In this episode, we'll follow Marta on her journey to the Boqueria market, where a simple trip for fruits turns into a hilarious mishap with a chef's apron.
Ca: Marta volia fer un assortit de fruites fresques i sucoses per al seu dinar de diumenge.
En: Marta wanted to make an assortment of fresh and juicy fruits for her Sunday lunch.
Ca: La millor opció per aconseguir-ho era anar al mercat de la Boqueria, on podria trobar moltes opcions d'alta qualitat.
En: The best option to get it was to go to the Boqueria market, where you could find many high-quality options.
Ca: Quan Marta va arribar al mercat, va ser abrumada pel soroll i les persones que hi havia.
En: When Marta arrived at the market, she was overwhelmed by the noise and the people there.
Ca: Va intentar seguir el camí que havia planejat, però va perdre's entre les parades i els venedors.
En: He tried to follow the path he had planned, but got lost among the stalls and vendors.
Ca: Mentre caminava sense rumbo pel mercat, va notar un lloc on hi havia uns vestits exposats.
En: As he was walking aimlessly through the market, he noticed a place where some dresses were on display.
Ca: Va decidir que era la millor idea provar-se un d'aquells vestits.
En: She decided it was the best idea to try on one of those dresses.
Ca: Va agafar el davantal bellament decorat i, sense adonar-se, es va posar a provar-lo.
En: She picked up the beautifully decorated apron and, without realizing it, began to try it on.
Ca: No va notar la diferència fins que va adonar-se que tots els mabegos que hi havia al voltant seu la miraven estranyats.
En: She didn't notice the difference until she noticed that all the mabegos around her were looking at her strangely.
Ca: Després es va adonar que era un davantal de cuiner i va començar a riure sense parar.
En: Then he realized it was a chef's apron and started laughing non-stop.
Ca: Va trobar el lloc on havia de comprar les fruites i tot va acabar bé.
En: He found the place where he needed to buy the fruits and everything ended well.
Ca: La Marta es va endur el millor assortit de fruites i verdures del món, i va acabar el dia de diumenge amb una plena satisfacció.
En: Marta took home the best assortment of fruits and vegetables in the world, and ended Sunday with full satisfaction.