In this episode, we'll follow Jordi's heartfelt mission as he transforms Parc Güell into a vibrant celebration, uniting neighbors through dedication, joy, and the magic of Gaudí's art.
Ca: El sol brillava amb força.
En: The sun was shining brightly.
Ca: El cel era blau, sense núvols.
En: The sky was blue, without clouds.
Ca: En Jordi caminava pel Parc Güell amb pas ferm.
En: Jordi walked through Parc Güell with a determined step.
Ca: Estava emocionat.
En: He was excited.
Ca: Avui seria un dia especial.
En: Today would be a special day.
Ca: El Parc Güell és un lloc màgic.
En: Parc Güell is a magical place.
Ca: Hi ha bancs de trencadís, columnes grans i un drac de colors a l’entrada.
En: There are mosaic benches, large columns, and a colorful dragon at the entrance.
Ca: Tot era obra de Gaudí, el gran arquitecte.
En: Everything was the work of Gaudí, the great architect.
Ca: En Jordi ho admirava molt.
En: Jordi admired it greatly.
Ca: Avui, en Jordi tenia una missió.
En: Today, Jordi had a mission.
Ca: Preparava una festa local al parc.
En: He was preparing a local party in the park.
Ca: Primer, va muntar una taula gran sota els arbres.
En: First, he set up a big table under the trees.
Ca: Després, va decorar la taula amb flors i llums.
En: Then, he decorated the table with flowers and lights.
Ca: Les flors eren vermelles, blaves i grogues.
En: The flowers were red, blue, and yellow.
Ca: Les llums donaven una llum càlida i acollidora.
En: The lights provided a warm and welcoming glow.
Ca: Els veïns també ajudaven.
En: The neighbors also helped.
Ca: La Maria portava pastissos.
En: Maria brought cakes.
Ca: El Xavi i la Laura inflaven globus.
En: Xavi and Laura were blowing up balloons.
Ca: "Tot ha de ser perfecte," pensava en Jordi mentre penjava els globus de colors.
En: "Everything must be perfect," thought Jordi as he hung the colored balloons.
Ca: De sobte, va veure un petit problema.
En: Suddenly, he noticed a small problem.
Ca: No hi havia prou cadires.
En: There weren't enough chairs.
Ca: Sense pensar-s'ho dos cops, en Jordi va córrer a buscar-ne més.
En: Without a second thought, Jordi ran to get more.
Ca: Va travessar el parc amb rapidesa.
En: He crossed the park quickly.
Ca: Els bancs de trencadís bellugaven sota el seu pes, però ell no es detenia.
En: The mosaic benches wobbled under his weight, but he didn't stop.
Ca: Va arribar a l'entrada i va sol·licitar cadires a un vigilant.
En: He reached the entrance and requested chairs from a guard.
Ca: El vigilant, simpàtic, li va donar un carretó amb cadires plegables.
En: The friendly guard gave him a cart with folding chairs.
Ca: En Jordi va tornar al lloc de la festa amb un somriure.
En: Jordi returned to the party site with a smile.
Ca: Al descarregar les cadires, una veïna va exclamar: "Bravo, Jordi!
En: As he unloaded the chairs, a neighbor exclaimed: "Bravo, Jordi!
Ca: Ara sí que tot està a punt!
En: Now everything is ready!"
Ca: "La gent arribava.
En: People were arriving.
Ca: El sol començava a baixar lentament.
En: The sun was slowly starting to set.
Ca: La festa estava a punt de començar.
En: The party was about to begin.
Ca: En Jordi se sentia orgullós.
En: Jordi felt proud.
Ca: Mentre la música sonava i la gent ballava, va veure que el seu esforç havia valgut la pena.
En: As the music played and people danced, he saw that his effort had been worth it.
Ca: La festa va ser un èxit.
En: The party was a success.
Ca: Tots gaudien.
En: Everyone was enjoying themselves.
Ca: Hi havia rialles, abraçades i cares felices per tot arreu.
En: There were laughs, hugs, and happy faces everywhere.
Ca: Al final de la nit, en Jordi va seure sota un arbre, esgotat però feliç.
En: At the end of the night, Jordi sat under a tree, exhausted but happy.
Ca: El Parc Güell, amb les seves formes i colors, semblava brillar amb una llum especial.
En: Parc Güell, with its shapes and colors, seemed to glow with a special light.
Ca: La festa local havia estat un èxit gràcies a tots.
En: The local party had been a success thanks to everyone.
Ca: En Jordi sabia que, amb treball i dedicació, es poden fer coses grans.
En: Jordi knew that with work and dedication, great things could be achieved.
Ca: Va tancar els ulls un moment i va somriure.
En: He closed his eyes for a moment and smiled.
Ca: La màgia del Parc Güell el va embolcallar suavement.
En: The magic of Parc Güell gently enveloped him.
Ca: I així, en Jordi va concloure el seu dia, content de saber que lligava la comunitat amb alegria i esforç.
En: And so, Jordi concluded his day, content to know he had united the community with joy and effort.
Ca: Ara, esperava amb ganes el proper any per fer la festa encara millor.
En: Now, he looked forward to the next year to make the party even better.