Pigeon Mischief at Kalemegdan!

In this episode, we'll share an unexpected tale of mischief, friendship, and the little surprises that life feathers into our path.

Sr: Jednog sunčanog prolećnog popodneva, Aleksandar je odlučio da poseti Kalemegdansku tvrđavu, kako bi uživao u pogledu na ušće Save u Dunav.
En: One sunny spring afternoon, Aleksandar decided to visit the Kalemegdan fortress to enjoy the view of the confluence of the Sava and Danube rivers.

Sr: Njegovo raspoloženje bilo je vedro poput dana, a šetnja kroz park činila je sve savršenim.
En: His mood was as bright as the day, and a stroll through the park made everything perfect.

Sr: Našao je klupu sa koje se pružao najlepši pogled, i nije ni primetio gužvu golubova koja je tuda vrvila maločas.
En: He found a bench with the most beautiful view and didn't even notice the flock of pigeons that had just been bustling around there.

Sr: Smešten na klupu, Aleksandar je duboko udahnuo, zatvorio oči i nasmešio se, ali samo na trenutak.
En: As he sat down, Aleksandar took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and smiled, but only for a moment.

Sr: U sljedećem momentu, osećaj nelagodnosti proširio se njegovim telom kad je shvatio da je seo pravo u gomilu mrvica i perja koje su ostavili golubovi nakon svoje gozbe.
En: The next moment, a feeling of discomfort spread through his body when he realized he had sat right in a pile of crumbs and feathers left by the pigeons after their feast.

Sr: U tom trenutku, prolazila je Jovana, Aleksandrova dobra prijateljica koja je voljela Kalemegdan isto koliko i on.
En: At that moment, Jovana, Aleksandar's good friend who loved Kalemegdan as much as he did, was passing by.

Sr: Video je njeno iznenađeno lice dok je pokušavala da sakrije osmeh.
En: He saw her surprised face as she tried to hide a smile.

Sr: "Izgledaš kao da si se prerušio u goluba," našalila se Jovana.
En: "You look like you've disguised yourself as a pigeon," Jovana joked.

Sr: Nikola, koji je takođe prolazio pored, nije mogao da propusti priliku da se nađe u blizini i pomogne.
En: Nikola, who was also passing by, couldn't miss the opportunity to be nearby and help out.

Sr: Bio je sklon avanturama i često je nosio male četkice koje su slučajno sada bile idealne za ovakvu situaciju.
En: He was adventurous and often carried small brushes that happened to be just right for this situation.

Sr: "Znao sam da će ove četkice jednom dobro doći," nasmejao se Nikola dok je počeo da čisti Aleksandra.
En: "I knew these brushes would come in handy one day," Nikola laughed as he began to clean up Aleksandar.

Sr: Dok su Nikola i Jovana čistili mrvicu po mrvicu, mnogi prolaznici su se osmehivali na taj vedri prizor prijateljstva i solidarnosti.
En: As Nikola and Jovana cleaned up crumb by crumb, many passersby smiled at this cheerful display of friendship and solidarity.

Sr: Aleksandar je postao malo poznat lik te popodneva na Kalemegdanu, a njegova nesreća pretvorila se u veselo druženje.
En: Aleksandar became a somewhat known figure that afternoon in Kalemegdan, and his misfortune turned into a cheerful gathering.

Sr: Na kraju tog čudnog događaja, troje prijatelja su našli drugu klupu, dalje od golubova, i tamo su nastavili da uživaju u pogledu.
En: After that strange event, the three friends found another bench, farther away from the pigeons, and continued to enjoy the view.

Sr: Aleksandar je bio zahvalan za svoje prijatelje i za čudne iznenađujuće situacije koje život pruža, pa čak i one koje uključuju golubove.
En: Aleksandar was grateful for his friends and for the strange surprising situations that life brings, even those involving pigeons.

Sr: Smeh i šale su odzvanjali tvrđavom dok se sunce polako spuštalo na horizontu, a priča o Aleksandrovom susretu sa golubovima postala je omiljena anegdota koju su pričali svaki put kada bi se vratili na Kalemegdan.
En: Laughter and jokes echoed through the fortress as the sun slowly set on the horizon, and the story of Aleksandar's encounter with the pigeons became a favorite anecdote they told every time they returned to Kalemegdan.