In this episode, we'll explore the heartwarming tale of friendship and history as Ana encounters a 'robot' in the ancient city of Split.
Hr: Sunce se smijalo nad krovovima Dioklecijanove palače u Splitu, a svjetlost je plesala po starom kamenu.
En: The sun was smiling over the rooftops of Diocletian's Palace in Split, and the light was dancing on the old stone.
Hr: Na trgu, medu turistima, Ana je hodala u društvu Ivana i Petra.
En: In the square, among the tourists, Ana was walking with Ivan and Petar.
Hr: Nije mogla vjerovati koliko je povijest ispred nje oživjela dok je promatrala ljepotu ovoga drevnog mjesta.
En: She couldn't believe how much history came to life in front of her as she observed the beauty of this ancient place.
Hr: "Ivan, Petre, pogledajte!
En: "Ivan, Petar, look!"
Hr: " viknula je Ana, gotovo dječje uzbuđena.
En: Ana shouted, almost childishly excited.
Hr: "Robot!
En: "A robot!"
Hr: "Ana je brzo prišla uličnom izvođaču koji je, obučen u srebrno odijelo, stajao nepomičan poput pravog robota.
En: Ana quickly approached a street performer who, dressed in a silver suit, stood motionless like a real robot.
Hr: Njezine modre oči sjajile su od uzbuđenja dok je započela 'razgovor' s metalnim čovjekom.
En: Her blue eyes were shining with excitement as she began to 'talk' with the metal man.
Hr: "Zdravo, kako se zoveš?
En: "Hello, what's your name?"
Hr: " pitala je veselo, očekujući odgovor.
En: she asked cheerfully, expecting a response.
Hr: Ivan i Petar su se počeli smijati gledajući Anu kako razgovara s performerom za kojeg je mislila da je pravi robot.
En: Ivan and Petar began to laugh as they watched Ana talk to the performer whom she thought was a real robot.
Hr: S vremenom, i Ana se počela smijati shvativši situaciju.
En: Eventually, Ana also began to laugh, realizing the situation.
Hr: Ulični umjetnik se blago naklonio, a Ana se zacrvenjela od smijeha.
En: The street artist bowed slightly, and Ana blushed with laughter.
Hr: "Sada ću prava razgovarati s jednim kamenom," našalila se Ana, još uvijek pocrvenjela od situacije.
En: "Now I'll have a real conversation with a stone," Ana joked, still blushing from the situation.
Hr: Nakon što su se nasmijali, troje prijatelja odlučiše nastaviti obilazak palače.
En: After laughing, the three friends decided to continue exploring the palace.
Hr: Istražili su svaki kutak i naučili puno o povijesti ovog čarobnog mjesta.
En: They explored every corner and learned a lot about the history of this magical place.
Hr: Ubrzo su pronašli malenu tratoriju gdje su se počastili slasnim dačenkom.
En: Soon, they found a small trattoria and treated themselves to delicious Dalmatian cuisine.
Hr: Dok su jeli, Ivan i Petar ispričali su priču svojim obiteljima i prijateljima, a Ana je postala junakinja priče o djevojci koja je razgovarala s robotom u srcu Dioklecijanove palače.
En: While they were eating, Ivan and Petar told the story to their families and friends, and Ana became the heroine of the story about the girl who talked to a robot in the heart of Diocletian's Palace.
Hr: "Što mislite, je li robot možda zapamti Ana?
En: "What do you think, maybe the robot will remember Ana?"
Hr: " našalio se Petar.
En: Petar joked.
Hr: Svi su se smijali, a sreća i toplina prijateljstva ispunili su zrak.
En: Everyone laughed, and happiness and the warmth of friendship filled the air.
Hr: Ana je shvatila da su uspomene koje su stvorili puno vrijednije od bilo kakve zabune s uličnim izvođačem.
En: Ana realized that the memories they created were much more valuable than any confusion with a street performer.
Hr: I taj dan, Ana, Ivan i Petar donosili su ispričati priču o mjestu punom čuda i hrabrosti djevojke da zagrli humor u svakoj pustolovini koja ju je čekala u Dioklecijanovoj palači.
En: And that day, Ana, Ivan, and Petar continued to tell the story of a place full of wonders and the bravery of a girl embracing humor in every adventure that awaited her in Diocletian's Palace.