In this episode, we'll follow Ingrid as she transforms tourists' rainy day moods through the power of stylish weather gear, proving that the right clothes can brighten any stormy day.
Nb: Ingrid bor i Bergen.
En: Ingrid lives in Bergen.
Nb: Bergen er en vakker by.
En: Bergen is a beautiful city.
Nb: Det er fjell.
En: There are mountains.
Nb: Det er hav.
En: There is the sea.
Nb: Men, det regner.
En: But, it rains.
Nb: Det regner mye.
En: It rains a lot.
Nb: Ingrid liker regn.
En: Ingrid likes rain.
Nb: Hun sier, "Regn er bra.
En: She says, "Rain is good.
Nb: Du trenger bare rett klær.
En: You just need the right clothes."
Nb: " Lars og Gunnhild er turister.
En: Lars and Gunnhild are tourists.
Nb: De kommer fra et solfylt land.
En: They come from a sunny country.
Nb: De liker ikke regn.
En: They do not like rain.
Nb: De er kalde.
En: They are cold.
Nb: De er våte.
En: They are wet.
Nb: De er sure.
En: They are grumpy.
Nb: "Vi liker ikke regn," sier de.
En: "We do not like rain," they say.
Nb: Ingrid smiler.
En: Ingrid smiles.
Nb: Hun tror hun kan hjelpe.
En: She thinks she can help.
Nb: "Dårlig vær?
En: "Bad weather?"
Nb: " spør hun.
En: she asks.
Nb: "Nei, det er bare dårlige klesvalg.
En: "No, it's just bad clothing choices."
Nb: " Lars og Gunnhild ser på hverandre.
En: Lars and Gunnhild look at each other.
Nb: De forstår ikke.
En: They do not understand.
Nb: Ingrid tar dem med til en butikk.
En: Ingrid takes them to a store.
Nb: Butikken selger utstyr for dårlig vær.
En: The store sells equipment for bad weather.
Nb: Det er støvler.
En: There are boots.
Nb: Det er regnjakker.
En: There are rain jackets.
Nb: Det er paraplyer.
En: There are umbrellas.
Nb: Ingrid kjøper klær til dem.
En: Ingrid buys clothes for them.
Nb: Lars og Gunnhild er forvirret.
En: Lars and Gunnhild are confused.
Nb: Men de prøver klærne.
En: But they try on the clothes.
Nb: Utenfor det regner fortsatt.
En: Outside, it is still raining.
Nb: Det er fortsatt kaldt.
En: It is still cold.
Nb: Men Lars og Gunnhild er ikke våte.
En: But Lars and Gunnhild are not wet.
Nb: De er ikke kalde.
En: They are not cold.
Nb: De ser på hverandre.
En: They look at each other.
Nb: De smiler.
En: They smile.
Nb: "Kanskje regn er ikke så dårlig," sier Lars.
En: "Maybe rain is not so bad," says Lars.
Nb: Gunnhild nikker.
En: Gunnhild nods.
Nb: "Det er ikke dårlig vær," sier hun, "bare dårlige klesvalg.
En: "It's not bad weather," she says, "just bad clothing choices."
Nb: " Fra da var ikke regnet et problem for Lars og Gunnhild.
En: From then on, the rain was not a problem for Lars and Gunnhild.
Nb: De gikk rundt Bergen.
En: They walked around Bergen.
Nb: De så fjell.
En: They saw mountains.
Nb: De så hav.
En: They saw the sea.
Nb: De så vakre bygninger.
En: They saw beautiful buildings.
Nb: Alt i rett klær.
En: All in the right clothes.
Nb: "Dårlig vær?
En: "Bad weather?
Nb: Nei!
En: No!"
Nb: " sa de, "bare dårlige klesvalg.
En: they said, "just bad clothing choices."
Nb: " Og de lo.
En: And they laughed.
Nb: Ingrid smilte.
En: Ingrid smiled.
Nb: Hun visste at hun hadde hjulpet.
En: She knew she had helped.
Nb: Bergen er vakker, selv i regn.
En: Bergen is beautiful, even in the rain.
Nb: Man trenger bare rett klær.
En: You just need the right clothes.