A Kiss, A Fall, A Friendship’s Call

explore the true essence of friendship and courage beyond the legend of the Blarney Stone, with Seamus and Aoife's heart-stopping adventure

Ga: Lá breá gréine a bhí ann i gCaisleán na Blarnan.
En: It was a beautiful sunny day in Blarney Castle.

Ga: Seamus agus Aoife, beirt chairde ó óige, ar thuras lae chun éacht a dhéanamh.
En: Seamus and Aoife, two friends since childhood, were on a day trip to accomplish a feat.

Ga: Chuala siad go leor scéalta faoi Chloch na Blarnan, an cloch álainn a bhí cáiliúil ar fud an domhain.
En: They had heard many stories about the Blarney Stone, the beautiful stone that was famous worldwide.

Ga: Bhí siad ar bís faoi póg a thabhairt di, faoi rún na cainte a fháil.
En: They were excited to give it a kiss and to unlock the secret of its enchanting effect.

Ga: Ag siúl tríd an gcaisleán ársa, bhí Aoife ag caint go díograiseach faoi stair na háite, agus bhí Seamus ag éisteacht go foighneach.
En: As they walked through the old castle, Aoife was enthusiastically talking about the history of the place, while Seamus was listening patiently.

Ga: Sroich siad an pointe ard agus bhí an chloch rompu.
En: They reached the high point, and the stone was in front of them.

Ga: Seamus, a bhí riamh beagáinín iomaíoch, chinn sé go bpógfadh sé an chloch ar dtús.
En: Seamus, who was always a bit competitive, decided he would kiss the stone first.

Ga: Rinne sé iarracht aird Aoife a tharraingt aige.
En: He tried to get Aoife's attention.

Ga: Agus é dírithe ar an tasc, labhair sé go fonnmhar.
En: Focused on the task, he spoke eagerly.

Ga: "Féach, Aoife, iniúchfaidh mé mo chrógacht!
En: "Look, Aoife, I will prove my bravery!

Ga: Pógfaidh mé Cloch na Blarnan agus beidh an labhraíocht binn agam!
En: I will kiss the Blarney Stone and I will have the sweet eloquence!"

Ga: "Agus é ag druidim le cloch na cainte, bhí cosa Seamus lúfar.
En: As he approached the talking stone, Seamus became hesitant.

Ga: D'fhéach sé siar ar Aoife, síneadh aghaidh le gáire.
En: He looked back at Aoife, grinning broadly.

Ga: Seo é an nóiméad!
En: This was the moment!

Ga: Chuir sé a cheann siar, lámha taca ag lucht féachana a bhí timpeall air, agus bheartaigh sé póg a thabhairt don chloch.
En: He leaned back, with onlookers eagerly watching, and decided to kiss the stone.

Ga: Ach, i dtrioblóid mhór a bhí Seamus!
En: But Seamus was in big trouble!

Ga: Chuir sé i bhfad rófhada siar, agus cailleadh a bhreith.
En: He leaned too far back and lost his balance.

Ga: Scaoil sceich as an slua, agus d'fheach gach éinne le heagla mar a thit Seamus!
En: He slipped away from the crowd, and everyone watched in terror as Seamus fell!

Ga: Aoife, a bhí tréan agus glic, léim i dtreo a cara.
En: Aoife, strong and clever, jumped towards her friend.

Ga: Shín sí amach a lámha agus rug sí greim ar choim Seamus díreach in am!
En: She reached out her hands and grabbed Seamus firmly just in time!

Ga: Bhíodar araon crochta ansin, Seamus agus Aoife, os cionn an domhain.
En: They were both hanging then, Seamus and Aoife, over the edge of the world.

Ga: Le lúfar agus le neart, tharraing Aoife ar Seamus ar ais suas chun sábháilteachta.
En: With strength and determination, Aoife pulled Seamus back up to safety.

Ga: Bhí a análacht ghearr ach a croí mór le faoiseamh.
En: She was breathing fast but her heart was relieved.

Ga: Bhí an slua ag bualadh bos, ag déanamh ceiliúradh ar a misneach.
En: The crowd clapped, celebrating their courage.

Ga: Ansin, le gliondar croí, d'aithin Seamus gur chabhraigh Aoife leis níos mó ná mar a thuig sé riamh.
En: Then, with a joyful heart, Seamus recognized that Aoife helped him more than he ever understood.

Ga: D'aithin sé an cairdeas a bhí idir an bheirt acu ná rud ar bith eile ar an domhain.
En: He acknowledged the friendship between them more than anything else in the world.

Ga: "Go raibh maith agat, Aoife," arsa Seamus.
En: "Thank you, Aoife," said Seamus.

Ga: "Tá an fíor-chumas cainte agat – an cumas grá agus cairdeas a léiriú nuair a bhíonn sé de dhíth go géar.
En: "You have the true gift of speech – the ability to show love and friendship when it is most needed."

Ga: "Ón lá sin i leith, bhí scéalta i dtaobh misneach Aoife agus an lá a shábháil sí Seamus ag dul ó bhéal go béal.
En: From that day on, there were stories about Aoife's courage and the day she saved Seamus spreading from mouth to mouth.

Ga: D'fhoghlaim siad le chéile nach bhfuil sa póg ar chloch ach finscéal, ach tá an cairdeas a roinneann tú le daoine eile go deimhin fíor agus buan.
En: They learned together that the kiss on the stone is just a legend, but the friendship you share with others is truly real and enduring.