In this episode, we'll dive into the chilly and chucklesome tale of first-time skiers turning a mishap into an unforgettable slope-side adventure.
Sl: Sonce se je smehljalo z neba, ko so trije prijatelji – Ana, Luka in Maja – prispeli v Kranjsko Goro.
En: The sun was smiling down from the sky as three friends – Ana, Luka, and Maja – arrived in Kranjska Gora.
Sl: Bili so polni pričakovanj, saj sta Ana in Luka prvič stopila na smuči, Maja pa je bila že izkušena smučarka.
En: They were full of anticipation, as Ana and Luka were putting on skis for the first time, while Maja was an experienced skier.
Sl: Ko so opazovali bele strmine, je Ana čutila metuljčke v trebuhu.
En: As they gazed at the white slopes, Ana felt butterflies in her stomach.
Sl: "Ali bova z Luko res zmogla?
En: "Will Luka and I really manage?"
Sl: " je tiho vprašala Majo.
En: she quietly asked Maja.
Sl: Maja, s širokim nasmehom na obrazu, je pomirjujoče odgovorila: "Samo sledita mojim navodilom in vse bo v redu.
En: With a broad smile on her face, Maja reassuringly replied, "Just follow my instructions and everything will be fine."
Sl: "Sprva so se previdno odpravili na otroško vlečnico.
En: They cautiously started out on the children's ski lift.
Sl: Luka je bil poln samozavesti, a ko se je prvič poizkusil peljati, je naredil salto in pristal na mehkem snegu.
En: Luka was confident, but when he attempted to ski for the first time, he did a somersault and landed in the soft snow.
Sl: Ana se je smejala, vendar ni minilo dolgo, ko jo je doletela podobna usoda.
En: Ana laughed, but it wasn't long before she suffered a similar fate.
Sl: Skupaj so se pobrali in z roko v roki odšli do pravega smučišča.
En: Together, they picked themselves up and hand in hand headed to the real ski slope.
Sl: Ko so stali na vrhu hriba, so bili razgledi čudoviti.
En: Standing at the top of the hill, the views were beautiful.
Sl: Snežne kape na drevesih, zasnežene gore in modro nebo.
En: Snow-capped trees, snow-covered mountains, and blue sky.
Sl: Ana in Luka so si nataknili smuči, a ravnovesje jima ni bilo naklonjeno.
En: Ana and Luka put on their skis, but balance was not on their side.
Sl: Ko sta se končno uspela odriniti, ju je zamajalo in nenadoma sta se znašla na tleh.
En: When they finally managed to push off, they wobbled and suddenly found themselves on the ground.
Sl: Smuči so odpadle, a v rokah sta držala smučarski palici.
En: Their skis came off, but they held onto their ski poles.
Sl: Obraza sta imela obrnjena drug proti drugemu in v trenutku sta dobila nenavadno idejo.
En: They faced each other and in a moment, they had an unusual idea.
Sl: Kot strela z jasnega sta se ozrla navzdol po strmini, nato pa sta se, brez besed, usedla na palici, jih obrnila proti dolini in zdrvela navzdol.
En: Out of the blue, they looked down the slope, and then, without a word, sat on their poles, turned them toward the valley, and swooshed down.
Sl: Bilo je kot nenamerno sankanje na smučarskih palicah!
En: It was like unintentional sledding on ski poles!
Sl: Ana in Luka sta kričala od strahu in veselja, medtem ko je Maja v smehu opazovala njuno pustolovščino.
En: Ana and Luka screamed with fear and joy, while Maja laughed and watched their adventure.
Sl: Vznemirjenje je naraščalo, hrib pa je bil vse strmejši in hitrost vse večja.
En: Excitement mounted, and the hill became steeper and the speed increased.
Sl: Kmalu sta pristala na dnu hriba, v kupu snega.
En: Soon they landed at the bottom of the hill in a pile of snow.
Sl: Na obrazu jima je sijalo sonce, kot bi jima šepetalo, da sta zdaj tudi onadva smučarja.
En: The sun shone on their faces, as if whispering to them that now they too were skiers.
Sl: Maja je prirjela do njiju, komaj zadrževala smeh in obenem občudovala njuno pogumno dejanje.
En: Maja rushed over to them, barely holding back laughter and at the same time admiring their brave act.
Sl: "Si videla to?
En: "Did you see that?!"
Sl: " je vprašal Luka in se ob tem smehljal od ušesa do ušesa.
En: Luka asked, grinning from ear to ear.
Sl: Maja je prikimala in dodala: "To se bo pripovedovalo še dolga leta.
En: Maja nodded and added, "This will be talked about for years.
Sl: Vi pa ste naravni sankarji!
En: You two are natural daredevils!"
Sl: "Ana in Luka sta se smejala skupaj z Majo in čeprav jima smučanje ni šlo najbolje, sta bila srečna zaradi nezgode, ki bo postala njun najljubši spomin iz Kranjske Gore.
En: Ana and Luka laughed along with Maja, and even though skiing didn't go well for them, they were happy about the mishap, which would become their favorite memory from Kranjska Gora.
Sl: Odločili so se, da smučanje morda ni za vsakogar, a esenca zimskih radosti je v smehu in druženju s prijatelji.
En: They decided that skiing might not be for everyone, but the essence of winter joy lies in laughter and spending time with friends.
Sl: In tako so preostanek dneva preživeli s sankanjem na pravih saneh in se veselili po svoje – brezsmučarsko, a zato nič manj zabavno.
En: So, they spent the rest of the day sledding on real sleds and enjoying themselves in their own way – without skiing, but no less fun.