In this episode, we'll explore the market mayhem when Martins mistakes a stranger for his sister amid the vegetable stands, leading to a laugh-filled cooking caper.
Lv: Martins ieradās tirgū ar sava drauga velosipēdu.
En: Martins arrived at the market with his friend's bike.
Lv: Viņa māsa Inese bija jau tur, pie dārzeņu stenda.
En: His sister Inese was already there, by the vegetable stand.
Lv: Rīgas Centrāltirgus bija vieta, kur abi bieži iegādājās svaigus produktus, bet šī diena bija īpaša - Martins gatavojās pārsteigt savu māsu ar īpašu vakariņu gatavošanu.
En: Riga Central Market was a place where they often bought fresh produce, but this day was special - Martins was preparing to surprise his sister with a special dinner.
Lv: Martins sāka meklēt labākos kāpostus.
En: Martins started looking for the best cabbages.
Lv: Viņš bija tik koncentrējies, skatīdamies uz zaļajiem kaudzēm, ka nepamana, kā Inese atstāja stendu, lai paņemtu tomātus.
En: He was so focused, looking at the green piles, that he didn't notice Inese leaving the stand to pick tomatoes.
Lv: Pēkšņi Martins izvēlējās lielāko un veselīgāko izskatāmo kāpostu.
En: Suddenly, Martins chose the biggest and healthiest looking cabbage.
Lv: Inese, skaties, ko esmu atradis!
En: Inese, look what I found!
Lv: viņš saucās, pieglausties domājot, ka viņas galva būtu blakus kāpostam.
En: he called out, leaning over thinking her head would be next to the cabbage.
Lv: Taču, neizejot no savas koncentrēšanās, viņš nepamanīja, ka turēja nevis Ineses plecu, bet gan svešas sievietes.
En: But, not breaking his concentration, he didn't realize that he was holding onto a stranger's shoulder, not Inese's.
Lv: Svešā sieviete izbīlēja un pagriezās.
En: The stranger startled and turned around.
Lv: Martins apžilba no kautrības.
En: Martins blushed with embarrassment.
Lv: Atvaino, es domāju...
En: Sorry, I thought...
Lv: viņš sāka, bet sieviete tikai smējās.
En: he started, but the woman just laughed.
Lv: Es ceru, ka tava māsa ir skaistāka nekā šis kāposts,
En: I hope your sister is prettier than this cabbage,
Lv: viņa sacīja ar smaidu.
En: she said with a smile.
Lv: Martins meklēja Inesi ar skatienu un pamanīja viņu pie tomātu kastes.
En: Martins looked for Inese with his eyes and noticed her by the tomato crates.
Lv: Viņa teica: Kā Tu vari mani sajaukt ar kāpostu?
En: She said, How could you mistake me for a cabbage?
Lv: Viņa smējās, redzot Martina juku.
En: She laughed, seeing Martins' confusion.
Lv: Abi kopā pabeidza iepirkties un devās mājās.
En: They finished shopping together and went home.
Lv: Vakarā Martins pagatavoja vakariņas, un stāstīja par savu sajukumu tirgū.
En: In the evening, Martins cooked dinner and talked about his mix-up at the market.
Lv: Abi smējās, un Inese teica: Nākamreiz, pirms Tu 'atrod' manu galvu starp dārzeņiem, labāk parliecinies divreiz!
En: They both laughed, and Inese said, Next time, before you 'find' my head among the vegetables, better make sure twice!
Lv: Martins iemācījās būt uzmanīgākam, un kopš tās dienas, viņš vienmēr pārliecinājās par to, ko vai kuru viņš turēja.
En: Martins learned to be more careful, and since that day, he always made sure of what or who he was holding.
Lv: Un Inese vairs netika sajaukta ar kāpostu.
En: And Inese was never mistaken for a cabbage again.