A Wet Adventure in Copenhagen

In this episode, we'll follow Lars on a rainy adventure through the streets of Copenhagen, as he discovers that sometimes unexpected encounters can turn a wet experience into a memorable story.

Da: Lars vågnede en grå regnvejrsdag i sin lejlighed i København.
En: Lars woke up on a gray rainy day in his apartment in Copenhagen.

Da: Han strakte sig og gned søvnen ud af øjnene.
En: He stretched and rubbed the sleep out of his eyes.

Da: "Åh nej," tænkte han pludselig, "jeg glemte min paraply!"
En: "Oh no," he thought suddenly, "I forgot my umbrella!"

Da: Lars skyndte sig ud ad døren og ned ad gaden.
En: Lars hurried out the door and down the street.

Da: Regnen faldt tungt, og han kunne høre dråberne tromme mod fortovet.
En: The rain was falling heavily, and he could hear the drops drumming against the pavement.

Da: Han kiggede sig omkring i panik og kunne ikke se nogen butikker, der solgte paraplyer på vejen.
En: He looked around in panic and could not see any shops selling umbrellas on the road.

Da: Pludselig faldt hans øje på en plastikpose, der fløj forbi ham i vinden.
En: Suddenly his eye fell on a plastic bag flying past him in the wind.

Da: "Det er da bedre end ingenting," tænkte Lars og greb fat i posen.
En: "That's better than nothing," Lars thought and grabbed the bag.

Da: Han holdt den over sit hoved i håb om at holde sig selv tør.
En: He held it over his head, hoping to keep himself dry.

Da: Posen var dog ikke særlig stærk, og den begyndte at flække fra hinanden.
En: However, the bag was not very strong and it started to tear apart.

Da: Lars forsøgte at samle den, men det var umuligt.
En: Lars tried to collect it, but it was impossible.

Da: Regnen kom stærkere, og han blev hurtigt gennemblødt.
En: The rain came harder and he was quickly soaked.

Da: Lars skyndte sig ned ad gaden i håb om at finde læ, men han vidste ikke, hvor han skulle lede.
En: Lars rushed down the street, hoping to find shelter, but he didn't know where to look.

Da: Han kiggede på sit vælg, som også var blevet vådt, og der var ingen tegn på, at regnen ville stoppe snart.
En: He looked at his pick, which had also gotten wet, and there was no sign that the rain would stop anytime soon.

Da: Pludselig blev Lars opmærksom på en lille sidegade med en markise, der strakte sig ud fra en lille café.
En: Suddenly Lars became aware of a small side street with an awning extending from a small café.

Da: Han styrtede derhen og gemte sig under markisen.
En: He rushed there and hid under the awning.

Da: Han pustede lettet ud og forsøgte at trække vejret igen.
En: He let out a sigh of relief and tried to breathe again.

Da: Imens stod han og ventede på, at regnen skulle stoppe, kiggede Lars ind i vinduet til caféen.
En: While he was waiting for the rain to stop, Lars looked into the window of the cafe.

Da: Der sad en kvinde og læste en bog ved et bord med en dampende kop kaffe.
En: There was a woman sitting reading a book at a table with a steaming cup of coffee.

Da: Han kunne ikke lade være med at smile lidt ved synet.
En: He couldn't help but smile a little at the sight.

Da: Efter et stykke tid begyndte regnen endelig at aftage.
En: After a while, the rain finally started to subside.

Da: Lars trådte forsigtigt ud fra markisen og kiggede op mod himlen.
En: Lars carefully stepped out from the awning and looked up at the sky.

Da: Det var stadig gråt og overskyet, men regnen var ved at stoppe.
En: It was still gray and overcast, but the rain was stopping.

Da: Han sukkede lettet op og gik hen til kvinde i vinduet.
En: He sighed in relief and walked over to the woman in the window.

Da: "Undskyld mig," sagde han, "ved du, hvor den nærmeste butik er, hvor jeg kan købe en ny paraply?"
En: "Excuse me," he said, "do you know where the nearest shop is where I can buy a new umbrella?"

Da: Kvinden smilede venligt og pegede hen ad gaden.
En: The woman smiled kindly and pointed down the street.

Da: "Gå lige ned ad gaden her," sagde hun, "og du vil se en paraplybutik på hjørnet."
En: "Just walk down this street," she said, "and you'll see an umbrella shop on the corner."

Da: Lars takkede hende og gik ned ad gaden.
En: Lars thanked her and went down the street.

Da: Han købte en flot, blå paraply og skyndte sig tilbage til sin lejlighed.
En: He bought a nice blue umbrella and hurried back to his apartment.

Da: Da han endelig kom hjem, var han stadig våd, men i det mindste havde han en paraply.
En: When he finally got home, he was still wet, but at least he had an umbrella.

Da: Han lagde sin gamle, gennemblødte plastikpose i skraldespanden og smed sin nye paraply i entréen.
En: He put his old, soaked plastic bag in the bin and threw his new umbrella into the entrance hall.

Da: Lars sank ned i sin sofa og smilede.
En: Lars sank into his sofa and smiled.

Da: Selvom han havde haft en våd og lidt kaotisk dag, følte han sig heldig at have mødt den venlige kvinde i caféen.
En: Although he had had a wet and somewhat chaotic day, he felt lucky to have met the friendly woman in the café.

Da: Han vidste, at han ville huske denne begivenhed og historien om den plastikpose, der blev til en våd oplevelse i København.
En: He knew he would remember this event and the story of the plastic bag that turned into a wet experience in Copenhagen.