In this episode, we'll dive into the laughter-filled tale of Maja, a cheerful soul's surprising plunge, and the heartwarming bond between two best friends amidst the cobblestone paths of Ljubljana.
Sl: Bilo je lepo, sončno dopoldne, ko sta se Maja in Luka sprehajala po ulicah Ljubljane.
En: It was a beautiful, sunny morning when Maja and Luka strolled through the streets of Ljubljana.
Sl: Maja, vedno nasmejana in polna energije, je bila vznemirjena, da bo lahko preživela čudovit dan s svojim najboljšim prijateljem Luko.
En: Maja, always smiling and full of energy, was excited to spend a wonderful day with her best friend Luka.
Sl: Luka pa je bil pravi mojster fotografije in ni mogel čakati, da posname popoln selfie pred Prešernovim spomenikom na Tromostovju.
En: Luka, on the other hand, was a master of photography and couldn't wait to take the perfect selfie in front of the Prešeren Monument at Tromostovje.
Sl: Ko sta prišla do glavne ljubljanske tržnice, se je Maja osupnila nad barvitostjo stojnic, ki so bile polne svežega sadja in zelenjave.
En: As they reached the main market in Ljubljana, Maja was amazed by the colorful stalls filled with fresh fruits and vegetables.
Sl: Med občudovanjem cvetočih tulipanov in sočnih jagod, je Luka izvlekel svoj telefon in rekel: "Maja, pridi sem, to bo popolna priložnost za naš selfie!
En: While admiring the blooming tulips and juicy strawberries, Luka pulled out his phone and said, "Maja, come here, this will be the perfect opportunity for our selfie!"
Sl: "Maja je hitro stekla k njemu, a ni opazila mokrega tlakovca ob robu vodnjaka.
En: Maja quickly ran to him, but she didn't notice the wet pavement by the edge of the fountain.
Sl: Njena noga je zdrsnila in z glasnim pljuskom je padla naravnost v fontano!
En: Her foot slipped, and with a loud splash, she fell right into the fountain!
Sl: Ljudje okoli so se obrnili, da bi videli, kaj se je zgodilo.
En: People around turned to see what had happened.
Sl: Maja je sedela v vodi, popolnoma šokirana, obraz ji je rdeč od zadrege.
En: Maja sat in the water, completely shocked, her face red with embarrassment.
Sl: Luka je pohitel do nje, poskušal zadrževati smeh in ji ponudil roko.
En: Luka rushed to her, trying to hold back a laugh and offered her his hand.
Sl: "Ali si v redu?
En: "Are you okay?"
Sl: " je vprašal, medtem ko so kaplje vode kapljale z Majinih las.
En: he asked, while water droplets dripped from Maja's hair.
Sl: Za trenutek je bilo slišati le šumenje vode in otožne golobe, ki so čivkali v ozadju.
En: For a moment, all that could be heard was the sound of water and the mournful cooing of pigeons in the background.
Sl: Maja je pogledala Luko in oba sta počasi začela se smejati naravnost iz srca.
En: Maja looked at Luka, and both slowly began laughing straight from the heart.
Sl: Situacija je bila tako smešna, da je Maja skoraj pozabila na mokre obleke.
En: The situation was so funny that Maja almost forgot about her wet clothes.
Sl: S pomočjo Luke je Maja vstala iz vode, še vedno smeje se, in rekla: "No, to je bil zagotovo eden bolj nepozabnih selfijev!
En: With Luka's help, Maja got out of the water, still laughing, and said, "Well, that was certainly one of the more unforgettable selfies!"
Sl: "Preostanek dneva sta preživela skupaj, sušeč Majina mokra oblačila in iščeč nova.
En: They spent the rest of the day together, drying Maja's wet clothes and looking for new ones.
Sl: Šla sta na pico in se pogovarjala o dogodivščinah, ki sta jih doživela tisti dan.
En: They went for pizza and talked about the adventures they had that day.
Sl: In ko so se zvezde počasi začele prikazovati na večernem nebu, sta Maja in Luka sedla na klopco ob Ljubljanici in občudovala slikovite mostove mesta.
En: And as the stars slowly began to appear in the evening sky, Maja and Luka sat on a bench by the Ljubljanica River, admiring the picturesque bridges of the city.
Sl: Ko je bila noč na višku, je Luka ponovno izvlekel svoj telefon in ga nastavil na samoportret.
En: When the night was at its peak, Luka once again pulled out his phone and set it for a self-portrait.
Sl: Tokrat je Maja stala trdno na suhem in se smehljala široko v objemu Lukovega prijateljstva.
En: This time, Maja stood firmly on dry land, smiling broadly in the embrace of Luka's friendship.
Sl: Klik kamere je ujel trenutek čiste radosti in prijateljstva – brez nenadnih padcev v vodo.
En: The camera click captured a moment of pure joy and friendship – without any sudden dips into the water.
Sl: In tako se je njun dan končal z obljubo, da bodo njune prihodnje fotografije za spomin brez nepričakovanih potovanj v fontane, a ena posebna fotografija je bila vedno shranjena v telefonu, kot opomnik na dan, ko je Maja nehote postala zvezda ljubljanske fontane.
En: And so their day ended with a promise that their future photos for memory's sake would be without unexpected trips into fountains, but one special photo was always saved on the phone, as a reminder of the day when Maja inadvertently became the star of the Ljubljana fountain.