his cake.
Da: Og historien endte godt.
En: And the story ended well.