The Furniture Puzzle: Astrid’s IKEA Challenge

In this episode, we'll follow Astrid as she embarks on a furniture-building journey at IKEA, relying solely on her courage and determination to tackle the ultimate puzzle.

Sv: Inne i en färgglad IKEA-butik var Astrid.
En: Inside a colorful IKEA store was Astrid.

Sv: Hon var glad.
En: She was happy.

Sv: Huset skulle bli fint.
En: The house would be nice.

Sv: Soffan och bordet låg i vagnen.
En: The sofa and the table were in the cart.

Sv: I vagnen var också en bokhylla.
En: In the cart was also a bookshelf.

Sv: Snart skulle allt vara hemma.
En: Soon everything would be at home.

Sv: Astrid betalade.
En: Astrid paid.

Sv: Skrattade med kassören.
En: Laughed with the cashier.

Sv: Lastade bilen.
En: Loaded the car.

Sv: Körde hem.
En: Drove home.

Sv: Hemma var Astrid.
En: At home was Astrid.

Sv: Lägenheten var tyst.
En: The apartment was quiet.

Sv: Soffan, bordet och bokhyllan låg i lådor.
En: The sofa, table, and bookshelf were in boxes.

Sv: Så många delar.
En: So many parts.

Sv: Astrid var inte rädd.
En: Astrid was not afraid.

Sv: Hon kunde bygga möblerna själv.
En: She could build the furniture herself.

Sv: Astrid tog ut alla delar.
En: Astrid took out all the parts.

Sv: De var överallt.
En: They were everywhere.

Sv: Spikar, hyllor, tyg.
En: Nails, shelves, fabric.

Sv: Det var som en gåta.
En: It was like a puzzle.

Sv: Men Astrid tittade inte på instruktionerna.
En: But Astrid did not look at the instructions.

Sv: Hon ville lösa gåtan själv.
En: She wanted to solve the puzzle herself.

Sv: Dag blev till natt.
En: Day turned into night.

Sv: Astrid jobbade hårt.
En: Astrid worked hard.

Sv: Soffan blev till ett bord.
En: The sofa turned into a table.

Sv: Bordet blev till en bokhylla.
En: The table turned into a bookshelf.

Sv: Bokhyllan blev till en soffa.
En: The bookshelf turned into a sofa.

Sv: Astrid skrattade.
En: Astrid laughed.

Sv: Det var roligt, men knepigt.
En: It was fun, but tricky.

Sv: Hon ville inte ge upp.
En: She did not want to give up.

Sv: Hon skulle lösa det.
En: She would solve it.

Sv: Astrid jobbade igen.
En: Astrid worked again.

Sv: Allt flög runt.
En: Everything was flying around.

Sv: Skruvar, spikar, träplattor.
En: Screws, nails, wooden boards.

Sv: Snart såg soffan ut som en soffa.
En: Soon the sofa looked like a sofa.

Sv: Bordet såg ut som ett bord.
En: The table looked like a table.

Sv: Bokhyllan såg ut som en bokhylla.
En: The bookshelf looked like a bookshelf.

Sv: Astrid var trött och glad.
En: Astrid was tired and happy.

Sv: Huset var nu fint.
En: The house was now nice.

Sv: Soffan var mjuk.
En: The sofa was soft.

Sv: Bordet var stabilt.
En: The table was sturdy.

Sv: Bokhyllan var stark.
En: The bookshelf was strong.

Sv: Instruktionerna låg fortfarande i lådan.
En: The instructions were still in the box.

Sv: Astrid kunde bygga möbler.
En: Astrid could build furniture.

Sv: Från IKEA, utan instruktioner.
En: From IKEA, without instructions.

Sv: Det var hennes gåta, som hon hade löst.
En: It was her puzzle, which she had solved.

Sv: Astrid sov gott den natten.
En: Astrid slept well that night.

Sv: I sitt fina, nya hem.
En: In her nice, new home.

Sv: Det var en vacker dag.
En: It was a beautiful day.

Sv: Solen sken, fåglarna sjöng.
En: The sun was shining, the birds were singing.

Sv: Astrid vaknade och log.
En: Astrid woke up and smiled.

Sv: Möblerna var där, som hon hade byggt dem.
En: The furniture was there, as she had built them.

Sv: Inga instruktioner, bara Astrids mod och vilja.
En: No instructions, just Astrid's courage and determination.

Sv: Nu var allt klart.
En: Now everything was ready.

Sv: Astrid var nöjd.
En: Astrid was satisfied.

Sv: Historien om Astrid i IKEA var nu slut.
En: The story of Astrid in IKEA was now over.

Sv: Och varje gång Astrid tittade på sina möbler, var hon påmind om den dagen.
En: And every time Astrid looked at her furniture, she was reminded of that day.

Sv: Dagen då hon lärde sig att hon kunde göra allt.
En: The day she learned that she could do anything.

Sv: Inga instruktioner behövdes.
En: No instructions needed.

Sv: Endast mod och vilja.
En: Only courage and determination.