In this episode, we'll dive into a fountain of fun with three friends whose picture-perfect day in Dubrovnik turns into a soaking wet spectacle.
Hr: Sunce je zablistalo iznad zidina starog grada Dubrovnika kao da pozdravlja novi dan.
En: The sun shone above the walls of the old city of Dubrovnik as if it were greeting the new day.
Hr: Ivan, Petra i Marko su bili dobri prijatelji koji su odlučili provedi vikend u ovom prekrasnom gradu.
En: Ivan, Petra, and Marko were good friends who had decided to spend the weekend in this beautiful city.
Hr: Ivan je bio veliki ljubitelj fotografije, a Petra i Marko su uvijek uživali u njegovim pustolovinama kako bi uhvatili savršenu sliku.
En: Ivan was a big photography enthusiast, and Petra and Marko always enjoyed his adventures to capture the perfect picture.
Hr: Jednog popodneva, dok su šetali uskim ulicama okruženim starim kamenim kućama, Ivan je ugledao prelijepu fontanu.
En: One afternoon, as they were walking through narrow streets surrounded by old stone houses, Ivan spotted a beautiful fountain.
Hr: Vesela voda je plesala pod zrakama sunca, a zvuk mlazeva je stvarao glazbu koja se širila gradom.
En: The playful water danced in the sunlight, and the sound of the jets created music that filled the city.
Hr: „Ovdje će biti odlična slika!“ uzviknuo je Ivan.
En: "This will be a great picture here!" Ivan exclaimed.
Hr: Izvadio je svoj telefon i pozicionirao se za selfie s fontanom u pozadini.
En: He took out his phone and positioned himself for a selfie with the fountain in the background.
Hr: No, dok jese trudio uhvatiti savršen kut, nije primijetio vlažnu podlogu koja je okruživala fontanu.
En: But as he tried to capture the perfect angle, he didn't notice the wet surface surrounding the fountain.
Hr: Petra i Marko su stajali pokraj njega, smijući se i razgovarajući, kad su odjednom čuli zvuk klizanja.
En: Petra and Marko stood beside him, laughing and chatting, when they suddenly heard the sound of slipping.
Hr: Okrenuli su se samo da vide kako Ivan gubi ravnotežu i sa velikim pljuskom pada u fontanu.
En: They turned around only to see Ivan losing his balance and falling into the fountain with a big splash.
Hr: Iako zabrinuti, nisu mogli suzdržati smijeh kad su ga vidjeli kako izranja iz vode sav mokar.
En: Although concerned, they couldn't hold back their laughter when they saw him emerge from the water all wet.
Hr: „Ivane, jesi li dobro?“ upita Petra pokušavajući smiriti smijeh.
En: "Ivan, are you okay?" Petra asked, trying to suppress her laughter.
Hr: „Da, da, samo sam malo... mokar,“ odgovori Ivan s neugodnim osmijehom dok je izlazio iz fontane.
En: "Yes, yes, I'm just a little... wet," Ivan replied with an awkward smile as he got out of the fountain.
Hr: Marko je brzo priskočio da pomogne, pružajući mu ruku kako bi ga izvukao.
En: Marko quickly stepped in to help, reaching out his hand to pull him out.
Hr: Okupljeni prolaznici su poslali riječi podrške, a neki su se razveselili prizorom koji je razbio monotoniju njihovog dana.
En: Onlookers offered words of support, and some found joy in the sight that had broken the monotony of their day.
Hr: Poslije tog nezgodnog pada, Ivanovo raspoloženje nije bilo narušeno.
En: After that awkward fall, Ivan's mood was not affected.
Hr: Svi su se složili da je to bila avantura koju će pamtiti.
En: They all agreed that it was an adventure to remember.
Hr: Petra i Marko su kupili suvenir-suncobrane kako bi zaštitili Ivana od daljnjeg 'pljuskova', dok su se smijali i nastavili uživati u ljepoti Dubrovnika.
En: Petra and Marko bought souvenir umbrellas to protect Ivan from further 'showers' while they laughed and continued to enjoy the beauty of Dubrovnik.
Hr: Ivan je na kraju uspio napraviti veliki broj prekrasnih fotografija Dubrovnika, ali slika Ivana koji viri iz fontane s osmijehom na licu postala je najpopularnija fotografija njihovog putovanja.
En: In the end, Ivan managed to take a large number of beautiful photographs of Dubrovnik, but the picture of Ivan peeking out of the fountain with a smile on his face became the most popular photograph of their trip.
Hr: Podučila ih je da su male nevolje dio života i da ih zajedno mogu pretvoriti u sretne uspomene.
En: It taught them that little mishaps are a part of life and that they could turn them into happy memories together.
Hr: Suton je polako nastupao dok su se troje prijatelja smijali na terasi jednog restorana, dijeleći priče i planirajući svoju sljedeću avanturu.
En: As dusk slowly approached, the three friends laughed on the terrace of a restaurant, sharing stories and planning their next adventure.
Hr: Dubrovnik im je dao puno više od ljepote; dao im je uspomenu koju će zauvijek čuvati u srcima.
En: Dubrovnik had given them much more than beauty; it had given them a memory they would forever cherish in their hearts.