In this episode, we'll dive into a heartwarming short story about how a chaotic subway ride led to a lifetime of love and happiness for one lucky couple.
Ca: Laia estava de camí a la feina, esperant pacientment el metro que li portaria al seu destí.
En: Laia was on her way to work, patiently waiting for the metro to take her to her destination.
Ca: Avui el metro estava molt ple, i es trobava ben a prop d'un home anomenat Martí.
En: Today the subway was very full, and he was very close to a man called Martí.
Ca: Pau, un altre passatger aguantava l'equilibri a prop d'ells mentre el metro batallava pel trajecte.
En: Pau, another passenger kept his balance near them as the subway battled its way.
Ca: De sobte, el metro va fer una frenada brusca.
En: Suddenly, the subway braked sharply.
Ca: Martí va perdre l'equilibri i va caure a la falda de Laia.
En: Martí lost his balance and fell into Laia's lap.
Ca: Pau va intentar mantenir-se de peu, però també va rebre l'impacte.
En: Pau tried to stay on his feet, but he also took the impact.
Ca: Laia va ajupir-se per ajudar Martí a alçar-se i va notar alguna cosa estranya, uns segons després va veure un petit anell a terra.
En: Laia bent down to help Martí up and noticed something strange, a few seconds later she saw a small ring on the ground.
Ca: Martí es va disculpar per la seva caiguda i va recollir l'anell.
En: Martí apologized for his fall and picked up the ring.
Ca: Després li va preguntar a Laia si li pertanyia, ella va confirmar que era el seu anell de compromís i que havia caigut sense que ella s'adonés.
En: He then asked Laia if it belonged to her, she confirmed that it was her engagement ring and that it had fallen without her noticing.
Ca: Pau, que havia vist tota l'escena, va suggerir que Martí li donés el seu número i que ell mateix l'hi portés a la Laia fins a la seva oficina, just en cas que s'hagués perdut alguna cosa més.
En: Pau, who had seen the whole scene, suggested that Martí give him his number and that he himself take Laia to her office, just in case she had missed something else.
Ca: Laia, Martí i Pau van arribar a la conclusió que hi ha gent bona al món, i que aquell petit incident havia portat a una situació ben peculiar.
En: Laia, Martí and Pau came to the conclusion that there are good people in the world, and that that little incident had led to a very peculiar situation.
Ca: Martí va acompanyar Laia a la seva feina i li va deixar el número.
En: Martí accompanied Laia to her work and left her his number.
Ca: Van somriure i es van dir adéu.
En: They smiled and said goodbye.
Ca: Més tard aquell dia, Laia es va adonar que l'univers havia intervingut en la seva vida amorosa, ja que Martí va resultar ser el seu futur marit.
En: Later that day, Laia realized that the universe had intervened in her love life, as Martí turned out to be her future husband.
Ca: Va ser una història curta, però això va mostrar que les coses poden acabar bé, fins i tot en una situació caòtica com un metro ple de gent.
En: It was a short story, but it showed that things can end well, even in a chaotic situation like a crowded subway.