In this episode, we'll embark on a captivating journey through the picturesque streets of Rome, where Giulia and Marco's chance encounter with a talented street performer sets the stage for an unforgettable adventure filled with serendipity and magic.
It: Era una meravigliosa giornata di sole a Roma, e l'aria era riempita dal rumore dei passi e dalla voce degli artisti di strada sulla meravigliosa Piazza Navona.
En: It was a wonderful sunny day in Rome, and the air was filled with the sound of footsteps and the voice of street performers on the beautiful Piazza Navona.
It: Giulia e Marco, due grandi amici, passeggiavano mano nella mano, godendosi il calore del sole sul viso.
En: Giulia and Marco, two great friends, walked hand in hand, enjoying the warmth of the sun on their faces.
It: Mentre camminavano, il loro sguardo cadde su un artista di strada molto talentuoso che stav
En: As they walked, their eye fell on a very talented street performer who was standing